It's Funny to Watch: Trump Is an Albatross on the Republican Party

MisterMeat's Avatar
Poor DEAR_JOHN. The only links you ever post are from Fox News. It’s sad that you still believe their drivel, $787 million after the truth came out. Like the old song goes…a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest. Lie-La-Lie….lie la lie lie lie.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Poor DEAR_JOHN. The only links you ever post are from Fox News. It’s sad that you still believe their drivel, $787 million after the truth came out. Like the old song goes…a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest. Lie-La-Lie….lie la lie lie lie. Originally Posted by MisterMeat

Yea and I've seen quoted posts from cnn, huffington post, washington post, new york times, and yahoo.

I'm actually trying to figure out why, without mentioning Trump, a bunch of you are proud of a senile old pervert, corrupt to the bone, who's owned by China, and trips over his own feet and his own words. Plus every time his dyke spokeslez speaks, it's just another lie programmed by the obama administration who's really running......ruining this country.
No I actually wasn’t watching , I took a little break from all the bullshit! Originally Posted by Cendell M
Well, at least you're coming around and acknowledging that Pillow guy and Trump are BS. Progress
[QUOTE=DEAR_JOHN;1063277663]Yea and I've seen quoted posts from cnn, huffington post, washington post, new york times, and yahoo.

I'm actually trying to figure out why, a bunch of you are proud of a senile old, convicted pervert, corrupt to the bone, who's owned by Saudi Arabia, Oman, The Philippines and India, and trips over his own Tweets (X) and his own words. Plus his son-in-law and daughter have $2B of Saudi's money that they are profiting from, it's just another lie programmed by the Trump administration who's really running......ruining 40% of the people in this country.

John, fixed that for you. No need to form a Congressional committee to "find" all the secrets and money. It's all out in the open. I guess you could say that's better?
Cendell M's Avatar
Well, at least you're coming around and acknowledging that Pillow guy and Trump are BS. Progress Originally Posted by targaman85
No not what I said! (Meant) sorry
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Yea and I've seen quoted posts from cnn, huffington post, washington post, new york times, and yahoo.

I'm actually trying to figure out why, a bunch of you are proud of a senile old, convicted pervert, corrupt to the bone, who's owned by Saudi Arabia, Oman, The Philippines and India, and trips over his own Tweets (X) and his own words. Plus his son-in-law and daughter have $2B of Saudi's money that they are profiting from, it's just another lie programmed by the Trump administration who's really running......ruining 40% of the people in this country.

John, fixed that for you. No need to form a Congressional committee to "find" all the secrets and money. It's all out in the open. I guess you could say that's better? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Before you brag about fixing anything for me, at least learn to use the quote function.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-23-2023, 01:24 AM
that is the question..

this author says no way. i tend to agree with him. then Trump would be cited for contempt. which would normally lead to incarceration until trial. but in our 2-tiered justice system, who knows..

i've heard accounts that Trump, even if convicted, can't serve time due to his Secret Service protection. that's some banana republic-level phuckery. if i was his judge, i'd call bs on that, bigly..

Meadows has already flipped to the feds. Guilani got shorted 3M in legal fees and begged Trump for help paying his own legal fees. Trump was like, "ya sure Rudy.." problem for Trump? Rudy's gonna flip too, i predict, and Trump is gonna be royally phucked, bigly..

not one of Trump's lawyers is gonna take time in a Ga. state pen over cooperating with Willis. these peeps are silver spoon Ivy brats; they're gonna piss their pants just thinking about time in the Ga. state pen. that's why this RICO shit was kinda genius. all of which bodes ill for the Orange Clown..
NordicJag's Avatar

i've heard accounts that Trump, even if convicted, can't serve time due to his Secret Service protection. that's some banana republic-level phuckery. if i was his judge, i'd call bs on that, bigly.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Ok, conviction with house arrest and all communication monitored. I can live with that.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
that is the question..

this author says no way. i tend to agree with him. then Trump would be cited for contempt. which would normally lead to incarceration until trial. but in our 2-tiered justice system, who knows..

i've heard accounts that Trump, even if convicted, can't serve time due to his Secret Service protection. that's some banana republic-level phuckery. if i was his judge, i'd call bs on that, bigly..

Meadows has already flipped to the feds. Guilani got shorted 3M in legal fees and begged Trump for help paying his own legal fees. Trump was like, "ya sure Rudy.." problem for Trump? Rudy's gonna flip too, i predict, and Trump is gonna be royally phucked, bigly..

not one of Trump's lawyers is gonna take time in a Ga. state pen over cooperating with Willis. these peeps are silver spoon Ivy brats; they're gonna piss their pants just thinking about time in the Ga. state pen. that's why this RICO shit was kinda genius. all of which bodes ill for the Orange Clown.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is at the critical level. Are you totally blind about how bad of a president brandon is? Are you totally blind about the economy? Are you totally blind to how many millions his idiot son laundered while giving money to the 'big guy'? No, this won't be a long post, however let me sum it up with this.

A couple of years ago, when Trump was president, I came real close to selling our home and moving down to Tiki Island and with interest rates back then I could afford it, however with brandon in charge, the interest rates have shot down that idea. Don't even attempt to blame the increase of interest rates on Trump, it's all on your senile old man who can't speak a coherent sentence. You know, the guy who was supposed to bring America together.

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Trump: 2.65% Biden: 7.87% This adds more than $200,000 in interest payments for a $500,000 house.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is at the critical level. Are you totally blind about how bad of a president brandon is? Are you totally blind about the economy? Are you totally blind to how many millions his idiot son laundered while giving money to the 'big guy'? No, this won't be a long post, however let me sum it up with this.

A couple of years ago, when Trump was president, I came real close to selling our home and moving down to Tiki Island and with interest rates back then I could afford it, however with brandon in charge, the interest rates have shot down that idea. Don't even attempt to blame the increase of interest rates on Trump, it's all on your senile old man who can't speak a coherent sentence. You know, the guy who was supposed to bring America together.

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Trump: 2.65% Biden: 7.87% This adds more than $200,000 in interest payments for a $500,000 house. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

You're memory is amazing. You seem to remember that you thought about taking out a mortgage on what was pretty much the lowest point in mortgage rate history, but you don't remember much else very well. I understand your frustration over missing the opportunity. I locked in 2.61% and can't believe how lucky I was to be able to rate lock on what was probably the BEST day I will ever see in my life.

However, in blaming Biden for the high rates, you seem to have forgotten that I'm sure you posted over and over that Obama was running up the debt and it was going to lead to what is happening today. When you were posting about that, you probably didn't link that Bush and a Republican majority in the House and Senate had let a deregulated banking and lending market create a swamp that required a $1.3T bail out with more to follow. You were more than happy to say that that $1.3T was part of Obama's run up so that it didn't add to Bush's run up. Now let's consider that Trump ran up the debt by about the same amount as Obama. WHAT? He was only in office for 4 years vs. is that possible. EXACTLY. Get to the facts and practice your math. So, go ahead, and pin it all on Biden even though the right side has bee forecasting run away inflation for about 20 years due to debt increases.

Then there's the basic supply and demand equation taught on Day 1 of Economics 101. Let's not consider that used car prices are some ridiculous multiple of what they were pre-Trump due to covid and supply shut down world wide. Basic inflation due to supply constraints. Go ahead and apply it to oil, food, what ever you want. You see, it's not just a US problem. Like it or not, we offshored a lot and we are part of a global economy now.

By the way, remember when being "WOKE" was a good thing. Probably not, you were asleep in class that day too.

To close, how's my use of the "quote" function coming along?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

You're memory is amazing. You seem to remember that you thought about taking out a mortgage on what was pretty much the lowest point in mortgage rate history, but you don't remember much else very well. I understand your frustration over missing the opportunity. I locked in 2.61% and can't believe how lucky I was to be able to rate lock on what was probably the BEST day I will ever see in my life.

However, in blaming Biden for the high rates, you seem to have forgotten that I'm sure you posted over and over that Obama was running up the debt and it was going to lead to what is happening today. When you were posting about that, you probably didn't link that Bush and a Republican majority in the House and Senate had let a deregulated banking and lending market create a swamp that required a $1.3T bail out with more to follow. You were more than happy to say that that $1.3T was part of Obama's run up so that it didn't add to Bush's run up. Now let's consider that Trump ran up the debt by about the same amount as Obama. WHAT? He was only in office for 4 years vs. is that possible. EXACTLY. Get to the facts and practice your math. So, go ahead, and pin it all on Biden even though the right side has bee forecasting run away inflation for about 20 years due to debt increases.

Then there's the basic supply and demand equation taught on Day 1 of Economics 101. Let's not consider that used car prices are some ridiculous multiple of what they were pre-Trump due to covid and supply shut down world wide. Basic inflation due to supply constraints. Go ahead and apply it to oil, food, what ever you want. You see, it's not just a US problem. Like it or not, we offshored a lot and we are part of a global economy now.

By the way, remember when being "WOKE" was a good thing. Probably not, you were asleep in class that day too.

To close, how's my use of the "quote" function coming along? Originally Posted by targaman85

I stand by my post 100%. I also stand by my feelings none of you have hardly stated anything negative about the senile idiot in chief, when his term is falling apart at the seams. What's wrong, allergic to the truth? Or did msnbc and cnn forget to tell you how bad a president he is? Congrats on figuring out the quote function, I'm guessing you read remedial quote functions for idiots on google.

Here is to some shemale following your female members into the ladies room, or your college age daughter losing a trophy or scholarship to a shemale. Here's to the squad being your role models. Here's to someone breaking into your home because of defunding of the police. And this is just a start as 'progressive' America is tearing this country a part. Nice of idiot senile brandon to bring the country together like he claimed he would do, but has failed miserably. There are some very intelligent men on this thread who view politics differently than I do, but it amazes me you guys are falling in line, reluctant to view things from the other side to verify this country is in trouble. brandon is not infallible, and all his issues are not related in any manner to Trump. brandon had everything for 2 years. Oh be sure and buy your EV, electric stove, clothes dryer, and water heater when we barely have enough power to work on a hot summer day.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hey democrats, here are your girls, 4 America hating bitches.

So tell me, can you name them, maybe have trading cards with each one of the bitches that you swap with each other? This is you, this is the democrat party and they're a part of your life.

............and here it comes, deflecting back to everything being Trumps 5...4...3...2...1

You forgot to blame Biden for the lack of power to warm Texas when it froze to death 30 days after he took office...
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ Oh that’s Trumps fault too haha you guys are something else
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You forgot to blame Biden for the lack of power to warm Texas when it froze to death 30 days after he took office... Originally Posted by targaman85

No, I'm not that stupid. The freeze and power outages wasn't a federal manner, but for the most part was a state manner involving the PUC and ERCOT. Blame Abbott on that one........oh I forgot, narcissistic parasite robert francis o'rourke already tried that and failed miserably.