NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
By Schaub throwing that pick six on third down showed that Kubs wanted to go for the win. Had he just elected to "run the ball again" we would have punted and their offense would have had to have gone the distance of the field for a TD. Who knows whether or not they would have scored. But with the way our defense was playing, I would not have bet on them getting six.
Wakeup's Avatar
Kubiak? Go for the win?


TheDon's Avatar
You're right, sill me, going play action was obviously the conservative call in that situation.
Wakeup's Avatar
Did you see his previous five play action plays? Turtleboy...looking for a place to fall down before he gets hit.

Look, I admire your sticktoitiveness...I'm not doom and glooming the rest of the season or advocating anything, I'm simply making observations, and if you think that I'm the only person in the sports world who is going to be questioning that play, or many other plays in the second half, then I guess there's nothing else to say...
TheDon's Avatar
Yeah, Schaub was taking sacks late, that's fine though, those plays were he buckles down and falls eats up clock, it's better than in-completions/interceptions which stops the clock/gives other team possession. Schaub turtleing up would have been the best thing to do on that play. Second best (and only other option) would have been to throw the ball out of play. But he did the one thing you couldn't do on that play; throw a pick...

I never said you were a "doom and gloom" guy, Wakeup. I just don't see how you can pin those errors on Kubs being conservative. The O-line had one of it's better days run-blocking, Tate and Foster both ran great, it's not on Kubs that Tate fumbled and Schaub threw a pick, those two guys are the one's at fault here.

I didn't mind being conservative at all in the second half, particularly in the 4th, being up 20-6, with the way our defense was playing, there was no reason at all to throw the ball. Now had we been up 20-17, that is much different. We were up 14 points with 8 minutes to go, and like you said, we were going with play action fakes late in the game, how is that being overly conservative? Those are the plays Kubs run when he's running his normal offense, and those are the plays he called to build up the lead. The stretch runs or hand-offs are our "go to" conservative plays. We don't run a a ton of plays out of different formations and fling the ball like the Saints or Eagles. We are a running football team, Schaub is just there to manage the game.

Play action is about as aggressive or fancy as we get in our offense. Now if you want to trash him for being conservative in general, that's fine, that's nothing new. But for this game today, I don't see what else he could have done to put his guys in a better position to win the game. This loss was on the players more so than the coaching.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Heh...we get up 20-3 at half and Kubiak starts thinking, "awesome, all we have to do now is run out the clock for...30 minutes"...

Next time, how about you try to win the game, instead of trying not to lose it... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No shit, no "Killer Instinct". Do you think "The Hoodie" and Brady would have let up? No and that's why they are consistently a threat for going to the playoffs or further.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

This about sums it up.
Wakeup's Avatar
You didn't post the one where he felt pressure and turtled up on the ground without anyone even touching him...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-30-2013, 11:09 AM
We see that one all the time anyway.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Don't think I need to mention where this was taken.
Wakeup's Avatar
Found it...

Can you credit an offensive player with a sack? The slo-mo is awesome...
69Mustang's Avatar
I've been saying it for four years (ever since the Jets debacle): Kubiak is a piss-poor head coach and should be fired. Can you even imagine this team with a real coach and good QB? Think of Brady/Manning/Rogers running this offense...
From Randy Harvey's article in the Houston Chronicle this morning. "Seattle coach Pete Carroll said the Seahawks on Friday practiced defending the play, a bootleg pass to the tight end, even concluding with Sherman's celebrating after a pick six"

Kubes needs to update the Denny's menu!!! Even a douche like Pete Carroll knows it's coming!!

I checked this site at halftime thinking that Bigtex might have been chirping about Dopey's first half performance. Bigtex? Where you At? You on the ledge now???

TJ and Case must really fucking suck not to even get the chance. I wish we had Mike Tomlin, did you see his post game speech, he was hot!!! Unlike Kubes, ah jee whillikers it's on me. I watched the channel 13 wrap up show last night and that's the first thing out of that dumb mother fuckers mouth, "it's on me". Damn straight it is!! Kubes is going down with the ship!!
MrClark's Avatar
One of you might be Shaub no one else thinks he is playing well. Wilson is in his second year and they trust him to adlib or change the play. Matt is 32 been here 7 and he just runs what they send in .The only way he will take them to the super bowl is if he buys them tickets with his overpaid contract .Kubiac is still living in the days when 14 points was a good lead and you could run the clock out.
Wakeup's Avatar
Like I said...did someone see the previous five bootleg play action plays he ran before the INT? Not exactly awe inspiring...but hey, let's run it again! It's bound to work this time right?