States to President Obama........We Will Not Take Refugees

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  • 11-21-2015, 08:47 AM
Of course you do. You voted for him didn't you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lot of lame ass assumptions there LexusLover....

You think that you work for a person you vote for? Did you really just imply that?

You do not know who I voted for.
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 08:48 AM
That's the way Obama does business. Almost everything he has ever done was unlawful. I don't even listen to the idiot anymore. If we had a Congress with some guts Obama would have been impeached a long time ago. The whole Obama administration is nothing but a circus act.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
What does that make Congress?

I do not work for Obama. Originally Posted by WTF
you gotta be against him to not work for him
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 08:52 AM

He threatened to veto a bill to imprison felons who illegally return to this country so they won't shoot down innocent U.S. CITIZENS, and then he "threatens" to allow unvetted people from the terrorist training grounds into this country, which means they entered illegally. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you just lie and think you are not going to get caught? Please show me where Obama has suggested they not be vetted according to current law. A law you seem to have had no problem with since 1980!

You really have taking lying and distorting to a new level. Shit if we listened to you, we'd all have Ebola....last year that was wtf you were running around fear mongering!

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  • 11-21-2015, 09:00 AM
They'd be welcomed with a house warming beheading.

Ask the Syrian Christians - who Obama won't prioritize for refugee status because they are, well, dead. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Since when did you start worrying about Middle Eastern Christians?

You do understand that Christians in Iraq lived in relative peace until GWB invaded Iraq?

I can't remember you crying about them , even though I have posted their displacement from that war numerous times on this board.

The Christian community in Iraq is one of the oldest in the region, dating back about 2,000 years, well before the introduction of Islam.

Since the start of the Iraq war in 2003, however, much the community has fled the country, diminishing its population within Iraq’s borders by about half.

Under Saddam Hussein, Iraq was ruled by the Baath party, a secular government. Hussein himself was a Sunni Muslim; Sunni Muslims comprise about 35 percent of Iraqis.

Since Hussein’s government was a minority government. Other minorities, including Christians, “felt much more protected under the Hussein regime than they do currently,” says Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress.

How did the Christians benefit from Saddam Hussein?
“There was a kind of a social contract in Iraq,” between minorities and Hussein, says Adeed Dawisha, a professor at the University of Miami in Ohio. “Under Saddam, it was understood that if you don’t interfere in politics, then you are provided with a good life.”

“If the Christians supported Saddam, not because they loved what he was doing, it was the fear of the alternative,” Dawisha says.
As a result of turning their focus elsewhere, Christians prospered economically. They were businessmen, doctors, lawyers, and engineers. A select few were part of the political elite, like Tariq Aziz who served as foreign minister and deputy prime minister under Hussein.

According to Katulis, that created a “network of protection that existed through some of the leaders [in] Saddam’s inner circle … trickled on down through community
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 09:04 AM
you gotta be against him to not work for him Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well then I work for and against almost all politicians as I support some things both parties propose and am against some things from either party. So you and LL have not supported anything Obama has done? Killing Osama....not supported by you and LL?

Can you be any more partisan?

Seriously , you two are saying the most ridiculous things. Do you just whole heartily support one party without question? How fucking stupid is that?

btw , you stolen 9k yet?

Well then I work for and against almost all politicians as I support some things both parties propose and am against some things from either party. So you and LL have not supported anything Obama has done? Killing Osama....not supported by you and LL?

Can you be any more partisan?

Seriously , you two are saying the most ridiculous things. Do you just whole heartily support one party without question? How fucking stupid is that?

. Originally Posted by WTF
you are so full of shit WTF and I think that's the first full cuss word I've ever typed in here

you proclaim yourself above the fray at every self righteous turn but you have always and forever typed support for the dims and their destruction and at best you have adopted the middle ground but a few times...

I haven't kept score but if i had it would be something like this out of your 23,038 posts and counting

in favor of dims and/or idiotic posts combined----------19.642
Idiotic posts alone----------- 3,015
undecipherable---------------------- 381
LexusLover's Avatar
Lot of lame ass assumptions there LexusLover.... Originally Posted by WTF
Is this the beginning of another one of your LAMEASS rabbit trails to avoid dealing with the thread topic about which you know little, but pretend to know a lot?

Give it a rest amateur.

Next thing you know, you'll be claiming Obaminable works for you!

Have you read the "Refugee Act of 1980"? Any case law interpretations?
Have you read the Bill just passed by the House?

As you are posting and running your "mouth" ... YOUR LOUDMOUTH BOSS who is taking up valuable space in the WH ... is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with the "Refugee Act of 1980" with regard to the "intended Syrian" refugees.

And he's NOT because he can't meet the standards!!!! Those aren't "assumptions" .. lame or otherwise.

And before you start down another "rabbit trail" of yours ... the burden of PROOF is on the PROPONENTS of allowing refugees into this country and not on those "opposed" to them being brought to this country.

You will notice, if you desire to notice, that CONGRESS gave the President certain powers in the "Refugee Act of 1980" because that is the prerogative of CONGRESS pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, and before the President can exercise those powers "he" must meet certain threshhold requirements from verification of the absence of certain "attributes" of the INTENDED REFUGEES to the availability of a place in which they can stay and FUNDING for the ENTITLEMENTS of the refugees once "in country."
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 09:21 AM
you are so full of shit WTF and I think that's the first full cuss word I've ever typed in here
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I can not help if you agree with LexusLiar's ignorant thought , that if you vote for someone, that means you work for them!
I can not help if you agree with LexusLiar's ignorant thought , that if you vote for someone, that means you work for them! Originally Posted by WTF
if you voted for him you worked for him, past tense

you could always repent, which means 'turn", do an about face , go in the other direction

but you haven't, you give him full typed support, so you have continued to work for him

there has been no lapse, so yes you worked for him and you work for him

even without your active support, if you don't work against him, you actually work for him
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 09:26 AM
Is this the beginning of another one of your LAMEASS rabbit trails to avoid dealing with the thread topic about which you know little, but pretend to know a lot?

Give it a rest amateur.

Next thing you know, you'll be claiming Obaminable works for you!

Have you read the "Refugee Act of 1980"? Any case law interpretations?
Have you read the Bill just passed by the House?

As you are posting and running your "mouth" ... YOUR LOUDMOUTH BOSS who is taking up valuable space in the WH ... is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with the "Refugee Act of 1980" with regard to the "intended Syrian" refugees.

And he's NOT because he can't meet the standards!!!! Those aren't "assumptions" .. lame or otherwise.

And before you start down another "rabbit trail" of yours ... the burden of PROOF is on the PROPONENTS of allowing refugees into this country and not on those "opposed" to them being brought to this country.

You will notice, if you desire to notice, that CONGRESS gave the President certain powers in the "Refugee Act of 1980" because that is the prerogative of CONGRESS pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, and before the President can exercise those powers "he" must meet certain threshhold requirements from verification of the absence of certain "attributes" of the INTENDED REFUGEES to the availability of a place in which they can stay and FUNDING for the ENTITLEMENTS of the refugees once "in country."
Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you are in the predicting that the President in not in compliance....because I have seen no court ruling stating that he is guilty of such. Are you making a prediction that Obama will be found guilty?

Is that like your Ebola prediction?

Now my question is....once legally in this country , just how the fuck are GGov's going to ban them from entering their state? There are already Syrian refugee's know that right? Care to guess how many right here in Houston?

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So you and LL have not supported anything Obama has done? Killing Osama....not supported by you and LL? Originally Posted by WTF
I thought the U.S.military killed OBL? U.S. miltiary did!

Like I said. You're an AMATEUR.

Go argue with yourself, but make sure you record it for your own protection.
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2015, 09:33 AM
I thought the U.S.military killed OBL? U.S. miltiary did!

Like I said. You're an AMATEUR.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover

The Commander in Chief made the call.

A call Bush never made.

His call was to invade Iraq

btw Gay people write in bold red. Not that you're gay but....

Now this issue will be much ado about nothing , much like your fear mongering Ebola predictions were.
Heck, other than Jordan and Turkey which share borders with Syria, none of those countries are taking in any refugees. SOTF had an excellent idea - did you notice how the bleeding-heart libtards in this thread like WTFagboy completely ignored it? They have a problem anytime someone tries to apply common sense to a problem!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Turkey is not an Arab country, for starters...
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I can not help if you agree with LexusLiar's ignorant thought, that if you vote for someone, that means you work for them! Originally Posted by WTF
Actually it has more to do with paying taxes than voting. And LL has it backwards. If you pay taxes, then THE FUCKERS WORK FOR YOU! Don't ever forget that. Fuck the political class. You pay their salaries. That means when you say jump, they'd better say "how high?" Otherwise, fire their asses!

Welcome to the Tea Party, fagboy. I knew you'd get here eventually.
