Texas school shooting

Nope, didn't watch vid because what happened was real. Fucked up kid bought a gun(s) and ammo legally right after turning 18, despite admittedly red flags as discussed previously. Many killed..that is real.

We seem to ask different questions and place blame differently. As I said reap what you sow, or at least your children will.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I figured Ted Nugent had to have said something.. He did, the day of the massacre.


Wonder why he resigned from the NRA?

Two points. Ted said criminals don't care about gun laws. No shit, Ted. That's why we need to block them best we can, from getting guns.

and Ted said we should have these people ''under surveillance''.. Huh??!!

The Motherfuckers post online that they want to and intend to kill?! Arrest them right away! Don't just watch them. I don't understand these Gun Nuts who are so soft on crime. They ''watched'' Islamic Terrorists, too. They wait until crimes are committed, like in that Fort Worth Church shooting I argued on and on about, with the fringe right here. Stop crime before it happens God Damn it! Online threats are illegal, Ted. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ted is talking about something like the minority report movie where suspects are surveilled before a crime is comitted.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nope, didn't watch vid because what happened was real. Fucked up kid bought a gun(s) and ammo legally right after turning 18, despite admittedly red flags as discussed previously. Many killed..that is real.

We seem to ask different questions and place blame differently. As I said reap what you sow, or at least your children will. Originally Posted by reddog1951

that video is not from Uvalde. pay attention.
Chung Tran's Avatar
so that is the incident you meant. then you are wrong on every level. completely wrong. you aren't stupid i presume so how do you come to the conclusions you do when the facts completely refute your claims?

so let's refute your nonsense point by point.

first a Church is not private property like a home is, it is a place of business same as a McDonalds. it's a house of worship open to all during hours it is open for service. are you saying Churches should not allow anyone not a regular or a member of the congregation in during services? ridiculous. and against the tenants of the Church which is to welcome all comers who seek worship. what do you want Churches to do? issue ID badges to the congregation and only admit anyone with a badge? have a "bouncer" at the door like a bar? nonsense!

from my link this man was known at the church. he had been there before during services.

During a vigil Monday evening, senior minister Britt Farmer said he had encountered Kinnunen at the church before.


now how do you conclude Teddo or me is "soft on crime" when Teddo said these people should be under surveillance?

i bet this is the first time you've ever seen the actual footage ..

watch this and tell me how this jerk was allowed to murder people while security stood by and did nothing?

they acted immediately the video shows it. there was nothing to tip off anyone he had a gun. so wearing a coat at church is suspicious? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You refuted NOTHING. You just want to argue. Dig up the old thread. You post with no context. You left out the series of events leading to the shooting. You think a 6 second video clears it all up? Balderdash!

Of course the Guard acted fast AFTER 2 people were murdered. So what? You and Nugent are softies, wanting to observe people who make online terrorism threats, LOL. Two tough guys.

Chuches are private property


Why you believe otherwise is baffling. You just want to argue.

I stopped at the far end of a parking lot once, at a mega church, to view a map for 5 minutes. I was easily 300 yards from the building. It wasn't 3 minutes before security pulled up, asked why I was there, and told me to beat it before the Cops were called on me for trespassing. I guess I should have told them to call the Waco Kid, and you would have set them straight.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You refuted NOTHING. You just want to argue. Dig up the old thread. You post with no context. You left out the series of events leading to the shooting. You think a 6 second video clears it all up? Balderdash!

Of course the Guard acted fast AFTER 2 people were murdered. So what? You and Nugent are softies, wanting to observe people who make online terrorism threats, LOL. Two tough guys.

Chuches are private property


Why you believe otherwise is baffling. You just want to argue.

I stopped at the far end of a parking lot once, at a mega church, to view a map for 5 minutes. I was easily 300 yards from the building. It wasn't 3 minutes before security pulled up, asked why I was there, and told me to beat it before the Cops were called on me for trespassing. I guess I should have told them to call the Waco Kid, and you would have set them straight. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

churches are open to any when services are being held. is your house open tomorrow for church services? mine isn't but my house isn't a church.

"Of course the Guard acted fast AFTER 2 people were murdered"

changing your story now? you did watch the video yes? how exactly would that security person know what was about to happen? the article you admit is about this incident states clearly the pastor had not only seen this asshole at this church but had spoken to him and given assistance.

so why should they have denied him access to the service?

tell me how they would have known he had a rifle.

you are the one who is arguing for the sake of it.

the video shows the truth. you can believe it or not but it refutes completely your false ideas about what happened.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree that "something" has to be done. I also think that reverting to 21 as age of majority is a first step. It might also require that the many subjugate a bit of their precious "rights" for the good of the whole...a thought a lot here can't comprehend.

My bigger concern is that such events are a product of the erosion of our societal "norms" over the past 50-60 years...dramatic increase in single parent families, rampant drug abuse, lack of jobs that afford enough income for one parent to support a blue collar family, etc.

Afraid this country is on a downward spiral, exacerbated by the current political divide and bone heads on both sides. I'll likely waft off before the shit storm hits, but I fear it will. I have no children, so don't care too much about my legacy,but that care about their children should bear pause about what we are leaving them with on multiple fronts. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Some people already subjugate those precious rights that you dismiss so easily. They are called soldiers, sailors, airman, and marines. They put aside their own fears, their own precious freedoms to fight those of others. You would strip them of the right to have a drink, smoke, or buy a gun.

So, how about we go to a system where everyone, EVERYONE, has to serve two years in the military in some capacity to earn those rights. Learn some discipline, some skills, and get out of your comfort zone. Congratulations! You are now an adult American with the right to buy a gun, a drink, a smoke, and to vote. What say you Dog?

Plus, we can make it retroactive. If you haven't served, you can't vote.
Chung Tran's Avatar
churches are open to any when services are being held.

the video shows the truth. you can believe it or not but it refutes completely your false ideas about what happened. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No they are not. Only if the Church members allow anyone in. And the video does not refute anything. You will not admit you are wrong. Too prideful. Keep doubling down and embarrassing yourself.

I have posted the context of the event over and over. You refuse to judge the incident in the entire context, but would prefer to skip it in favor of a 6 second news blurb. Intellectual laziness.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Plus, we can make it retroactive. If you haven't served, you can't vote. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
robert Heinlein favored that approach in some of his novels.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
robert Heinlein favored that approach in some of his novels. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

mainly "Starship Troopers"


"Service guarantees Citizenship"


interestingly Heinlein was leaning liberal until he met and married his second wife ..he then became more conservative


Heinlein is part of the "Big Three" of the golden era of Sci-Fi along with his friends Arthur C. Clarke and Issac Asimov, all of which is have read extensively

Heinlein's many quotes on politics are quite insightful including this quote...

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

No they are not. Only if the Church members allow anyone in. And the video does not refute anything. You will not admit you are wrong. Too prideful. Keep doubling down and embarrassing yourself.

I have posted the context of the event over and over. You refuse to judge the incident in the entire context, but would prefer to skip it in favor of a 6 second news blurb. Intellectual laziness. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

you posted an incorrect context which is why i refuse to acknowledge it
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
robert Heinlein favored that approach in some of his novels. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So did David Gerrold. He was the writer most famous for writing The Trouble with Tribbles.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I literally answered those questions you asked earlier today. You refuse to read and believe. I went over and over it 29 months ago in the long thread. You and all the crime softies argued for days.

Briefly, for the 25th time. The Murderer entered the Church in a bulky overcoat. It was 60+ degrees. The Guard admitted the Dude looked suspicious. He admitted he decided to stand close by In CASE TROUBLE was imminent. He (and others) admitted they were very concerned the Shooter might have a concealed weapon.

The Guard kept an eye on the Shooter. An Eagle eye. He thought he could stop him IF something were to happen. 6 seconds was too late. 2 dead. The Guard admitted he was surprised how quickly the Shooter acted.

You disagree, and will never admit being wrong. The Guard should have insisted the Dude remove his coat. Tell him straight, I think you may have a weapon. But he chose the soft approach, thinking he could react in time. Afraid he might offend the shooter.

He pussied out. You don't remember, but Wilson kept rejecting his characterization as a ''Hero''. He and I both know he should have done much more.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I literally answered those questions you asked earlier today. You refuse to read and believe. I went over and over it 29 months ago in the long thread. You and all the crime softies argued for days.

Briefly, for the 25th time. The Murderer entered the Church in a bulky overcoat. It was 60+ degrees. The Guard admitted the Dude looked suspicious. He admitted he decided to stand close by In CASE TROUBLE was imminent. He (and others) admitted they were very concerned the Shooter might have a concealed weapon.

The Guard kept an eye on the Shooter. An Eagle eye. He thought he could stop him IF something were to happen. 6 seconds was too late. 2 dead. The Guard admitted he was surprised how quickly the Shooter acted.

You disagree, and will never admit being wrong. The Guard should have insisted the Dude remove his coat. Tell him straight, I think you may have a weapon. But he chose the soft approach, thinking he could react in time. Afraid he might offend the shooter.

He pussied out. You don't remember, but Wilson kept rejecting his characterization as a ''Hero''. He and I both know he should have done much more. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

prove any of what you claim.

so he should have shot him on suspicion alone? not even cops can do that.

60 degrees? you might be able to make a case if it was 80+ degrees.

the video is the proof. by your odd logic the guard should have gunned him down on suspicion alone.
Chung Tran's Avatar
prove any of what you claim.

so he should have shot him on suspicion alone? not even cops can do that.

the video is the proof. by your odd logic the guard should have gunned him down on suspicion alone. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco, you need sleep. I just said the Guard should have insisted the Dude remove his bulky overcoat. Twice here you ask if he should have shot him on suspicion alone. Of course not. But he should have stopped the Murders before they could occur.

Double, triple, quadruple down. You look sillier and flailing with each post.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco, you need sleep. I just said the Guard should have insisted the Dude remove his bulky overcoat. Twice here you ask if he should have shot him on suspicion alone. Of course not. But he should have stopped the Murders before they could occur.

Double, triple, quadruple down. You look sillier and flailing with each post. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

"I'll get all the sleep i need when i'm dead" - Wade Garrett

you still haven't proved anything you claim. why should he have insisted this fuck remove his coat? because it was 60 degrees? is that all you got?

the video shows you are wrong on all of your conclusions. that fuck was not unknown at the church yet you would have barred him? i see you've stopped making that claim because the testimony of the pastor shows he was known.

what else you got?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Did you finally surrender, Waco? Man you were looking bad. I know you are the argumentive type, it's Sport to you, but this thread made you look really bad. Maybe you passed out from exhaustion?

Edit: no, LOL.

You are failing again. I told you why he should have been asked to remove the overcoat. The video barely shows anything. You keep saying it does. You look pitiful.

He was not known to the Church, other than twice hanging around begging for food. Never as a Church attendee. And the Pastor thought he was creepy from the start.

You want to win your pathetic battle so bad. You look very pitiful. You didn't even remember the incident earlier today. I remember every detail.