Enough is Enough

dearhunter's Avatar
What is the yell on this team.........GUTTERSNIPE?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Fuck that........I'm switching sides Originally Posted by dearhunter
Dearhunter just remembered that Wakeup owes him lunch.

What is the yell on this team.........GUTTERSNIPE? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I thought it was, "String him up!"
TexasGator's Avatar
What is the yell on this team.........GUTTERSNIPE? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I thought it was, "String him up!" Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I resemble those remarks!

Fuck that........I'm switching sides Originally Posted by dearhunter
Quoth McKenzie: "Nevermore."
chicagoboy's Avatar
I resemble those remarks!

Originally Posted by TexasGator

TG would have us believe he's a well-hung gator.
blowpop's Avatar
I've hoped for more civility here for quite a while, and said as much. As you'd expect, I've been verbally attacked for daring to call out the jerks who keep acting out for attention.

The bottom line is that the board owners are fine with how things are, and there is a cadre of individuals who feel better about themselves by attacking others (typically women, which explains why their sad little lives revolve around a hobby message board.) This is the ugly side of anonymity: Those who feel powerless in the real world where there are consequences to their actions act out their fantasies when they're put into an environment without repercussions. This is their only chance to swing their dicks around, so swing they do. Unless the owners decide to actually enforce their rules, nothing will change.

(Why do the owners tolerate it? Simple math. Ad revenue is based on clicks. Every time one of the assholes gets into a pissing match with someone, click-click-click-click-click. These clowns are the owners' trained monkeys, spending hours each day making someone else money, and getting nothing in return, other than virtual pats on the back from the other trained monkeys. Sad, isn't it?)

So nothing is going to change. Our resident assholes are going to keep being assholes. The owners are going to keep getting revenue based on their misbehavior. The best thing you can do if you don't want to read their BS is to put them on ignore. Not surprisingly, these guys rarely if ever share any actual hobby information on the board, so you won't be missing anything of value.

A good friend of mine on the board reminded me about the wisdom of mud wrestling with a pig. It's an apt analogy. Ignore the assholes, and focus on what's important to you.
I think another top 10 list would be just the trial we need to see who can keep the nice... and who can't. btw, I only have 3 points left just as testament to how I bring the nice.
Blow pups top 10 asshole list ? I'd buy that for a dollar !

LD - you and I can go on vacation together . 3 points left also .
dearhunter's Avatar
wait.........is blowpup on the mean side or the nice side..........who decides who is on what side?
gearslut's Avatar
Will we never return to the halcyon days of taking a dump at a provider incall? I think that's when we were really at our best. Too bad you missed out on that one Hope and Change Bear.
Sarunga's Avatar
Kinda funny how it seems WU keeps being mentioned. While he has his rude moments, in fairness, he also is one of the few that will call people out when breaking rules of the board. He does not care is they are newbies, veterans, or mods. While I would love to see him be nicer, I must give credit where credit is due.

As for the rest (nature vs. nurture, wolves and dogs, etc.), there is one common element. It is how we react to how people post. Based on what I was saying, I would recommend not getting upset. Simply posting in the nicest way possible that what they are saying is rude and uncalled for in addition to being against rule number ____ (fill in the blank). If you are unable to respond nicely, wait and post when you can post in that regard.

If you decide to take the high road, you have to do it all the time. Otherwise, it will be pointed out and it is a much bigger a fall. Consistency is key in trying to make a change. Originally Posted by Adabear
I can see why you would find it funny. You are trying to be consistent with what you posted several months ago:

Now Wakeup, he is a special case. Love him or hate him, you have to at least give him credit for drawing that line in the sand and never wavering.If he says someone is fat, he will link to a medical study that talks about BMI and prove he is correct. If he calls you out on a thread, he will post supporting links showing that you are talking out of your ass. I think the reason why people love to hate him is because he is so talented at walking the edge of the "rules". Many times, people will let emotion rule how they respond and he just laughs as they cross the line. I have spent two years watching and reading his posts. I do not recall anyone pointing out when he has saved a guys ass from meeting a lady who does not look like her pics. (normally he says fat, a WK defends, he links to a pic or points to a website, and somehow he is the asshole??). While I do not agree with everything he says or how he says it, he is the most consistent person on the board in terms of posting and calling things the way he sees them. Originally Posted by Adabear
Otherwise, you are going to look like a hypocrite.
dearhunter's Avatar
Careful Sarunga.........you run the risk of being labeled "mean"
No....that is what you are saying......I am saying something very different Originally Posted by dearhunter
Fair enough. So what exactly is it that you recommend people do to deal with the assholes?
I've hoped for more civility here for quite a while, and said as much. As you'd expect, I've been verbally attacked for daring to call out the jerks who keep acting out for attention.

The bottom line is that the board owners are fine with how things are, and there is a cadre of individuals who feel better about themselves by attacking others (typically women, which explains why their sad little lives revolve around a hobby message board.) This is the ugly side of anonymity: Those who feel powerless in the real world where there are consequences to their actions act out their fantasies when they're put into an environment without repercussions. This is their only chance to swing their dicks around, so swing they do. Unless the owners decide to actually enforce their rules, nothing will change.

(Why do the owners tolerate it? Simple math. Ad revenue is based on clicks. Every time one of the assholes gets into a pissing match with someone, click-click-click-click-click. These clowns are the owners' trained monkeys, spending hours each day making someone else money, and getting nothing in return, other than virtual pats on the back from the other trained monkeys. Sad, isn't it?)

So nothing is going to change. Our resident assholes are going to keep being assholes. The owners are going to keep getting revenue based on their misbehavior. The best thing you can do if you don't want to read their BS is to put them on ignore. Not surprisingly, these guys rarely if ever share any actual hobby information on the board, so you won't be missing anything of value.

A good friend of mine on the board reminded me about the wisdom of mud wrestling with a pig. It's an apt analogy. Ignore the assholes, and focus on what's important to you. Originally Posted by blowpop
You like to put list up on the board. So who are the top 5, 10 whatever handles that post mainly mean spirited, vile comments?
blowpop's Avatar
LS, I share my opinion about my favorite providers. That, to me, is the whole point of Eccie - hobbyists (and providers) sharing information to make hobbying safer and more fun. At this point, I have no idea who the biggest jerks on Eccie are anymore, thanks to use of the ignore feature.

It's really cut down on the trash that I had to wade through.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
No....that is what you are saying......I am saying something very different Originally Posted by dearhunter
Fair enough. So what exactly is it that you recommend people do to deal with the assholes? Originally Posted by Licketyslit
This is kind of like asking an IRS auditor the best way to cheat on your taxes...ijs.