NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Keenum is the answer!
How to win is the question.
We will be 2-3 soon. Seattle will BEAT OUR ASS. The O will hardly get a first down and all you mother fuckers at the game this week will hear my Big Ass BOOOOOO like a mfer!!! Seatlle's D is legit as fuck. Our O and Kube's Denny's menu is well known. I bet opposing coaches know Kube's Denny menu better than he does. Dumb mother fucker just looks at it, Order the Grand Slam bomb you panzy ass and let Andre or Hopkins come back to the underthrown ball to make the play!!

Another thing, Kube's was defeated even before the kickoff of the Ravens game. That pussy was determined to call a conservative game. He did, the Ravens knew it and he got fucked like a house cat!!! Outcoached like a mother fucker. That would have been the perfect game to put in a more mobile QB, send everybody deep and have him take off running a QB draw, but NOOOOO, let's call a fucking 2 yard pass when we need 8 yds for a first down. Kube's can toss my salad and Schaub can Slob my knob, Fuck em, I hope we run em both out of town as soon as mother fucking possible!!
TheDon's Avatar
Keenum is the answer!
How to win is the question. Originally Posted by Gator42
I love Keenum, loved him here at UH. But man, if we can get one of these studs that are coming out in the draft (there are about 5-7) of them, I don't think we can pass them up.
Daddio, man I understand how you feel bro...but lets keep it in perspective. It's 1 game bro & we got beat by the Super Bowl champs in their stadium. It doesn't quite make or break the season. Yeah, it was a beat down for sure, but the reality is we're 2-1 and in a relatively weak division.

The real question is how we respond this week and the coming weeks. If they turn it around and beat Seattle and San Francisco, everyone will forget about this. If we lose both games, then it's time to be concerned.

I guess I feel different because I supported them when they couldn't win a game if their life depended on it. Now we've won a couple division titles and have a couple playoff wins; now all of a sudden we expect them to win every game.

Come on man, you're better than that bro! Originally Posted by Satin
Apparently not!

We will be 2-3 soon. Seattle will BEAT OUR ASS. The O will hardly get a first down and all you mother fuckers at the game this week will hear my Big Ass BOOOOOO like a mfer!!! Seatlle's D is legit as fuck. Our O and Kube's Denny's menu is well known. I bet opposing coaches know Kube's Denny menu better than he does. Dumb mother fucker just looks at it, Order the Grand Slam bomb you panzy ass and let Andre or Hopkins come back to the underthrown ball to make the play!!

Another thing, Kube's was defeated even before the kickoff of the Ravens game. That pussy was determined to call a conservative game. He did, the Ravens knew it and he got fucked like a house cat!!! Outcoached like a mother fucker. That would have been the perfect game to put in a more mobile QB, send everybody deep and have him take off running a QB draw, but NOOOOO, let's call a fucking 2 yard pass when we need 8 yds for a first down. Kube's can toss my salad and Schaub can Slob my knob, Fuck em, I hope we run em both out of town as soon as mother fucking possible!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Times a wastin', somebody needs to talk him off the ledge. Quick!
A great article in today's Houston Chronicle about QB Envy by Jerome Soloman. it helped me back away from the ledge. If one of you smart guys can find it and post it I would appreciate it. Although if Schaub were on the ledge with me I would push that mfer off and then slap TJ and Case on the ass and say let's go!!

I see the Unknown coach Rick Dennison(who the fuck is he?) Oh the offensive coordinator, that's right, is saying Dopey sucks, maybe unlike Kubes he doesn't want to go down with the ship!!
Not sure if this will work but here is the article.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

What's Popping Fellas?

This Kube conservative shit and Schuab throwin picks within the conservative shit has got me all fucked up too. Truth be told though, these fuckers are here to stay unless the team completely tanks this year. Outside of that, we're what? 2nd in defense regarding yrds allowed? But where are the turnovers and why the fuck is J Jo giving up big plays? Is he hurt or what? I expect that every once in a while from Kareem but not J Jo. Foster was off to a big game but after the team giving up 14 dumb-ass pts in no less than 4 plays fucked that shit up. Games like that can almost make a fucktards dick go limp... almost

Seattle's got a lock down secondary and strong pass rush. Kubes conservative shit might actually work for this game provided its close. Short yard gains and running the clock may do some good. If only we could change the pace and hurry up the O a little every once in a while. But when your O-line can outrun your QB, good luck with that. IDK. If Foster/Tate cant get it done, bring in JJ Watt and let him run the ball. I'd like to see that big fucker beat up on some LB's for a few then bring back Foster/Tate to polish them hoes off. Where the fuck is our Full Back this year? Do we even have one? I miss Leach.

And if Dopey is going to throw more picks, throw them down-field jump ball picks. Those are fine with me. That also brings to mind the PA's these fucking refs been missing. Maybe they are as shocked as I am to see Schaub throw the ball 15yrds or greater. Do that shit more often and maybe they'll start calling it--Especially on 2nd and shorts and 3rd and longs. Fuckers.

Last year we peaked early, I'd rather we fuck up early and peak late. Maybe I'm a dumb fuck but I think we got this game, after the last game which we basically gave away (penalties, pick 6, special teams)... Texans are pissed! Fans pissed! We're underdogs! The game is at Reliant! The last time we really got our asses whooped (GB) we came out and butt fucked the would-be champs.. I tend to think this pressure brings a much needed edge...

Win this game and I'll bring back that Stat-N-Snatch sipping a spiked Sonic Slushy come Tuesdaty.. opps I mean Tuesday..
BigLouie's Avatar
The 49ers look very beatable and so do the Rams. Note that the Seattle is a totally different team on the road.
From the way things look to the fan..the only way Houston is going to NOT lose this Sunday is if a hurricane blows into town and the game is cancelled!
One Eye knows How to get me fired up. Bounce that cup baby!! Nice!!!

I am torn, I almost want us to just suck the rest of the year so we can punt Schaub and Kubes but I am too competitive to actually want that!! Maybe with our shitty O line Dopey will get jacked and we can see TJ or Case, this is a good possibility as the line is pretty awful. TJ or Case would survive better with our O line, they can move and have a better pocket presence.

We will have trouble scoring Sunday no doubt about that. D will hold for a while but will give up some big plays when JJ can't catch Wilson. 24 - 10 Seahawks.

Boos will reign down from my section for Kubes and Dopey!!!
Boos will reign down from my section for Kubes and Dopey!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Apparently you are looking forward to attending the game and booing. I prefer to go to a game hoping to cheer the Texans to victory. As opposed to booing them to defeat!

I suppose to each their own!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-28-2013, 10:47 AM
My 2 favorite posters....going at it again...

Daddio, I sent you a text but try to tailgate with us tomorrow if you can...we will be there early. I'm going to cheer them on as well BT, I have a feeling they're gonna do well and surprise people....
I'm going to cheer them on as well BT, I have a feeling they're gonna do well and surprise people.... Originally Posted by Satin
I hope you're right but win, lose or draw I will always pull for the hometown team. Hell, I still cheer for the 'Stros. That's commitment!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-28-2013, 02:40 PM
What?!! You mean you don't give up, think the team sucks and the season is over after losing 1 game like most people do? lol I'm right there with ya bro....

Now the Stros, that's another story. I don't care about or follow baseball, but I do happen to know they have the worst record in baseball and will lose over 100 games again this year... So you're right, you ARE committed!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Seabirds by 10 or better! Sorry, guys! (: