Who is suiram77 express your opinion

Sure will - anything for the cause. Donate $100 and I’ll promise not to post my taint. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Good GOD, Pyramider...Pony up the bucks !!!
NOBODY wants to see that !!!

pyramider's Avatar
But the ladies might want to see it.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Nobody wants to see my taint - as pretty as some may picture my taint being, trust me it’s worth $100 for you to not have to worry about unseeing it.
corona's Avatar
Sure will - anything for the cause. Donate $100 and I’ll promise not to post my taint. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
3 sides right now
Attached Images File Type: jpg taint.jpg (94.8 KB, 136 views)
Grace Preston's Avatar
Goal is hit! Thank you so much to those who contributed! Now-- Pyra-- if you want to still donate and spare the board from the taint of Eccie214-- I won't object. At this point, if anyone kicks in-- it will just go towards extra smaller things. All 3 "main gifts" that my kids asked for for Christmas have been ordered.

If anything, this should be a reminder. I know lately that the trolling on the boards seems to have taken a sharp turn upward. But the end of this thread is a reminder that deep down, the good outweighs the bad around here. It is important for me to point out that out of everyone who has kicked in up to this point-- I've not been BCD with any of them and I've only briefly met a couple of them. That speaks volumes, in my opinion.
TheEccie214's Avatar
That’s awesome Grace!

On topic, suriam is a coward, a liar, and a true loser.
pmdelites's Avatar
here's the run-up to this <insertYourFavoriteAdjective > story.

====>the short form:
1. suiram posted on 10-18 that he would give $500 to anyone who can tell me what those numbers in my sig line mean, and what it stand for. (even posted that it's some secret government stuff)
2. that evening, Grace Preston thinks it looks like a cyptogram and sets out to decode it.
3. by afternoon of 10-19, grace thinks she's decoded it and posted her results.
4. by late that afternoon, threepeckeredbillygoat calls him out.
5. w/in 30 mins, suiram says she hasnt figured it out, but then says that if anyone
tells himwhat that statement is, he will that person the $500 immediately.
6. by late that nite, several more have called him out, including TheEccie214.
7. suiram quickly responds by posting he will personally give theEccie 5 crisp $100 bills for grace. then says he'll leave it on the counter, then to his barber, etc. etc.
8. by early morning of the 21st, suiram changes the conditions - whoever goes there will have to log in on eccie to prove to suiram who they are.
9. by late morning of the 21st, pmdelites asks suiram to pls chk his pvtmsgs.
10. on afternoon of 23rd, pmdelites goes to the salon, meets some large duhrag wearing dreadlocks african american guy who essentially tells him - "you a fool, no money for gracy!"
11. suiram gets what he asked for when he started this thread "Who is suiram77 express your opinion"
pyramider sums it up well @ 10-23-2017, 06:14 PM
Suriam lost a bet to a girl with cancer. Then he would not pay the girl or her self appointed representative. I am sure Suriam has a valid excuse.

see my next thread for the exchanges i had with suiram.

====>selected posts from the thread.
suiram77 started it all @ 10-17-2017, 12:24 PM

suiram77 @ 10-18-2017 7:04pm:
I will prove that you IQ is not right here in my sig line. Those numbers mean something and here is another challenge for the community who think they so bright and I’m so stupid. I will give $500 to anyone who can tell me what those numbers in my sig line mean, and what it stand for. No one won the other challenge in the other thread, so let’s see if you genuineness can get this extremely hard shit correct. Do yourself a favor and don’t even try, because Albert Einstein couldn’t figure this crazy shit out. Lmao you have until Friday midnight. Let’s go babeby!!!!
(he's since replaced the original numbers w/ a long string of characters. grace posted the original numbers in post #116)

suiram77 @ 10-18-2017 8:10pm:
...Lmao you got it chung buddy, but nope not this time buddy. The shit is extremely hard, I recently sat down with a math Wiz at Miami university and he is a real genius and he taught me how to decode things with numbers it took me like 5 hours to even remotely understand. Some genus level type shit for real. I didn’t even know numbers even meant anything, but it does lol. But love the response Chung.

suiram77 @ 10-18-2107 9:17pm:
....Originally Posted by Grace Preston
....Looks like an anagram/cryptogram. If I have time tomorrow, I may decode it for funsies.
Not even close gracy lol, but good luck boo.

suiram77 @ 10-18-2107 9:34pm:
....Originally Posted by TheEccie214 View Post
....I have $500 that says he doesn’t know what an anagram is. He’s not even smart enough to Google it. I’m saying the Op is stupid thus staying on topic.
Figure the numbers out genius and let’s see who is stupid lmao. SMHD

suiram77 @ 10-18-2107 10:20pm:
Well he is a math wiz at a university, and not my buddy, but I understand your meaning. Very interesting gracy, it’s honestly really no need for no one to try, because only him and I know what it means and he is not on eccie to my knowledge.

suiram77 @ 10-18-2107 10:33pm:
Cool, well don’t reck your brain trying to figure it out sun chip, and no I will never reveal it because it’s to heavy for this place. I don’t want to give up what I was taught a few days ago this soon. I may teach someone in my RW life how to decode numbers one day, but not any time soon.

Grace Preston @ 10-19-2017, 02:52 PM:
Here is what I have so far-- (lists what the four lines are after decoding, posts an update at 4:00pm)

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 4:45pm:
Not even close as I told you in pm, ... All the numbers in my sig line was giving to me gracy by an outside source, and the code is government related, which is why it will be so hard to figure out. ...

Grace Preston @ 10-19-2017, 4:56 PM
Its ok, Pink Starburst. You were bested. I won't make you admit it. I know how hard it is to grasp the concept that a hooker can rock a stratospheric IQ.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 5:12pm:
Well if you came up with all that from numbers then you do have a very high IQ, but that still don’t make you right.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 5:52pm:
....Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
....You know Gace figured it out.
...Apparently Suiram77 is retarded and now a liar if you are claiming she didn't nail it.
...Pay the lady, or be known as the lying punk bitch of icky

Boy bye, she didn’t figure out shit, what she said is what I said on the boards, so at best a huge coincidence that the numbers was words. I’m telling you what my guy said it is. There is no spaces or number by number, she has to tell me what all the numbers mean collectively. It’s one statement not 4 lines of sentences, why don’t you try to figure it out genius.

BLM69 @ 10-19-2017, 06:27 PM:
Hey Suiram77, post up your formula to prove who's right or wrong

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 6:27pm:
Well it would be grace if you can figure out what it say now gracy with all the numbers together like it was supposed to be in the first place. You can’t change something and make it what you want it to say or fit. As a whole all the numbers together is a statement, so again please tell me what that statement is and I will wire you the $500 immediately.

Grace Preston @10-19-2017 6:32pm:
Suiram-- don't worry about defending yourself from me.. I've already told you-- I did it for funsies. I spent hours doing these things when I was a kid.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 7:22pm:
I never said it was a code or has a formula gracy, I said it was a statement, and in pm I did tell you it was government related. These numbers are the numbers he showed me what he had said using numbers, and no one on eccie is even remotely in this statement and has nothing to do with any one here. I told you in pm and I think on here that I wouldn’t reveal what it say or how he taught me, because what it is saying and mean is to heavy for this place. If the government was to see it and try to figure it out which would still be a huge task for them, an if they did get it. I can assure you I will most likely get a call from the sercret service asking me to remove it, but they know I don’t have to, because they know 99 percent of ppl on earth wouldn’t be able to get it.

... All I said was if you or anyone can figure it out I will give money to who did. It was never meant to be a topic or challenge for anyone, but you said you love puzzles and stuff like this so I said cool. Have at it boo.

pyramider @ 10-19-2017 10:15pm:
Pretty piss poor to not pay up to a woman with cancer. If you don't have the money just say so. I am sure Grace will work out a payment plan for you.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2107 10:54pm:
Can’t pay her something she didn’t figure out ball sack. Grace came up with her own theory, but it was not the correct one.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2017 11:19pm:
....Originally Posted by TheEccie214
On topic, the Op is totally full of shit. Says he’s “rich as fuck” but didn’t pay anyone for his secret acronym or his stupid code.
Not paying Grace is the final straw for me, this guy is a total loser.
... Grace didn’t get shit correct Eric, But I will personally give you her money to give to her.

feel free to come pick up her money for her on Monday, when I will be back in dallas. I will be at address below on Monday October the 23rd from noon to 2pm, and I will make sure I have it ready for you in a white envelope that says for grace.

5964 W Parker Rd Plano tx Phenix salon suites next to Tom Thumb off DNT

Please PM me if you can’t make it so I don’t wait on you thanks Eric.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2017 11:22pm:
Double post on system, but so worth reading twice are you coming Eric? Monday my good buddy I will have 5 crisp $100 bills for your friend gracy.

suiram77 @ 10-19-2017 11:29pm:
I told Eric that I will pay you he has to just come pick up your money for you since he obviously lives next door to you, and is so upset and angry that I said you didn’t win. I don’t want you wk to feel bad, but if they going to wk and back you then they should be able to come pick up your money for you.

But I know what I’m dealing with here with their mask on, so unfortunately I’m sorry grace, it doesn’t look like you will be able to get your money that they believe you won. ...

suiram77 @ 10-19-2017 11:40pm:
Eric please don’t let grace down you have a great opportunity to show her the white knights matter here and pick her money up. I will even leave it with my barber to give to you, if you are concerned about your health. I got plenty of shit to do Monday and all next week, so your call my good buddy. Eric is my favorite hobbyist here, he is always kind to me.

hotindallas @ 10-20-2017 10:23am:
To sum things up and to give a final answer to the OP's originating question:

S77 is a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard.

GracePreston @ 10-20-2017 1:44pm:
You're a liar. I know you're a liar. You know you're a liar. And everyone who has read this thread knows it as well. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things.

Now as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with this nonsense. As I said many times-- I never expected to actually be paid for solving it. I knew before I even finished the first line that you posted it to toss another joke my way. Its ok boo.. you've helped me gain the attention of newcomers who weren't aware of my skills before.

suiram77 @ 10-20-2017 2:39pm:
BLM I did offer to pay her and she said don’t worry about it. I post a few pages back that I will pay her wk Eric214 or any of her wk here. I even posted the address where they can come pick up the money on Monday when I fly back in from Miami, but no one offer to pick her money up for her. I’m not sending the money to Grace, because she didn’t get shit right, and I can careless about her wk jumping on her bandwagon or shall I say her pussy and saying she was correct, like if they ass is holding the answer sheet lmfao get the fuck out here.

I will only give it to one of them to give to her, I’m old school in that way, in which if you believe someone should be compensated for something they won or earn then ok come get the money. ...

hotindallas @ 10-20-2017 2:39pm:
S77 is a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard who is only happy when he is the center of attention of everyone around him.

suiram77 @ 10-20-2017 3:05pm:
No she didn’t get it correct BLM, ... That’s totally bull shit, and I’m only offering to still pay her because her white knights is crying that mama gracy didn’t get her money, so I said well I will be at my barber for 2 hours on Monday, ... Eric214 is butthurt ad really upset the most so I told him well just stop by and I will have her money in a white envelope with her name on it, so you can make sure she gets it. What real fucking man want say cool I will be there buddy, and come get a LADY as he calls her money, if he believes she deserves it.

A real fucking man will come pick her money up, but a lil crying ass boy pussy want. I even said BLM, that if you are concerned about your health, then I will leave it with the receptionist up front as soon as you walk in, ...

threepeckeredbillygoat @ 10-20-2017, 04:01 PM:
commenting on what suiram77 posted @ 10-19-2107 6:27pm:
Lying again suiram. You said you would wire the money immediately.

You only changed it after you knew the gal smacked your ignorant ass down and outsmarted you. And now it's a come and get the money thing knowing damn good and well you would be sending someone on a wild goose chase.

unit12 @ 10-20-2017, 09:53 PM:
... So tell me S77, where can I meet you at 11:55 to get this money ... (tho he thinks suiram will be there on a saturday; suiram corrects him in the next post)

suiram77 @ 10-21-2017 3:13am:
No more talking, I’m done with all this beef garbage troll shit you hoes are doing. I have read enough. Make sure if you come that you have your phone with you, because you are going to have to log in on eccie and prove to me who you are. I will not be giving gracy money to the wrong person. If you have not been one of the wk trolls here talking shit, then don’t waste your time, because I want be dealing with you, only the wk trolls that is pissed off, because I’m not paying gracy directly.

... so I will be waiting for whoever. Please PM me on Monday morning to let me know who is coming so I can document it and expect you. I am only giving the money to one person, and you are going to have to agree to take a pic of the money as I give it to you,

Lucas McCain @ 10-21-2017 3:31am:
So what happened to you just leaving it at the front desk you lying clown? It's bad enough that you are giving some bullshit address for some sucker to show up to collect her money, but now if they show up at that address, they're going to look like a fool for asking for suiram. Leave it at the front desk retard like you said you would.

suiram77 @ 10-21-2017 3:40am:
... why wouldn’t they want to meet me I’m not leaving my money no damn where I will give it to them face to face,

pmdelites @ 10-21-2017, 11:01 AM
suiram77, pls chk your pvtmsgs as last nite i sent you a msg wrt collecting the 500$ for grace.

Grace Preston @ 10-23-2017, 02:31 PM
Although I loathe posting in this thread after saying I was done-- my hand has been forced.

Though it will come as no surprise to anyone here-- a long time trusted regular friend of mine (and long time-trusted member of the board) did make arrangements with Suiram to meet and collect today via text. Suiram was a no-show of course. The gentleman will be posting the specifics later on this evening.

BLM69 @ 10-23-2017, 05:35 PM
I can't believe he was a no show after sounding serous about today, we'll see what happens when he responds.
pmdelites's Avatar

and here are summaries/paraphrases of private msg exchanges that i had with suiram about the 500$ before the meetup and during the meetup.
  • Friday 10-20
* 10:41pm : i pvtmsg'd grace and got her okay to arrange to pick up the 500$ from suiram. she replied shortly thereafter that i was "more than welcome to attempt" to collect.

* 11:33 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram that grace said i could act on her behalf. told him i would be at the salon about 130-145 on monday. i sent my hobby ph# and also added that if i could not make it monday, i could do so w/in the next 2 wks or 30 days per his comment in the thread:
"I will give anyone who cares enough 30 days to come pick up her money for her. I am only going to be home in Dallas for 2 weeks on Monday, so there should be no excuse."
  • Sat 10-21
i was out of town w/ friends all day saturday.

* 04:31 PM : suiram pvtmsgs me that i needed to have my ass there to get her money "fuck boy". he wrote that i should pm him when i'm 10 mins away, he would wait in the lobby, and i would have to log in to eccie and prove it’s me. then wrote that if i wasnt willing to do that, then dont waste my time. then wrote that i should be a "real fucking man" to come when he was there and to get this ho's money that she did not win.

* 11:29 PM : after getting home, i read the above pvt msg and pvtmsg'd him that i was planning on being there monday. i would either pvtmsg him when i was 10 mins away or that i wouldnt be able to make it.
  • Mon 10-23
* 01:08 PM : suiram pvtmsgs me that i had 40 mins to get there "pussy". since i post on eccie (and elsewhere?) w/ lots of shit, i now had my chance to be a "hero" and pick up the money that he thought i thought she earned (i have never stated that). he wrote that he would be in the lobby and that i should pm when i got there.

* 01:30 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram that i arrived and would be in the lobby in a few minutes (i wanted some time to decompress after a 30mins freeway drive).
about 1:35 or so, i walked into the lobby - no one was there, not even at the receptionist counter. i walked all thru the salons looking in rooms for a guy. i saw two asian (vietnamese?) guys talking w/ some asian stylists and one anglo-american guy in a salon getting his hair cut. everyone else was a female stylist or customer. i walked outside and leaned up against the lobby window cos it was nicer to be outside than inside.

* 01:41 PM : suiram pvtmsgs me - his "boy" said no one was in the lobby, that he was in the barber chair, and i should pvtmsg him when i was in the lobby.

* 01:44 PM : after i got outside, i pvtmsg'd suiram that i was outside.
01:46 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram to describe what i was wearing.
one of the asian guys walks out of the salon, goes a few storefronts down, and sits down to smoke a cigarette and look at his smartphone.

a few minutes later, a tall and large african american guy w/ dreadlocks and a durag walks into the salons. i say "hey" and he continues inside. i decide to walk in and sit in the lobby.
i'm there for a few minutes when the dreadlock guy comes into the lobby and asks me if i'm waiting for someone. i tell him "suiram" twice. he asks "what for". i reply to collect an envelope.
the gist of his response was that suiram told him to tell me that suiram wasnt going to give me the money and that i was a fool for coming. i said ok, but i'm here before 2 o'clock per msgs and am ready to collect the envelope.
he then went on about how i'm a hero or tough guy, was here to collect money that she didnt win, and believed she did win, etc. etc. etc. i said again that i was just here to collect the envelope and that it was before 2 o'clock.
he restated his lines and then added "well, i dont read those boards, but make sure you tell everyone there that he wasnt gonna give you/her any money."
since this wasnt going anywhere, i get up to walk out and told dreadlock guy "fine, just tell him that i was here before 2 o'clock and that it was HIS choice to not give me the envelope." he starts again w/ more of the same, so i repeat my two points, leave the salons and walk out, taking the long way back to my car.

* 01:59 PM : by the time i get to my car, i see that suiram pvtmsg'd me - he said he was going to send his buddy to delivery a "special message". if i didnt like the messsage then i could feel free "to come take my money."

* 02:01 PM : PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram and ask which salon he is in so i'll can come collect the money (i made sure i never said "take" the money).

* 02:04 PM : suiram pvtmsgs me - he said that he told his boy to let me know that i was not "getting a damn thing."

* 02:08 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram - i replied that i was responding to his "if you dont like the message, come take my money." then re-iterated that if he was deciding NOT to give the money, fine - that was HIS choice and that i was only there to receive it, not take it.

* 02:15 PM : suiram pvtmsgs me - saying that was not his understanding from my postings on "the boards". then said that while i talk shit there, i didn’t do shit when "his boy" showed up. he said he now knows me and that i should just go home to my family (btw, i dont have any family here in dallas, only on the west coast).

i waited in my car to see if anyone came out of the salon. about 10 mins later, i see the anglo american guy walk out, go to his honda cr-v, and then leave.

* 02:27 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram - not knowing who's who, i tease/troll him and say "nice haircut, mr. cr-v"

* 03:31 PM : about an hour later i receive the last pvtmsg from suiram. he says i'm clueless, that he parked in the back (cos he knows the owner), said that since i didnt shit talk to "my bro" i shouldnt start shit talking now (saying "nice haircut" is shit talking??). even called me "Santa clause" (btw, i'm not anglo-american). and ends with an imperative tense to not contact him any more as "we are done".

* 03:59 PM : i pvtmsg'd suiram - i tease/troll him one more time and say "i wont pm you any more. oh shit, i already did."
pmdelites's Avatar

i think i spent more time compiling the run-up and summarizing my exchanges that i did waiting and talking w/ mr. durag. oh well, i had plenty of time in between emails and phone calls over the last few days.

also, if you decide to reply to either of my two previous posts by clicking on "Quote" - pls only include what you want to comment on (delete other text). that way, we dont use up any more storage space on suiram than necessary.

have a deliteful weekend! i'm going camping w/ friends.
pmdelites's Avatar
THANKS to the eccie user that i contacted about this. on monday, he drove quite a distance to meet me in one of the stores in the shopping center before i went to the salon. i let him know my plan and asked him to be an observer. he was in his car in the parking lot and observed me and mr durag going into and out of the salon.

he will decide if he wants to step forward.

Grace Preston's Avatar
THANKS to the eccie user that i contacted about this. on monday, he drove quite a distance to meet me in one of the stores in the shopping center before i went to the salon. i let him know my plan and asked him to be an observer. he was in his car in the parking lot and observed me and mr duhrag going into and out of the salon.

he will decide if he wants to step forward.

THANKS AGAIN! Originally Posted by pmdelites
I would also like to thank this secondary observer-- I didn't like the thought of one of my board friends walking into a potential situation without some backup... especially since Suiram loves to bloviate about how "manly" he is.
corona's Avatar
as was expected, big bad tough pussy boy talks shit all week, goes back on everything he said, then pretends it isn't him when someone shows up to receive the $$$ he offered.

(pussy ass, dread wearin, probably stanks like shit, low rent, wanna be tough guy)

Keyboard warrior can't put up, so he should shut up.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Grace got her money so thanks to the guys here it ends well.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Grace got her money so thanks to the guys here it ends well. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Yep! And at this point, its probably best we just put this thread to bed. Nothing comes from giving him any further attention on the boards. The best treatment for a disease like Suiram is silence.
Dang people....let it go. Unless you or S77....why give a F. Raise the posts up, not keep them down. No wonder ladies don't post on here n keep this broke ass going...much lol