OK here's what it costs to operate a sailing yacht

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I am going to remind everyone what this thread is supposed to be about, so after my post, I officially give myself the authority to start pointing you mofos who are using this thread to BASH each other.

Keep your insults to yourselves in the form of PM's...not in this public forum. You have officially been warned ahead of time.

Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Can I still post about yachting chihuahuas? I don't want to insult any cats, rats, pit bulls, poodles, or spaniels by excluding them.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-05-2018, 07:16 AM
Umm OP, i'm pretty sure you can have your thread back now. Are you still off the coast of Brazil? Where is your next major port of call? (Btw, ignore the haters. They're just jealous, imo.)
This is random, but am I correct that your yacht is a sailboat and not a motor boat? (well i know sailboats have a small motor for trafficky shipping lanes, but anyway..) If so, have you hit any doldrums on your travels, and if you did, how did you handle it?
Thank you for bringing us back on topic, pxmcc. Yes, he stated it was a sailing yacht. I can't imagine crossing the ocean in a sailing yacht, unless it's really big and then it would cost more than $2 mil/ year to operate, but to each his own. The living space is just so much better on a trawler.

So, OP, I have been looking at a Chris White Atlantic 47 Mastfoil. But really can't see spending that much and still being cramped and having the restrictions of a cat and the work of sailing. So I'm leaning toward a 57 LOA Nordhavn. Would love to hear your thoughts? Or anyone else's.

This is what I imagine the OP is on...
