What is your definition of Energy Independence

lustylad's Avatar
So all shareholders in energy stocks are Putin lovers? Originally Posted by WTF
Of course not. What a dumb thing to say. But typical for you.

The people who are buying energy stocks, while reducing stupid regs and kicking greenies out of the way, are patriotic investors.

The ones like you who follow Putin's wishes by trying to stop us from fully exploiting our own energy resources, while they gleefully & hypocritically invest in companies reaping short-term profits from their artificial self-induced energy shortages, and brag about their gains while their hero lays waste to a sovereign nation, are the despicable Putin lovers.
Why would any homebuilder pay anyone in cash off the books. That would just show up as profit when the house sold.

Your commenting on something you know nothing Davis highlighting your ignorance once again. Originally Posted by WTF
you wrote it off as day labor i said

cant you read? nope
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2022, 12:46 PM
Jesus, you two are pretending like this country can only survive if it is energy independent.

Have you forgotten the 1990's? Were we energy independent then? Were we fucked? How about the 80's? Were we fuc'd back then too?

Clearly it is better for any country if they have MORE resources within their borders. And it is especially better for me because instead of running around like Chicken Littles, I actually invested in our oil industry. Originally Posted by WTF
Were we fucked when the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo occurred? Well, yes. How about when the price of oil spiked in the late 1970's as a result of OPEC actions and the drop in Iranian production? Yes again. I may have been a kid at the time but I remember gas lines. You want Russia and OPEC to have a huge hammer over our head, to use as they see fit?

Congrats about buying oil stocks. This is not the stock picking forum. This is the political forum, and the topic is Energy Independence. If you want to start a thread on oil stocks, do that. I might contribute.
Of course not. What a dumb thing to say. But typical for you.

The people who are buying energy stocks, while reducing stupid regs and kicking greenies out of the way, are patriotic investors.

The ones like you who follow Putin's wishes by trying to stop us from fully exploiting our own energy resources, while they gleefully & hypocritically invest in companies reaping short-term profits from their artificial self-induced energy shortages, and brag about their gains while their hero lays waste to a sovereign nation, are the despicable Putin lovers. Originally Posted by lustylad
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-21-2022, 02:16 PM
You mocked it. You ridiculed it. You pooh-poohed it. You complained about it. You derided anyone who supports it.

But you don't oppose it?

The only thing you haven't done is define it! Because that would require a modicum of intellectual rigor which a simple-minded partisan hack like you lacks. Originally Posted by lustylad
All I've done is laugh at you people that put so much stock in it. Like I explained to Tiny....our economy boomed in the 1990's and we were far from energy independent.

But I have ....I've said it is some arbitrary number that means nothing in regards to wtf you silly hacks think it means.

Our economy is set up to thrive on cheap energy. It does not matter where it comes from. Your an economist and do not understand this?

You and Tiny are stuck in the Pat Buchanan wing of the GOP.

You sound as if you think it wise to decouple from the world economy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-21-2022, 02:26 PM
^^^^^^^^\ Originally Posted by Jackie S
Go fuck yourself JackieS.

I'm not a greenie....I bought stock before Putin invaded. You silly fucks who continue to mistake people to subscribe to Realpolitik as followers of AOC are stupider than that silly bitch.

This is America...people like AIC are entitled to her position. There is nothing unamerican about her position even though I do not agree with it.

You'd have to be a moron to think this country will stand for a second for high energy costs.

This is not 1940 where anyone will sacrifice for any common good because we can't agree on wtf common good is.

Even you , who used to be pretty level headed has fallen into the partisan drill...now Tiny.

If Captainmidnight abandons Realpolitik.....I'm outta here.
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  • WTF
  • 03-21-2022, 02:36 PM
. You want Russia and OPEC to have a huge hammer over our head, to use as they see fit?

. Originally Posted by Tiny
They had it when we were energy independent!!!!!!

Why can't you silly fucker understand that we were energy independent in 2022 when Biden was President....and Putin still invaded.

So and I'll say it again because you totally ignored it in my last post. It is great we have massive oil reserves.

But how did that help us counter Russia?

We thought we had little oil in the 80'sand 90's and drove Russia broke and guess what...THEY WERE/ARE ENERGY INDEPENDENT.

That fucking term means nothing without a whole bunch of other factors one need to consider...it is like having a big dick in prison. What fucking good does it do you without women? What good did Russia being energy independent get them in the 1990s?

Quit listening to lustylad. that emotional no nothing will have you joining the Ukraine army!
lustylad's Avatar
All I've done is laugh at you people along with my BFF while I add up my stock gains. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey you fucking idiot, you removed Putin from my post! Not cool. He's the current leader of Russia, not Leon Trotsky. Very dangerous for you to "disappear" him like that. He doesn't appreciate being treated like some purged old commie. Do you want to wind up with polonium 210 in your coffee? I'm putting him back so you two can be BFFs again.

lustylad's Avatar
They had it when we were energy independent!!!!

The more independent we get, the smaller their hammer gets. Comprende?

Why can't you silly fucker understand that we were energy independent in 2022 when Biden was President....and Putin still invaded.

Why can't you silly fucker understand wars start for all kinds of reasons, and the less we have to rely on the belligerents for our energy, the faster we'll be able to deal with them.

So and I'll say it again because you totally ignored it in my last post. It is great we have massive oil reserves.

But how did that help us counter Russia?

We thought we had little oil in the 80's and 90's and drove Russia broke and guess what... THEY WERE/ARE ENERGY INDEPENDENT.

That was because Ronnie Reagan was in charge, instead of the senile old wimp we have now.

That fucking term means nothing without a whole bunch of other factors one need to consider... it is like having a big dick in prison. What fucking good does it do you without women?

Excellent point! That's why you were the most popular guy behind bars. The guy with the tiniest dick makes the best female surrogate! Originally Posted by WTF
Bubba says hello!

lustylad's Avatar
This is America...people like AIC (sic) are entitled to her position. There is nothing unamerican about her position even though I do not agree with it. Originally Posted by WTF
You mean AOC. If you think advocating policies that would weaken and destroy our country are NOT un-American, I shudder to think what kind of policies you and AOC would deem pro-American!

If Captainmidnight abandons Realpolitik.....I'm outta here. Originally Posted by WTF
Not sure what that means, but I'm betting the Captain will soon find dozens of PMs in his Inbox imploring him to denounce Realpolitik, or at least whatever your confused version of it is.
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2022, 03:29 PM
They had it when we were energy independent!!!!!!

Why can't you silly fucker understand that we were energy independent in 2022 when Biden was President....and Putin still invaded.

So and I'll say it again because you totally ignored it in my last post. It is great we have massive oil reserves.

But how did that help us counter Russia?

We thought we had little oil in the 80'sand 90's and drove Russia broke and guess what...THEY WERE/ARE ENERGY INDEPENDENT.

That fucking term means nothing without a whole bunch of other factors one need to consider...it is like having a big dick in prison. What fucking good does it do you without women? What good did Russia being energy independent get them in the 1990s?

Quit listening to lustylad. that emotional no nothing will have you joining the Ukraine army! Originally Posted by WTF
Respectfully amigo, everything you say in this post is wrong or ass backwards, except the part about having a big dick in prison. Russia doesn't have the US over a barrel because we're halfway across the world and we don't depend on their oil or gas. We have huge resources of our own. On the other hand he does have Western Europe over a barrel. Take Germany for example. It's a big importer of fossil fuels. It's doing away with its nuclear plants. They don't even have much in the way of regasification capacity to use LNG. So they're stuck. We're not. Western Europe may stop importing Russian oil, but it'll be a cold day in hell (or actually a cold day in Hamburg) when they stop using Russian natural gas.

Let me spell it out. PUTIN COULD INVADE UKRAINE BECAUSE EUROPE WAS NOT ENERGY INDEPENDENT. He has them over a barrel with his natural gas.

If you want to come back and make some point about U.S. gasoline prices being set by the world market, so what. They're not ridiculously high. They were several times higher in Europe before this shit started. What's significant is that our energy supply is a hell of a lot more secure than Europe's.

And what are you trying to get at about LustyLad and the Ukraine army? You're really flip flopping around. You're sounding like a Putin supporter, which is out of character since you've traditionally been on the side of those who are just and true, the Kurds for example.

Get some focus man. You're an unworthy debate partner in this thread. I trust that's just your unfamiliarity with this topic, and not senility slipping in.
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2022, 03:35 PM
Go fuck yourself JackieS. Originally Posted by WTF
You realize that's anatomically impossible.
  • Tiny
  • 03-21-2022, 03:41 PM
If Captainmidnight abandons Realpolitik.....I'm outta here. Originally Posted by WTF
You're confusing realpolitik with debt reduction. Well, reduction of the national debt as a % of GDP, because there's about a snowball's chance in hell we'll reduce the nominal FEDERAL DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC. Which is what matters, not gross federal debt. YOU WERE WRONG.

That's right buddy boy. The gloves have come off. Nobody calls me a silly fucker and gets away with it.
lustylad's Avatar
You realize that's anatomically impossible. Originally Posted by Tiny
It's a trick Bubba taught WTF in prison!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-21-2022, 05:22 PM

And what are you trying to get at about LustyLad and the Ukraine army? You're really flip flopping around. You're sounding like a Putin supporter, which is out of character since you've traditionally been on the side of those who are just and true, the Kurds for example.
Originally Posted by Tiny
Find one post of mine where I've supported Putin and this invasion.

Is it I've been catching hell from the Trump apologist for giving John McCain his just due for being way out front on this.