My issue here is the disparate treatment of the two "offenders". BP gets off on a technicality but violated the specific wording of the rule. Meanwhile, theCFE, violates the spirit, but not the letter, of the rule, and gets banned. Seems hinky to me. I understand the logic of the interpretation of the rule that saved BP, and I even agree with it. I have yet to understand why theCFE disclosing that she HAS info, but not SHARING said info, is a violation when Rule 20 does not read that way. And logically, it can't be because she didn't give up her source, because the source was known from the beginning. So... Aw, fuck it. I'm glad I'm not a mod.
Originally Posted by TransAm
I said this long ago, the Houston forums are controlled by about 10 alpha male posters.
The Houston mods have long lost control of the Houston forums. Why, I don't know, maybe it comes from the ownership. However this being said, if I were a mod and were held to standards I thought were wrong, I would resign as a mod. It's just not worth it as I would feel that my credibility as a honest and fair mod would be questioned by others. If I were a Houston mod and saw all the bullying and bullshit going on, I would either act on it, or say adios that I didn't need this moderating shit. I would not want my inactivity against someone to be mistaken (by my none action) as my approval of their actions. I hope that nobody feels that this is just my opinion only, no doubt there are others that feel the same way. Houston is no longer a 'fun' forum, whether I'm still active in the hobby or not.
One thing that hasn't been stated in all this bullshit is that reviews and sessions, are for the most part ymmv. People want truth in reviews, yet I bet the complete truth in some reviews are bullshit. I've been around long enough to know things such as grandfathered rates aren't mentioned in reviews. I did the CIM thing with one provider and she asked me not to mention it because others would expect it. How many guys have gotten the BBBJ or BBFS thing with a regular, with no mention in the review, because the provider wouldn't offer this to others?