Rules on Outing

Oralist's Avatar
Give her all your personal information including your work badge & DL & she will be with you shortly.. Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
You sure are mouthy for someone that's been here for 2 weeks, has no Showcase and no reviews. Why don't you STFU until you at least have some credentials. Or are you, perhaps SC's Femdle or edited by dh in disguise?
Oralist's Avatar
I'm going with edited by dh In Disguise. The timeline fits, as do the insults.
bottoms up's Avatar
back to the drawing board.
mcee22's Avatar
edited by dh incognito
08cris's Avatar
He said it not me
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-03-2017, 05:45 AM

Este thread es demasiado awesome......

TryWeakly's Avatar
edited by dh incognito Originally Posted by mcee22
...orr.... maybe someone else who is mouthy upped my game... er....,,their game.. could happen
TryWeakly's Avatar
BTW, OP Latest Relocation Especial.... besos!

dearhunter's Avatar
2 more for the woodshed
Guys just never learn
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Not sure what gave you the impression i give a flying fuck what you think. Was it something I said? Originally Posted by WTF
Some how many handles have you posted with in this thread? Are any of them banned yet? And how many of them are you using to like your posts with your WTF handle?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2017, 11:52 AM
Some how many handles have you posted with in this thread? Are any of them banned yet? And how many of them are you using to like your posts with your WTF handle? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Must be your wife liking my posts junior. You sound jealous.

If i stop fast, try and not get your nose stuck up my ass.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2017, 11:55 AM
Wtf, if I get banned, I'm looking to you to keep mayhem alive. Understood? You have what it takes.


You have the dark light of mayhem in your eyes. Me? Mayhem runs through my veins. Originally Posted by pxmcc

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-03-2017, 12:03 PM

I heard people has been stealing that type of cars out there
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Mods...I'm not taking up for the OP but how come outting ho's are able to post personal information on other outting ho's. And wtf is all this laughter about some Cuban day while others are getting banned for saying half a handle? Be some favoritism going on or what. That kinda of Mod'n can cause a lot of blowback from my experience over the years.
bottoms up's Avatar
I second that question?
Not a very good example is being set by allowing Natalia Mori to continue throwing out names.
Why is she allowed to keep doing it?
What happens when that guy is unbanned and that turns out to really be his name?
She's allowed to out him for a possible year or more unpunished?