How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

  • Tiny
  • 10-12-2020, 10:05 PM
Once Upon a time in America
eccieuser9500's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It's getting late and I'm sleepy. Yes,


Thanks for making this fun.
winn dixie's Avatar
Lefties look at the very skewed negative numbers!

When they should be looking at the + 2 million lives saved by President Trump!

Thank You Mr. President!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Because 200,000 bodies is nothing to a mass murder. Right.

Originally Posted by winn dixie

John H. Reagan, US Senator, CSA Postmaster Gen.

Reagan was imprisoned with Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens at Fort Warren in Boston, where Reagan spent twenty-two weeks in solitary confinement. On August 11, he wrote an open letter to his fellow Texans urging cooperation with the Union, renunciation of the secession convention, the abolition of slavery, and letting freed slaves vote. He warned of military rule that would enforce these policies if Texans did not voluntarily adopt them. For this, he was denounced by Texans. He was released from prison later that year and returned home to Palestine in December.

Return to public life

To those who felt that the Reconstruction was unduly harsh, his prescience was hailed—he became known as the "Old Roman," a Texas Cincinnatus. He was part of the successful effort to remove Republican Edmund J. Davis from the governorship in 1874, after Davis attempted to illegally remain in office after he had lost the election.

John Henninger Reagan was a pussy who flipped out when he couldn't do two weeks in jail without writing a letter that contradicted his convictions. When he returned to Palestine he was hailed a false hero. 1 [Although Cincinnatus has long been considered a heroic representation of the virtuous Roman citizen, there are some historians who doubt the story altogether, claiming it to be nothing more than a myth.]

The avatar.

Shame shame.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Dydfe weed cures COVID bru
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Internal Documents Reveal COVID-19 Hospitalization Data The Government Keeps Hidden

The documents show that detailed information hospitals report to HHS every day is reviewed and analyzed — but circulation seems to be limited to a few dozen government staffers from HHS and its agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health, according to distribution lists reviewed by NPR. Only one member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Admiral Brett Giroir, appears to receive the documents directly.

‘Helping the president’: HHS official sought to rebrand coronavirus campaign

According to a separate document identified as “Celebrity Participant Status Chart,” only 10 celebrities were ultimately approved to participate in the campaign, including Quaid, singer Garth Brooks and television host Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Meanwhile, comedian George Lopez had committed to appearing in the campaign, having been promised a sit-down with Fauci, according to separate documents reviewed by POLITICO. But Atlas’ notes of a Sept. 29 meeting with Trump officials states that the Lopez ad was “not moving forward due to previous concerns regarding his comments regarding the President.”

adav8s28's Avatar

When they should be looking at the + 2 million lives saved by President Trump!
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fake Math!
texassapper's Avatar
Current death toll is 227,045 on the CDC site. We know that number is likely over reported, but probably not under reported.

Here's some of the dumbasses predictions. (Remember this when you read who they think will win the White House!)

ADAV8s28 - 1,569,600 deaths. WRONG
Tiny - 260,000 . Over stated but not by much. CORRECT
The_Waco_Kid - 75,000 WRONG
eccieuser9500 - 75-100K WRONG
dilbert firestorm - 85K WRONG
Jacuzzme - 41,806 WRONG
Chung Tran - 310,000 WRONG
Dr. Anthony Fauci: 150,000* WRONG
Dr. Deborah Birx: 172,000* WRONG
Dr. James Lawler: 480,000 WRONG

*Average of high and low estimates
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Participate in the poll or better yet give us a number. My number is 260,000. That's from assuming a 20% infection rate and 0.4% mortality rate of people infected:

327,000,000 people x 0.2 infection rate x .004 mortality rate = 260,000 deaths

You've got experts in epidemiology and public health predicting everything between 10,000 and 1.5 million deaths, so none of us nimrods is going to blow a hole in whatever estimate you throw out. Originally Posted by Tiny
Current death toll is 227,045 on the CDC site. We know that number is likely over reported, but probably not under reported.

Here's some of the dumbasses predictions. (Remember this when you read who they think will win the White House!)

ADAV8s28 - 1,569,600 deaths. WRONG
Tiny - 260,000 . Over stated but not by much. CORRECT
The_Waco_Kid - 75,000 WRONG
eccieuser9500 - 75-100K WRONG
dilbert firestorm - 85K WRONG
Jacuzzme - 41,806 WRONG
Chung Tran - 310,000 WRONG
Dr. Anthony Fauci: 150,000* WRONG
Dr. Deborah Birx: 172,000* WRONG
Dr. James Lawler: 480,000 WRONG

*Average of high and low estimates Originally Posted by texassapper

eccieuser9500's Avatar
323,001 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Gracias senor Originally Posted by Tiny

What is our margin of error?
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2020, 10:15 AM
More importantly - if

biden wins - Who are the DPST's gonna BLAME - for them - it is about blame - not responsibility - and they will continue to blame Trump all the way to 2025 january - if biden wins.

and they will do nothing constructive in regards to 'controlling' the pandemic -

biden's "Pan" - is hot air - there is no plan - if there were - the DPST's are playing politics with people's Lives by not bringing their solution to the table for the American People!!!
But - More deaths is what DPST want, desire, and plan to earn - and blame trump- likely to provide a basis for criminal prosecution by cyrus Vance.

Typical DPST's - happy to sacrifice millions of Americans for their plans for Power and authority in perpetuity!

Troll that 9500 and DPST's - tell us about biden's Plan to control the wuhan virus pandemic!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2020, 10:20 AM
Once Upon a time in America Originally Posted by Tiny

One of the better movies ever done - deNiro and James Woods. Worth the watch.
Along with the best western ever made - Once upon a time in the West - Henry Fonda,. Charles Bronson, and Claudia Cardinale at her best!
The best western ever made!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Little, little shit.