Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You again are telling African Americans that they are too stupid to see what’s going on and now you are talking about them being on drugs too. Wow. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Nope, never said anyone is stupid. But now you are telling me there is no problem with drugs in the black community? On the upside, there must be a corresponding reduction in prison population from that as well. Right?

Donald Trump:
“Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. . . . Don’t you agree?” Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Personally, I do not think laziness is a trait in blacks. However, it appears to be the case with you. Come on man, fact check your sh*t before you spew it out. Even Snopes calls BS on it.

I’m still waiting on the 1,100 lies told about Trump though since you asking for verbatim quotes. Feel free to provide. We got time. In the meantime.. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
We're down to 1,099 already, 1,098 if you count the drug one. Frankly the drug numbers there are horrific with that group. But hey, you're knock'n down for me. Thx.

You are trying to lay the blame of slavery at the feet of black people? You’re fucking moronic. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Nope. Nor am I exclusively blaming all the blacks dying from guns in Chicago on them. But they are data points on a continuum that need to be addressed. So instead of running around with your hair on fire yelling whitely locked me up for doing drugs, Try this, the more drugs we do, the more often we get locked up. Hey! Maybe we can change that by doing less drugs. Then, who the flip knows, you might try that with high school drop out rates by recognising the number 1 factor to success in school is parental involvement. And before you ask, yes - it is well documented since the '80s. Given that something like 73%+ of blacks come from unmarried households, where 63% of the children are raised in single parent housholds. So instead of saying those nice benevolent Dimocraps say we need more of other peoples money for better schools, you could instead say; what can we do to increase our two parent family units in America?
Also you want to leave out key points of history to try to make a point... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Yup, I skipped a lot of history there. Don't have time to recap it all, but pilgrims landed here, spread out and invented stuff while enduring lots of hardships etc., etc., etc. Wait for the movie to come out on it

But even with all of that, you still haven’t proven how this “new slavery” that only exist in the minds of idiots like you is the worst? How is it worst than all that I mentioned before? You never really said, you just went on another diatribe about “the history” of the end of slavery. How is it the worst? Or where you speaking in hyperbole/lies again? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
The new slavery is where one has to work for two masters. One bribes you with sweet whispers of comfort in your ear and a little shineola in your left pocket, the other expects you to work hard for the crumbs they put in your other pocket. You cannot survive with out both benefactors, Yet both want to keep you the way you are, for their own benefit. Let's agree that it's gonna take a little longer for you to be able to see it for yourself.
Either way, salvation is your own ownership. By that I mean, if your character counts for jack sh*t, then you would want to help your fellow brother/sister rise up to achieve greatness. Education is the pathway to that goal.
No one is asking for happiness payments, who asked for that? You’re making shit up again. But we do want equity, we do want respect and we want people to stop talking to us like we don’t know what’s going on. That’s what you’ve continuously done. You keep talking about African Americans as though we are too stupid to see what’s happening and that’s why we keep voting Democratic. You refuse to accept that we aren’t stupid. We aren’t going to fall for the bullshit that people like Trump try to spew. You bastardize MLK’s words to try to make some point. You don’t have the moral aptitude to understand the words of Dr. King. You support a man who routinely pits us against each other. You support man whose always using labels and name calling. So I guess you are saying that Trump is a “real slave master”? I don’t know, I haven’t heard of this “new slavery” that’s the worst. I will wait on you to tell me more about it. Since apparently Trump is a master of it. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
That's about enough of you telling me what I think. Try this instead, what can you do for yourself and your fellow man/women? Today and tomorrow. What I think it is that you should be saying - lowest black unemployment is great but what can we do to help you get it even lower? What I think it is that you should be saying - we really need to work hard with our brethren to increased school graduation rates and strengthen the family unit to ensure our children can get higher paying jobs and enjoy a better life than we've had. What I think it is that you should be saying - What I think it is that you should be saying - we are losing too many of children to bad influences and they are loosing hope and we must reverse that trend. What I think it is that you should be saying - Wow, we've already survived one of the worst parts of history, let's get set to make tomorrow a more promising place for our children to prosper in their liberty and happiness. When you want to raise those banners high, you count on my to be holding the other end of it. Now you know what I think.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You again are telling African Americans that they are too stupid to see what’s going on and now you are talking about them being on drugs too. Wow. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Nope, never said anyone is stupid. But now you are telling me there is no problem with drugs in the black community? On the upside, there must be a corresponding reduction in prison population from that as well. Right?

Donald Trump:
“Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. . . . Don’t you agree?” Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Personally, I do not think laziness is a trait in blacks. However, it appears to be the case with you. Come on man, fact check your sh*t before you spew it out. Even Snopes calls BS on it.

I’m still waiting on the 1,100 lies told about Trump though since you asking for verbatim quotes. Feel free to provide. We got time. In the meantime.. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
We're down to 1,099 already, 1,098 if you count the drug one. Frankly the drug numbers there are horrific with that group. But hey, you're knock'n down for me. Thx.

You are trying to lay the blame of slavery at the feet of black people? You’re fucking moronic. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Nope. Nor am I exclusively blaming all the blacks dying from guns in Chicago on them. But they are data points on a continuum that need to be addressed. So instead of running around with your hair on fire yelling whitely locked me up for doing drugs, Try this, the more drugs we do, the more often we get locked up. Hey! Maybe we can change that by doing less drugs. Then, who the flip knows, you might try that with high school drop out rates by recognising the number 1 factor to success in school is parental involvement. And before you ask, yes - it is well documented since the '80s. Given that something like 73%+ of blacks come from unmarried households, where 63% of the children are raised in single parent housholds. So instead of saying those nice benevolent Dimocraps say we need more of other peoples money for better schools, you could instead say; what can we do to increase our two parent family units in America?
Also you want to leave out key points of history to try to make a point... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Yup, I skipped a lot of history there. Don't have time to recap it all, but pilgrims landed here, spread out and invented stuff while enduring lots of hardships etc., etc., etc. Wait for the movie to come out on it

But even with all of that, you still haven’t proven how this “new slavery” that only exist in the minds of idiots like you is the worst? How is it worst than all that I mentioned before? You never really said, you just went on another diatribe about “the history” of the end of slavery. How is it the worst? Or where you speaking in hyperbole/lies again? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
The new slavery is where one has to work for two masters. One bribes you with sweet whispers of comfort in your ear and a little shineola in your left pocket, the other expects you to work hard for the crumbs they put in your other pocket. You cannot survive with out both benefactors, Yet both want to keep you the way you are, for their own benefit. Let's agree that it's gonna take a little longer for you to be able to see it for yourself.
Either way, salvation is your own ownership. By that I mean, if your character counts for jack sh*t, then you would want to help your fellow brother/sister rise up to achieve greatness. Education is the pathway to that goal.
No one is asking for happiness payments, who asked for that? You’re making shit up again. But we do want equity, we do want respect and we want people to stop talking to us like we don’t know what’s going on. That’s what you’ve continuously done. You keep talking about African Americans as though we are too stupid to see what’s happening and that’s why we keep voting Democratic. You refuse to accept that we aren’t stupid. We aren’t going to fall for the bullshit that people like Trump try to spew. You bastardize MLK’s words to try to make some point. You don’t have the moral aptitude to understand the words of Dr. King. You support a man who routinely pits us against each other. You support man whose always using labels and name calling. So I guess you are saying that Trump is a “real slave master”? I don’t know, I haven’t heard of this “new slavery” that’s the worst. I will wait on you to tell me more about it. Since apparently Trump is a master of it. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
That's about enough of you telling me what I think. Try this instead, what can you do for yourself and your fellow man/women? Today and tomorrow. What I think it is that you should be saying - lowest black unemployment is great but what can we do to help you get it even lower? What I think it is that you should be saying - we really need to work hard with our brethren to increased school graduation rates and strengthen the family unit to ensure our children can get higher paying jobs and enjoy a better life than we've had. What I think it is that you should be saying - What I think it is that you should be saying - we are losing too many of children to bad influences and they are loosing hope and we must reverse that trend. What I think it is that you should be saying - Wow, we've already survived one of the worst parts of history, let's get set to make tomorrow a more promising place for our children to prosper in their pursuit of liberty and happiness. When you want to raise those banners high, you count on my to be holding the other end of it. Now you know what I think.
Somebody got a little too excited there and posted twice. Slow down liddle one.

Nope, never said anyone is stupid. But now you are telling me there is no problem with drugs in the black community? On the upside, there must be a corresponding reduction in prison population from that as well. Right? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Funny, you want to try to paint the African American community as having a drug problem... yet all I hear about now are towns in WV and coal country who are being “destroyed” by the “opioid crisis”. So it would sound like it’s more than African American community.

So what are you saying when over 90% of a community keeps voting a certain way and you are telling us that we are being duped and we should see what Trump offers. Yet we tell you no and continue voting Democratic. Yet you continue to tell us we should give the other party a try.. what are you saying??

Personally, I do not think laziness is a trait in blacks. However, it appears to be the case with you. Come on man, fact check your sh*t before you spew it out. Even Snopes calls BS on it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do1060468241
Wrong, Snopes called BS on the quote being used as to Obama and his laziness meaning there won’t be another African American president. That quote was as to Donald Trump not wanting black people counting his money, he wanted pdeople who wear yarmulkes doing it.

We're down to 1,099 already, 1,098 if you count the drug one. Frankly the drug numbers there are horrific with that group. But hey, you're knock'n down for me. Thx. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do1060468241
Talk about spewing nonsense.

Nope. Nor am I exclusively blaming all the blacks dying from guns in Chicago on them. But they are data points on a continuum that need to be addressed. So instead of running around with your hair on fire yelling whitely locked me up for doing drugs, Try this, the more drugs we do, the more often we get locked up. Hey! Maybe we can change that by doing less drugs. Then, who the flip knows, you might try that with high school drop out rates by recognising the number 1 factor to success in school is parental involvement. And before you ask, yes - it is well documented since the '80s. Given that something like 73%+ of blacks come from unmarried households, where 63% of the children are raised in single parent housholds. So instead of saying those nice benevolent Dimocraps say we need more of other peoples money for better schools, you could instead say; what can we do to increase our two parent family units in America? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do1060468241
Wow you just laid out all the racial stereotypes of African Americans. You sir a bigot. So are you tell all those moms and dads addicted to opioids in WV who we are crying about saving now the same thing? Because all I hear are Republicans talking about the need to save them and that boarder security will help that. But for African Americans it’s well they need to decide to do better. I see how that goes. You want to talk about two parent family units, maybe circle back to the mass incarceration of African Americans because of the sentencing differences. Maybe think about that two family unit in that is destroyed when a cop kills an unarmed black man or woman. Maybe think about that. You’re peddling these stereotypes and wonder why African Americans don’t want to vote with you? Smarten up Nas.

The new slavery is where one has to work for two masters. One bribes you with sweet whispers of comfort in your ear and a little shineola in your left pocket, the other expects you to work hard for the crumbs they put in your other pocket. You cannot survive with out both benefactors, Yet both want to keep you the way you are, for their own benefit. Let's agree that it's gonna take a little longer for you to be able to see it for yourself.
Either way, salvation is your own ownership. By that I mean, if your character counts for jack sh*t, then you would want to help your fellow brother/sister rise up to achieve greatness. Education is the pathway to that goal. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do1060468241
WTF was that nonsense? Salvation, education... you don’t think African Americans have those things? And you still haven’t told me how it’s the worst? These new slavery nonsense most be stuff talked about by Alex Jones.

That's about enough of you telling me what I think. Try this instead, what can you do for yourself and your fellow man/women? Today and tomorrow. What I think it is that you should be saying - lowest black unemployment is great but what can we do to help you get it even lower? What I think it is that you should be saying - we really need to work hard with our brethren to increased school graduation rates and strengthen the family unit to ensure our children can get higher paying jobs and enjoy a better life than we've had. What I think it is that you should be saying - What I think it is that you should be saying - we are losing too many of children to bad influences and they are loosing hope and we must reverse that trend. What I think it is that you should be saying - Wow, we've already survived one of the worst parts of history, let's get set to make tomorrow a more promising place for our children to prosper in their pursuit of liberty and happiness. When you want to raise those banners high, you count on my to be holding the other end of it. Now you know what I think. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do1060468241
What I think you need to be saying is you don’t know what African Americans tell their children. You don’t know what’s going on in the communities. You are living in the 1960’s or something with your talking points. All stereotypes. Maybe you should go visit those communities more. You are so closed minded in your thoughts of African Americans that it’s pointless to have that type of conversation with you. You’re living in another time and talking like it. What a shame.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, that's great news about the black unemployment rate - but again-m I have not heard anyone say - that's great --let's get it lower. Trump has had to fight since he got into office - no other President had to endure the hatred that he gets on a daily basis. And when he hits back - cuz he will - then people go berserk with all their hatred. They'll learn - you hit Trump - he'll hit you back - no more of pussy Obama -- thank you God. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Because bringing down the black unemployment rate 1% over the course of a year is NOT great. If you want to say that the rise in the stock market has been great, I won't disagree. If you want to say everyone will benefit under the tax reform signed into law, I won't disagree, although the rich will benefit far more than the average taxpayer.

And like I said, he gets back what he dishes out. Calling countries "shitholes". Demeaning everyone who has the audacity to disagree with him. Every POTUS has acted exactly like Obama. It's called being "presidential". As I've shown, our country had much more respect around the world when Obama was in office. We do not live as a solitary country in this world.
You know, the bottom line is there are shithole countries in the world. Hell, we got shitholes here - Baltimore for one.
I don't like all that political correct bullshit. Say it like is - and Trump does that. Too bad if other countries don't like it - that's their problem. America first.

Because bringing down the black unemployment rate 1% over the course of a year is NOT great. If you want to say that the rise in the stock market has been great, I won't disagree. If you want to say everyone will benefit under the tax reform signed into law, I won't disagree, although the rich will benefit far more than the average taxpayer.

And like I said, he gets back what he dishes out. Calling countries "shitholes". Demeaning everyone who has the audacity to disagree with him. Every POTUS has acted exactly like Obama. It's called being "presidential". As I've shown, our country had much more respect around the world when Obama was in office. We do not live as a solitary country in this world. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I forgot to add - I've been to Baltimore - I will never go back.
scsholar's Avatar
You know, the bottom line is there are shithole countries in the world. Hell, we got shitholes here - Baltimore for one.
I don't like all that political correct bullshit. Say it like is - and Trump does that. Too bad if other countries don't like it - that's their problem. America first. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Truth is truth.

However like the boards here, there is a way to conduct yourself accordingly and , Trump is acting like he has since his run: a child.

Trump doesn't bother me anymore because I have very low expectations of him. It's his followers that I'm beyond stunned for they worship this man like God.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's his followers that I'm beyond stunned for they worship this man like God. Originally Posted by scsholar
When are you idiots on the left going to learn? Attacking Trump's supporters only serves to make them more loyal.

Do keep up the good work though. I get a good laugh out of it.

You didn't make him. You can't break him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When are you idiots on the left going to learn? Attacking Trump's supporters only serves to make them more loyal.

Do keep up the good work though. I get a good laugh out of it.

You didn't make him. You can't break him. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Possible Republican victories in November 2028 and November 2020 will not depend on Trump's supporters like you and Ellen. No matter what negative things Trump does will change your minds. And the same goes for those who do not support Trump. Very little he does positive will change their minds.

It is those in the middle who are undecided as to which way to go who will determine the upcoming elections. In 2016 Trump did a great job of convincing those people to vote for him over a very disliked opponent. He faces a much more uphill battle today. I will continue to say that Trump is his own worst enemy. Yesterday he threatened to shut down the government if he doesn't get his money for the wall and his way on immigration. Not good in my opinion.

Ellen says "America first". I don't necessarily agree with that. Trump just put tariffs on washing machines and solar panels.

"Prices for washing machines and solar panels are likely to rise while tens of thousands of Americans could lose jobs following President Trump’s decision to slap hefty tariffs on imports of those products in a bid to aid U.S. manufacturers, industry officials say."

I happen to own an LG washing machine and I bought it because I believed it to be superior to those made in the U.S. at a competitive price. I think I have the right to purchase products as I see fit -- unless other countries are not competing fairly in the marketplace. Tariffs suck.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Somebody got a little too excited there and posted twice. Slow down liddle one. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I can type s-l-o-w-e-r for you if it helps. You should keep voting for Demonicrats. Who knows, they've worked wonders for so many lovely places so far. Hope that Change works for ya.

You could donate your tax cut windfall to help pay down the debt that Obama racked up.
It's only been a year - I think that will change when Americans get more $$$ in their pockets. Trump knows what he's doing - he just got bogged down with all that other B.S. that Washington has been throwing at him. But we have 3 more years - and I see great things happening for all Americans. I'm a positive thinker and Trump is too.

[QUOTE=SpeedRacerXXX;1060470245]Possible Republican victories in November 2028 and November 2020 will not depend on Trump's supporters like you and Ellen. No matter what negative things Trump does will change your minds. And the same goes for those who do not support Trump. Very little he does positive will change their minds.
Possible Republican victories in November 2028 and November 2020 will not depend on Trump's supporters like you and Ellen. No matter what negative things Trump does will change your minds. And the same goes for those who do not support Trump. Very little he does positive will change their minds.

It is those in the middle who are undecided as to which way to go who will determine the upcoming elections. In 2016 Trump did a great job of convincing those people to vote for him over a very disliked opponent. He faces a much more uphill battle today. I will continue to say that Trump is his own worst enemy. Yesterday he threatened to shut down the government if he doesn't get his money for the wall and his way on immigration. Not good in my opinion.

Ellen says "America first". I don't necessarily agree with that. Trump just put tariffs on washing machines and solar panels.

"Prices for washing machines and solar panels are likely to rise while tens of thousands of Americans could lose jobs following President Trump’s decision to slap hefty tariffs on imports of those products in a bid to aid U.S. manufacturers, industry officials say."

I happen to own an LG washing machine and I bought it because I believed it to be superior to those made in the U.S. at a competitive price. I think I have the right to purchase products as I see fit -- unless other countries are not competing fairly in the marketplace. Tariffs suck.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
In 2016 Trump didn't really get people to vote for him over Clinton. He was just so toxic and that was added to people who disliked her. And the key wasn't really that he flipped Democrats because Clinton flipped Republicans. It was because so many people decided not to vote for either because they didn't like either and a good amount of people voted third party because they thought it didn't matter. Now with people actually seeing what a Trump presidency looks like, it would be tougher for those people to repeat that in 2020.

As for the tariffs, not only do they suck, you would think Trump didn't know basic of physics. Maybe he should brush up on Newton's Third Law. Because what will happen with us trying to be tough and raise tariffs is China will return that in kind and will have to pay more for products. It's just so funny that Trump wants to be "America first" now but when he was the head of a corporation he bought from every country but the U.S. I would wager that his company still does. Ivanka's clothes aren't made here in our country. Maybe bring those jobs back Trump.
I can type s-l-o-w-e-r for you if it helps. You should keep voting for Demonicrats. Who knows, they've worked wonders for so many lovely places so far. Hope that Change works for ya.

You could donate your tax cut windfall to help pay down the debt that Obama racked up. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

You don't have to type s-l-o-w-e-r for me. You are the dumbass who posted twice. That had nothing to do with me or my reading. You're trying to deflect instead of admitting you made a mistake (classic Trump). I will continue to vote Democratic, I don't support parties that would allow a racist sexual predator to lead it.

The debit that Obama has racked up? Umm look at the debt that Reagan racked up. The debt tripled under Reagan and people still swear that trickle down will work with this tax cut. The last president to give us a surplus was Clinton. So I guess voting for a Democrat would be the best way to get that debt gone. But while we are talking about the debt... maybe look at what will happen with the tax cut you are bragging about. It will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit, that's in one year. What do you think that will do to the debt?

You and every Trump supporter should donate y'alls "windfalls" to the boarder wall every year. That way the people who weren't stupid enough to believe Mexico would pay for it to not have to pay for something so stupid.
Here's a little advice for people who think Trump is destined to get things done in the next three years that will change the hearts of Americans who voted overwhelmingly against him:

1) A president gets most of his key policies done in the first year. So not much will be done from here on out, especially with the way November is shaping up to go.

2) Trump is going to say more racist, idiotic, tone deaf things that insult people and make others more ashamed of him as our president.

3) He will get us into a war to save his presidency and that will cost the lives of soldiers he claims to love. That will push away a key part of his base. And there will be a lot of independents who will be afraid to have him in charge.

4) There is still an investigation going on into him. One that apparently his lawyers fear we would help by testifying because they fear he would perjure himself.

5) Again, Trump will keep saying racist and idiotic shit. There is only so long you can keep defending telling us he isn't a racist while that person keeps saying racist things.
Here's an article on what I'm talking about.

Britons have changed their minds on Donald Trump and now support his state visit to the UK