Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2014, 12:29 PM
If any of you want to continue the discussion of something that happened between two members bcd feel free to pm or start a thread on that topic. The topic of this thread is obvious so let's stick to it. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Maybe you can put this as a sticky under OliviaHoward showcase to remind her to quit trying to change the topic when she is getting her ass handed to her. She even got her ass handed to her on the topic change! Did the poor girl hit the RTM button again when her lies started biting her ass? My question to Olivia is how she can use the phrase whore wars on her blog and turn around and chastise LD for using whore?
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Bambino....JESSE JAMES said he paid the rate for another provider named Olivia88. OliviaHoward did not properly confirm the rate before hand. These kind of mix ups happen in any type of business. Neither youor I were there so all we can do is give both parties the benefit of doubt. OliviaHoward has lied about me coming to her in call having been unfortunately I will give her a tad less benefit. OliviaHoward has also jumped up and down about the use of the word whore and yet recounts "whore wars" on her blog that I just read. Her credibility is lacking the more and more her feigned indignation is exposed. Turns out she been calling whores whores before her issue with LD doing so. Originally Posted by WTF
So the fucknuts didn't know who he was fucking! ROLMAO. She gave him a chance to true up and he didn't. He just weasled out of it. At least you paid the lady.
If you short someone, you walk like a thief and quack like a thief, therefor, you're a fucking thief. It appears you frequent the "Other" reviews forum, that makes you a fucking queer. Now run along you fucking gay thief Basterd. Originally Posted by bambino
I didn't even read his diatribe. I didn't even read WTF's diatribe. But I know the topic is about using the word whore on a hooker board. As I've said, I disagree with it. I also know calling a woman a whore is "trade" thing so it's not surprising one of the biggest and longest standing pimps in the city - that's never been busted- is a huge proponent of calling women whores. Wonder why that is? I mean why a pimp would just love to death calling women whores not ever been busted.
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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2014, 01:16 PM
I didn't even read his diatribe. I didn't even read WTF's diatribe. But I know the topic is about using the word whore on a hooker board. As I've said, I disagree with it. I also know calling a woman a whore is "trade" thing so it's not surprising one of the biggest and longest standing pimps in the city - that's never been busted- is a huge proponent of calling women whores. Wonder why that is? I mean why a pimp would just love to death calling women whores not ever been busted.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Poor Olivia throwing a fit when she gets called out for crying about people using the word whore all the while she is using "whore wars" in her blog! Now she is back to name least she ain't calling my momma and sister's whores any more. That was rather hypocritical. . OliviaHoward next time you bring up my so called embarrassing situation, make sure I'm embarrassed by it. Btw You kinda sexy when you get all pissy! I heard of this guy who got busted who rolled on this retired independent chick who thinks she can intimate everyone to the irs. Saved his ass. Those death match to the end usually don't work out for either party.
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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2014, 01:46 PM
So the fucknuts didn't know who he was fucking! ROLMAO. She gave him a chance to true up and he didn't. He just weasled out of it. At least you paid the lady. Originally Posted by bambino
I don't pay'em to fuck me...I pay them to leave in peace after doing so!
bambino's Avatar
I don't pay'em to fuck me...I pay them to leave in peace after doing so! Originally Posted by WTF
And sometimes you just pay them and leave!
I am sexy, Pet. Go read my posts on all these threads. I've already said I have a whole website and thread here dedicated to the word.

Death Match? And the Laws no less LOL. That's the problem with you. Everything's a death match with you. Live a little and people will be all about live and let live.
I'll have dinner with any Mod who closes all the WHORE! threads.
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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2014, 05:23 PM
I am sexy, Pet. Go read my posts on all these threads. I've already said I have a whole website and thread here dedicated to the word.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Yes have "Whore Wars" and then a rant about how bad the word whore is. Reminds me of that Black Crow song. ... can't think of the name but it is about contradiction.
pyramider's Avatar
Some modtards hold onto those offers for years
And sometimes you just pay them and leave! Originally Posted by bambino
Couple of questions slugger Is OH sucking you off to support her perfidy?
If so you can probably get better bjs from your butt buddies poohbah A wise man once stated " Hitch your wagon to a star " You chose to go to the opposite end of the spectrum
Why do you feel you need to stick your nose in affairs that don't concern you?(Like some pissy little bitch)

Why would you feel it appropriate to make value judgements and put labels on l complete strangers based on un founded accusations from a snarky, shady, shifty,sleazy slut who has been caught up in a web of her lies lately;who has lied her age for years, who would lie to God to further her agenda Does this make you a judgemental asshat ? Indeed Your avatar gives you away

It also makes people know incredibly stupid you are I mean rock hard stupid. Dehydrated- rock-hard stupid So stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid.Meta stupid.Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neurons have collapsed Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape . Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire world in a year.Quaser stupid Nothing in our universe can be this stupid Perhaps some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid
. Some pure essence of a stupid of so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the law of physics that we know Im sorry, I cant go on This is an epiphany of stupid for me

After this you may not hear from me again for a while I don't have enough strength left and you bore me
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This one is overdue and time to close.....