Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

Jaxson66's Avatar
.Senate Intel report urges action to prevent Russian meddling in 2020 election

The new report underscored many of the findings from former special counsel Robert Mueller that he detailed in his own report released earlier this year, including that Russian actors were directed by the Kremlin to help Trump win the 2016 election.

The trump party doesn’t give a shit, it’s filled with Russian confederates who are supporting a wanna be autocrat.
lustylad's Avatar
Was looking for a link to where the House actually wrote that. Originally Posted by eccielover
Keep won't find anything...

The article was written by a group of former federal prosecutors during a (sic) impeachment workshop. But of course I have no link to back up my bullshit. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
FTFY, jaxboy.
lustylad's Avatar
That fat lying bastard Barr was globetrotting to obstruct justice in the Russia investigation. Asking countries to investigate our intelligence agencies is treason. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Oh dear! Lookee how scared jaxboy is!

Bill Barr is pursuing justice and jaxboy in his desperation calls it obstructing justice! What are the dim-retards hiding?

Can't wait for AG Barr to find out all the juicy details of how THEY knowingly committed the treason they wrongly accuse trump of!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Oh dear! Lookee how scared jaxboy is!

Bill Barr is pursuing justice and jaxboy in his desperation calls it obstructing justice! What are the dim-retards hiding?

Can't wait for AG Barr to find out all the juicy details of how THEY knowingly committed the treason they wrongly accuse trump of! Originally Posted by lustylad

Hey Krusty, obviously you would rather skip the Senate intelligence report which supports Mueller. So, let me ask ya something “ why did the fat lying bastard abandon the Kurds” he’s a fucking disgrace to the office.

I tell ya what Barr is going to find, he’s gonna find his ass in jail.
So back to the OP. What happened to the perjury charges that were coming on Lewandowski?

Or has that turned into another great big let down?
Jaxson66's Avatar
So back to the OP. What happened to the perjury charges that were coming on Lewandowski?

Or has that turned into another great big let down? Originally Posted by eccielover
Im curious why the transcripts of the Lyingdowski appearance haven’t been released, it dose take time to gather the evidence for perjury.

If a charge never happens I doubt my great big let down will compete with the Kurds let down, or should I say betrayal. What was the fat lying bastard offered from Turkey a few million dollars a year because his fucking name is on a building.
Im curious why the transcripts of the Lyingdowski appearance haven’t been released, it dose take time to gather the evidence for perjury.

If a charge never happens I doubt my great big let down will compete with the Kurds let down, or should I say betrayal. What was the fat lying bastard offered from Turkey a few million dollars a year because his fucking name is on a building. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Ok. Take a deep breath and realize your OP has fizzled almost completely. Just like your additional "gotcha" moments that keep getting debunked daily too.

I'm sympathetic to you getting beat down daily by the Trump machine.
Im curious why the transcripts of the Lyingdowski appearance haven’t been released, it dose take time to gather the evidence for perjury.

If a charge never happens I doubt my great big let down will compete with the Kurds let down, or should I say betrayal. What was the fat lying bastard offered from Turkey a few million dollars a year because his fucking name is on a building. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Your ignorance of the law is the reason for your curiosity. There's no evidence of Perjury because Lewandowski didn't commit Perjury.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Ok. Take a deep breath and realize your OP has fizzled almost completely. Just like your additional "gotcha" moments that keep getting debunked daily too.

I'm sympathetic to you getting beat down daily by the Trump machine. Originally Posted by eccielover
You can save your sympathy for the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office. He’s going to need it when he’s thrown out of office and his name and opinion will be worth about as much as yours.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like Meuller committed perjury.

claimed not to know Fusion GPS
claimed did not apply job for FBI director, just the counsel job.
didn't mention that he was interviewed for the FBI job and in that interview, he didn't mention he applied for the counsel job.
looks like Meuller committed perjury.

claimed not to know Fusion GPS
claimed did not apply job for FBI director, just the counsel job.
didn't mention that he was interviewed for the FBI job and in that interview, he didn't mention he applied for the counsel job. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Democrats have put this country through a lot of unnecessary bullshit just because they don't like Trump. None of their antics have any merit. Payback is gonna be a bitch.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Democrats have put this country through a lot of unnecessary bullshit just because they don't like Trump. None of their antics have any merit. Payback is gonna be a bitch. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Obama wasn’t born in the USA, But but but Clinton’s emails, Benghazi bullshit brought to the country by the Freedom caucus.

Yep, payback is a bitch
Obama wasn’t born in the USA, But but but Clinton’s emails, Benghazi bullshit brought to the country by the Freedom caucus.

Yep, payback is a bitch Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You can go ahead and love up on those two losers all ya want. They ran a criminal cartel out of the White House and a lot of people know it. Too bad you're too blind to see it. This country had to put up with two terms of Obama so suck it up with two terms of Trump.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You can go ahead and love up on those two losers all ya want. They ran a criminal cartel out of the White House and a lot of people know it. Too bad you're too blind to see it. This country had to put up with two terms of Obama so suck it up with two terms of Trump. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Let me suggest you take a break from eccie, you’ll never hold it together in the coming days. You’re on the cusp of complete meltdown.
Let me suggest you take a break from eccie, you’ll never hold it together in the coming days. You’re on the cusp of complete meltdown. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I suggest you go back and read your posts. Then you'll see who is having the meltdown. The coming days will be like the last two and half years. This video will explain what I mean.