What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

Did Bill Gates not complete a college education? Poor guy, it's a shame he hasn't done anything with his life. Originally Posted by SR Only
I think Paul Allen had more sense -- went off and enjoyed his billions.
I think Paul Allen had more sense -- went off and enjoyed his billions. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Word! (that and let his attorneys do the dirty work )
Did Bill Gates not complete a college education? Poor guy, it's a shame he hasn't done anything with his life.

Having a degree doesn't ensure the ability to think or have common sense. Yes saying it does offer the potential that the person does have a few synapses functioning. With this biz and any other biz, marketing is king. In my biz there are some certifications I can put next to my name. I don't put any; I personally think it is puffery so I don't bother. I don't think the consumer gives a rat's patootie (tech term). Most of those certification courses are designed to lighten my wallet more than anything else. I'd rather spend it in the demimonde world. Originally Posted by SR Only
Thank god. at least i was not completely misleaded with my perceptions of some americans . The ones i am friends with (my primary boyfriend is american , and i have dated americans since years....that is why i fell in love with that country as well........ do have YOUR approach. Can`t be that i am so biased on culture that having an inflated sense of self is defined differently in the USA. Most of my political activist friends are americans too. So my opinion is indeed coming from somewhere. I have an all american approach to sexpositivism, sex activism, polyamory and political agendas

(hell, all that political correctness stuff comes from the USA - Queer theories have been founded in your country - I am coming to the USA because i LOVE the fact that people care more about how they approach things and because there are activists there who support political agendas differently than in Europe.

(in europe its still a "kavaliersdelikt" (some offense that is considered gentleman-like) if you whistle at women on the street or screw your secretary . (or slap her on the ass or make sexist jokes at work). DO that in the USA...hahaha.... i mean laws are different .......That is exactly why i love the USA. Because its not common sense here to be derogatory.

And - talking about cultural differences - I am NOT a communist in the strict sense! I know for fact that communism is americans enemy! When i say i am a communist i mean that all people deserve the same amount of respect and that every person is unique ( so the derogatory approach to divide people in an elite and non-elite subgroup fails). That is all i meant, and that is why i personally get so offended by "quality over quantity" and such.

But i got the point and see that its not meant in that way. And if i offended some ladies, i did not mean to offend you personally! Same like i don`t take anything personally here.

What i do have to learn is to be more diplomatic in expressing my views. I hope i can learn that somehow. And therefor its good to have interesting discussion partners like all of you are! Thanks!
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  • Roark
  • 01-19-2011, 07:33 AM
Groundhog day..
FWIW, I have found people pay much closer attention to education OUTSIDE of this business than they do in England.

Lest it be said (because I can see this coming) that I have kissed ass and become "Americanised" I haven't. I have adapted to the ways of living here and I don't have to agree with all viewpoints to do that. Lord knows, there are enough back posts on this forum where I have disagreed politically, socially and economically on a number of general subjects...but I have made living here work for me without having to give up being English. When in Rome and and all that...

C Originally Posted by Camille
Thanks Camille! I was not aware of that and thanks for shedding light to that. I would never think you are americanised because you find your way around. you might be able to adapt a lot better to different culture than i do, that is! I also move away from countries because i don`t want to adapt. But i love the USA. At least some parts of it that is ....And what i do love about it is the multicultural approach in this country. Hell there are many different nations living together in one city without smashing their heads in every day. That is a good thing in my opinion!
When I say I am a communist I mean that all people deserve the same amount of respect and that every person is unique (so the derogatory approach to divide people in an elite and non-elite subgroup fails)! Originally Posted by ninasastri
I would suggest that in describing that type of respect people show to most people, that use of the word "communism" is not the best for use in an Anglo-jingoistic environment (I think you may have noted that). The stereotype evokes images of Russia/Stalin/Lenin/Brezhnev and China/Mao era policies).
When i say i am a communist i mean that all people deserve the same amount of respect and that every person is unique ( so the derogatory approach to divide people in an elite and non-elite subgroup fails). That is all i meant, and that is why i personally get so offended by "quality over quantity" and such. Originally Posted by ninasastri
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."
Through the Looking Glass.
I would suggest that in describing that type of respect people show to most people, that use of the word "communism" is not the best for use in an Anglo-jingoistic environment (I think you may have noted that). The stereotype evokes images of Russia/Stalin/Lenin/Brezhnev and China/Mao era policies). Originally Posted by SR Only

ooooooooh......i see.......to evoke that kind of stereotype was not my intention..............i was more the MARXIST when quoting :-(...... too bad. I like Marxist ideas, but i doubt anyone with totalitarian regimes was really communist so to speak...but that is a totally different topic altogether....:-(
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - that's all."
Through the Looking Glass. Originally Posted by pjorourke
ooooooooh......i see.......to evoke that kind of stereotype was not my intention..............i was more the MARXIST when quoting :-(...... too bad. I like Marxist ideas, but i doubt anyone with totalitarian regimes was really communist so to speak...but that is a totally different topic altogether....:-( Originally Posted by ninasastri
You have nooooo idea how ingrained it is in the USA to fear Communists...even after the Communist bloc has collapsed. We grew up in fear of the Communists, believing that whichever country got the nuclear first strike would win the war, and therefore, convert the world to that country's politics. Worst case scenario: everyone came under the thumb of the Communists. While growing up we had air raid drills to practice for the time when the Communists would attack the US. And then came the attempt to put missiles in Cuba...just 90 miles from the US. And now, instead of the USSR, there is China and North Korea.

That may be one of the reasons some of what you say gets such a negative reaction. It may not be rational, but we do have a reflexive fear of Communists. And perception is reality.
Charles, when you have nothing positive to say .. don't say it at all. Please be nice! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
For me its ok! He is free to say whatever he pleases! I can handle criticism and if that `s the way he feels and sees it, its his right to state so. I don`t do sugarcoated, and so i also have to be capable of being able to handle a more "thorough" approach to me. I prefer honesty! Better in the face than being backstabbed! So at least i can say something too. Worst is if you feel a certain way and mislead people about it, because then no one can make a statement.

So , Charles is as much entitled as everyone else to state his true opinion. If he thinks i suck, so be it! At least with the spelling he made a good point! Kudos to that! With stating my posts are ignorant - well ...not such a good point without thorough explanation. Stating someone is a bitch is ok as long as you bring good points.

For me i can`t really say if I`d stay away from Charles as much as he`d stay away from me because he did not say something that clearly makes him so distinctively "Charles" like i said stuff that make me "distinctively" Nina.
His views seem to be pretty much "the usual". So - boring? I at least am creative when i write my ignorant posts, because i actually do come up with ideas! Like them or not, that is a different matter. But its at least interesting to discuss! I prefer to dive behind facades and it is interesting for me to get the ladies responses on that topic. It broadens my horizon and i am thankful for that!

Having the ever-same opinions on the ever-same topics bores me to death! I could learn to state my opinions in a less harsh way, but then again i am not native speaker and the "sugar coated" approach on how to bring things straight to the point i do have yet to practice. But at least i am not a backstabber and slime ball (and neither is Charles - thank god )
darling, i am UNIVERSITY educated with a MA in psychology (but that i did not state on my page)... .....how could you have missed that :-). The point was not that stating you have an education is wrong, stating the comparative issues is politically incorrect.
If i say "I cater to the elite" that automatically is derogatory! If i say "I offer quality over quantity" that is derogatory. If i say "I am more beautiful than the rest of the women because i stick out of every crowd" that is derogatory - for the crowd (unless you are a supermodel or some filmstar or such - but then some headhunter would have already found you...)

If i state i am university educated and offer a certain kind of service (here the individuals approach to that business comes to mind - so if someone is REALLY educated that would be the POINT to be creative and differ from the NORM or the peers) then it is not derogatory. But simply stating i am university educated and having the same page like all the other HDHs is not really intriguing for me. (same photos, same texts, same whatnot ....)

But thanks for taking a look at my site and if you find something else that you think is not such a great approach i am happy to alter it. My english at times is not so great :-( and some things definetely need improval as well. So i am happy for every feedback i get, thanks for that! Feel free to do so! Originally Posted by ninasastri
It's not that I object to your advertising or think your approach is wrong in mentioning your education; after all, I do it too. You believe your advertising makes you stand out, and I believe mine makes me stand out, and every other escort most likely believes the same thing about her own. What I object to is that you criticize other people here for doing the same you do. We all think we advertise ourselves in a way that makes us sound special, and mentioning education is part of that for everyone--not just you.
You have nooooo idea how ingrained it is in the USA to fear Communists...even after the Communist bloc has collapsed. We grew up in fear of the Communists, believing that whichever country got the nuclear first strike would win the war, and therefore, convert the world to that country's politics. Worst case scenario: everyone came under the thumb of the Communists. While growing up we had air raid drills to practice for the time when the Communists would attack the US. And then came the attempt to put missiles in Cuba...just 90 miles from the US. And now, instead of the USSR, there is China and North Korea.

That may be one of the reasons some of what you say gets such a negative reaction. It may not be rational, but we do have a reflexive fear of Communists. And perception is reality. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I hear you. But i don`t feel that i get "such a negative reaction". Not at all! I feel mostly pretty welcome here. Even from the HDHs and i am glad people are participating in discussion!

so you mean you americans fear communism as much as nipples on TV ? (lol) (joke no offense please)
ooops so you mean i should not buy fake PRADA bags made in China on canal street anymore (they are really really good).

Well , hopefully my future in the USA will make me more adapt (and my spelling and grammar better ...... )
It's not that I object to your advertising or think your approach is wrong in mentioning your education; after all, I do it too. You believe your advertising makes you stand out, and I believe mine makes me stand out, and every other escort most likely believes the same thing about her own. What I object to is that you criticize other people here for doing the same you do. We all think we advertise ourselves in a way that makes us sound special, and mentioning education is part of that for everyone--not just you. Originally Posted by Natalie

I don`t think i stand out. I am just one of "you". Nothing special. Nor do i state on my page that i think i am superiour or like that. I am blending in within the ever suitable norm of the league of the extraordinary....gentlewomen (joke).
I do think my photos are special though. But then again, its my photographers work and not mine really :-)...so not really my work too...

I am nothing special nor is my university education something to brag about. My services i offer are not of any different quality than anyone elses and i stated already somewhere else that "the comparison mode" is something i find derogatory and snobish " i stick out of every crowd" (which implies that "the crowd" are ugly ducks) and "i offer quality over quantity" (which implies that someone must offer quantity) and "i cater to the elite" (which implies that some are not elite - who would that be btw? ) not the statement of an education per se. But i might well put that statement at all off my page, since its true that no one that is educated needs to state that at all. thanks for the feedback!
in fact how can you do any business sucessfully and not be educated?

Nina Originally Posted by ninasastri
Hi Nina,maybe it is my lack of a college education confusing me here, but this statement looks like a fairly elitist one to me. There is no denying that having a good education can open doors regardless of what you do, but to state that you can not successfully do business without one is a pretty strong idea.

I think that we all know people who have managed to be successful in life without a good education.It is not as easy, and you often have to prove yourself constantly especially in the real world, but sometimes that is what makes us lesser educated types do just as well when we put our small little uneducated minds to something( sarcasm sorry lol)

You will find nowhere on my site is my level of education mentioned.Not because I think it is a bad idea, but more because mine is not very impressive. I do not find it offensive that other escorts mention theirs. I think that it is an achievement to be proud of, and would probably include it on my site as well if I actually had one.We all have our own ways of standing out. Education is not my strength, so I focus on other quality's. I do not see this as putting others down , but simply appealing to that small portion of the market that is right for me.

PS do not feel too bad about the poor spelling , and grammar. English is my first language, and mine is still pretty bad. That is why God invented spell check.