Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Shouldn't women have a choice? Conservatives don't want abortion, they don't want contraceptives and by holding those positions, they are being unrealistic. This site, if anything, is an example of people expressing their sexuality and need for sex. Anything less is just not being honest about human nature. People are going to have sex. They should have realistic options for not becoming pregnant and perhaps we won't need as many abortions. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Where exactly do you come up with this stuff....on a street corner? It is liberals who are denying women the right to use their bodies for profit. Notice how the Hollywood liberal crowd is freezing out a push for international decriminalization of prostitution (not sex trafficking). Liberals need shame and guilt to control people. Just note how they are going after the shooting (not necessarily a hunter) dentist; shame and guilt. Look how they went after the Confederate flag; shame and guilt. Want to talk about "white" privilege or the "rape" culture? Shame and guilt. The hallmarks of modern liberal and progressive thought; get someone to feel ashamed or guilty and you can twist them to your will.
Where exactly do you come up with this stuff....on a street corner? It is liberals who are denying women the right to use their bodies for profit. Notice how the Hollywood liberal crowd is freezing out a push for international decriminalization of prostitution (not sex trafficking). Liberals need shame and guilt to control people. Just note how they are going after the shooting (not necessarily a hunter) dentist; shame and guilt. Look how they went after the Confederate flag; shame and guilt. Want to talk about "white" privilege or the "rape" culture? Shame and guilt. The hallmarks of modern liberal and progressive thought; get someone to feel ashamed or guilty and you can twist them to your will. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shame? Are you fucking kidding me? The conservative religious right are the biggest employers of shame that exist.
Shouldn't women have a choice? Conservatives don't want abortion, they don't want contraceptives and by holding those positions, they are being unrealistic. This site, if anything, is an example of people expressing their sexuality and need for sex. Anything less is just not being honest about human nature. People are going to have sex. They should have realistic options for not becoming pregnant and perhaps we won't need as many abortions. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"....expressing their sexuality and need for sex." Is that why you're on here woomby ? To turn the threADs into a forum for you 'hole business and get more free ads out there for Talleywackers ?
"....expressing their sexuality and need for sex." Is that why you're on here woomby ? To turn the threADs into a forum for you 'hole business and get more free ads out there for Talleywackers ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And this is a perfect example. I was asking serious questions that require a little thought and this is what you come up with. You are not intelligent enough to engage on a level that resembles anything close to learned. All you have are you rants about hypocritical liberals and all your other bullshit, that mean absolutely nothing. They contain no specifics, just more bullshit tropes from your republitard overlords Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You seem to confuse political conservatism with religious conservatism. They are not the same. The Westboro Baptist church....they're democrats who believe the shit they believe in. Political liberals, religious wackos.
You seem to confuse political conservatism with religious conservatism. They are not the same. The Westboro Baptist church....they're democrats who believe the shit they believe in. Political liberals, religious wackos. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Can't believe you would call them democrats, when they hate everything democrats believe in. They hate gay marriage and Obama. You hate gay marriage and Obama, are you a democrat?
You seem to confuse political conservatism with religious conservatism. They are not the same. The Westboro Baptist church....they're democrats who believe the shit they believe in. Political liberals, religious wackos. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm not confused. WBC are far right wackos. Democrats? Please. They're against abortion, gay rights and just about anything else that democrats are for. 78 percent of evangelicals vote Republican. While I agree, the two should not be construed as the same, the facts say different.
lustylad's Avatar
You fucking morons. 3 percent of what they do is abortions. Originally Posted by WombRaider
By law, the money can't be used for abortions. Originally Posted by WombRaider
As usual, sewer rat is full of shit!

PP and sewer rat want to downplay abortions and make them look like an insignificant part of what PP does. So they claim abortions account for only 3% of their overall "services". They probably count each time a person visits their website or calls one of their offices as a "service". The only percentage that is valid here is how much of PP's BUDGET is spent on abortions, including overhead and indirect costs. They're not telling us, but it's a lot more than 3%. What we do know is that 40% of all reported US abortions occur in a PP clinic. That's a lot higher than 3% too!

Equally laughable is sewer rat's claim that the money PP receives from the government "can't be used for abortions". PP receives $1.3 billion in annual revenues of which over $500 million comes from the government. Everyone knows money is fungible. Every dollar provided by taxpayers frees up PP's other funds to finance more abortions. So it's simply an accounting allocation. In essence, taxpayers are indeed helping to fund abortions.

Nice try, sewer rat. Either you're too stupid to see through PP's flim-flammery or you think the rest of us are. Either way, you lose.

As usual, sewer rat is full of shit!

PP and sewer rat want to downplay abortions and make them look like an insignificant part of what PP does. So they claim abortions account for only 3% of their overall "services". They probably count each time a person visits their website or calls one of their offices as a "service". The only percentage that is valid here is how much of PP's BUDGET is spent on abortions, including overhead and indirect costs. They're not telling us, but it's a lot more than 3%. What we do know is that 40% of all reported US abortions occur in a PP clinic. That's a lot higher than 3% too!

Equally laughable is sewer rat's claim that the money PP receives from the government "can't be used for abortions". PP receives $1.3 billion in annual revenues of which over $500 million comes from the government. Everyone knows money is fungible. Every dollar provided by taxpayers frees up PP's other funds to finance more abortions. So it's simply an accounting allocation. In essence, taxpayers are indeed helping to fund abortions.

Nice try, sewer rat. Either you're too stupid to see through PP's flim-flammery or you think the rest of us are. Either way, you lose.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
If there's illegal accounting going on, then why does nothing ever get done about it? They cannot, by law, use that money for abortions. See, you try and connect the dots, but you always fail to make the complete connection and we're forced to take the last leap on faith. What it all comes down to is that you want to exercise control over someone that you have no right to exert control over. It's not your fucking choice.
lustylad's Avatar
If there's illegal accounting going on, then why does nothing ever get done about it? They cannot, by law, use that money for abortions. See, you try and connect the dots, but you always fail to make the complete connection and we're forced to take the last leap on faith. What it all comes down to is that you want to exercise control over someone that you have no right to exert control over. It's not your fucking choice. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Hahahaha.... just because you flunked accounting and are too stupid to grasp the simple concept that "money is fungible" doesn't mean the rest of us can't make the connection.... it's a two-step accounting shuffle to sidestep the Hyde Amendment.... What it all comes down to is you want to reach into the wallet of every American taxpayer and force them to help pay for abortion on demand. Go ahead and make all the bad "fucking choices" you want to, sewer rat. Just don't make me complicit in paying for them.

Your whole life is a litany of bad fucking choices.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-01-2015, 10:07 AM
.... What it all comes down to is you want to reach into the wallet of every American taxpayer and force them to help pay for abortion on demand.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Kinda like Reagan did when he increased the SS tax and increased Defense spending and made everyone think there was a surplus . Accounting tricks political in nature you seem to pick and choose which you approve... Now at least you are slowly understanding how the game is played.
Hahahaha.... just because you flunked accounting and are too stupid to grasp the simple concept that "money is fungible" doesn't mean the rest of us can't make the connection.... it's a two-step accounting shuffle to sidestep the Hyde Amendment.... What it all comes down to is you want to reach into the wallet of every American taxpayer and force them to help pay for abortion on demand. Go ahead and make all the bad "fucking choices" you want to, sewer rat. Just don't make me complicit in paying for them.

Your whole life is a litany of bad fucking choices.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I understand fungible, shitstain. But you're making a connection based on emotion, not facts. You would have no problem bending the law and so you find it hard to envision others wouldn't do the same, whether they really are or not. The truth of the matter is that you pay your taxes and you have no idea where that money goes. They can't tell you this much went here, this much went there, so you don't know what you're paying for, in reality. You probably pay for lots of things you don't agree with, this is just one more thing. Get over it.
Kinda like Reagan did when he increased the SS tax and increased Defense spending and made everyone think there was a surplus . Accounting tricks political in nature you seem to pick and choose which you approve... Now at least you are slowly understanding how the game is played. Originally Posted by WTF
He's the pick and choose king. If it was a conservative issue and this accounting two step were part of it, he wouldn't bat an eye. He would belittle anyone who dared to question it. And yet, here he is on this and he's willing to bet the house that it's happening, even though he has no fucking clue. What it comes down to is he's a crooked sack of shit, so in his eyes everyone is a crooked sack of shit, just like he is.
lustylad's Avatar
The truth of the matter is that you pay your taxes and you have no idea where that money goes.... You probably pay for lots of things you don't agree with, this is just one more thing. Get over it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
TRANSLATION - Just pay your taxes and STFU.... be a good little German.... so what if some of your money goes to IG Farben to pay for extermination ovens and zyklon-B gas pellets???


TRANSLATION - Just pay your taxes and STFU.... be a good little German.... so what if some of your money goes to IG Farben to pay for extermination ovens and zyklon-B gas pellets???


. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you not see what you're doing? Your position has SO little strength, your only option is to play the Nazi card? That's the ultimate capitulation. You just waved the white flag, dumbass. If you're going to get upset about your money going for this, then you need to be equally upset about all the other bullshit it goes for, or yes, you can STFU.