The 2020 Presidential Election

Precious_b's Avatar
Precious - reading comprehension is your friend. Try it sometime.
I was responding to Agent 220's post. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I thought we were talking about President Trump. Im sorry that the truth hurts and the fact that I have 0 criminal history nor the time to do the things you mentioned. Originally Posted by Agent220
Proof positive that "comprehension" is not the problem with me. Hint: clean that mirror.

Just like Donny Boy, Ellen ain't going to apologize or fess up to derailing her thread.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Look in the mirror.
I was responding to your post of Agent.
Getting a bit testy.
Must be that comment about the Prez T and his young women. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Ellen is fun to mess around with on this forum, and the national political forum, but you have to realize that she is the least politically savvy participant on either board. Oh, she will shake her pom poms and tell everyone how great Donald Trump is but she is clueless when you get down to the details of the issues.

I hope she continues to participate. The forum would be much less enjoyable without her.
Lol. Yep, I'll be shaking these poms poms for Trump for 2020. Just like I did in 2016 - wow, that was 2 and 1/2 years ago - no wait - I was doing it in 2015 - because I knew my Trump was going to be President - but nobody believed me!
Take this to the bank - Trump will win in 2020.
Damn, you know it had to be really bad that even Michael Moore had to say something!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Damn, you know it had to be really bad that even Michael Moore had to say something!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I never thought Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians. Said so many times on this forum.

However, Trump is wrong when he states that the Mueller report exonerated him from possible obstruction of justice charges. Mueller made that very clear in his testimony. Mueller also stated that the investigation was not a "witch hunt", something Trump claimed again yesterday.

I find it interesting how Republicans have demonized Michael Moore for so long but now find him endearing because of one statement.

Trump called it a "devastating day for Democrats". I don't know what he expected but it turned out exactly how I thought it would turn out. Nothing positive, nothing negative.

I would like to see Democrats ease up on the impeachment talk. It is rather obvious to most fair-minded people that Trump has trouble heading into the 2020 election. Despite Trump's rise in approval ratings in recent weeks (now in the mid-40s in many polls), a just-released Quinnipiac poll has Trump losing to Joe Biden in Ohio by 8%. That is significant.
Yes, they need to drop it and let's all just move along. There are so many things that need to be done and their wasting time and money. Everybody can see that now.

I expect that in the polls now. But by the time it comes around to the elections I really think he is going to burn out.
Just too much baggage.
The R's are not endearing Michael Moore now. It's just that he told the truth and that was pleasantly surprising.
He disgusts me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, they need to drop it and let's all just move along. There are so many things that need to be done and their wasting time and money. Everybody can see that now.

I expect that in the polls now. But by the time it comes around to the elections I really think he is going to burn out.
Just too much baggage.
The R's are not endearing Michael Moore now. It's just that he told the truth and that was pleasantly surprising.
He disgusts me. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Compared to the baggage that Hillary Clinton carried, Biden's baggage can fit in a carry-on. Biden has always been strong in the rust belt states that carried Trump to victory in 2016. He is well liked by minorities. He is liberal but not far left. I agree that he is considered a "safe" candidate for 2020 but everything points to him having the best chance to unseat Trump.
I agree - everything points to him. My view was that Biden has started and the way he stumbled with Harris was just the tip of the iceberg. I may be wrong but we shall see. Also, when he was asked "what is the first thing you would do as President" and he said "defeat Donald Trump" Ok - did he not understand the question? Did he not realize that if he was elected President that Trump would of been defeated? To me, these are warning signs. Like super biggie warning signs.
After all the gaffs, and sheer inability to speak, displayed by the president, and you ACT like you’re worried about Biden... I’ll just let the sink in for everyone by itself.
I'm not worried about Biden. I'm pointing out how I saw his performance. Instead of trying to insult me all the damn time ( that's really not productive - we're just monkeys slinging shit at each other) why don't you tell us how you saw his performance? Do you think Biden is going to be the nominee? Why? Who do you think would be a good running mate if Biden were to secure the nomination?

After all the gaffs, and sheer inability to speak, displayed by the president, and you ACT like you’re worried about Biden... I’ll just let the sink in for everyone by itself. Originally Posted by supercold1
I actually didn't see the debate, because it was a waste of time, particularly for me. I will take any one of those candidates, if they get the nomination, over Trump. Even that lady who went on about healing crystals and shit. Even she speaks way more intelligibly and makes way more sense than Trump. A monkey at a typewriter would be a better president than Trump.
Ok, take Harris. What policies do you like that she is putting forth?

I actually didn't see the debate, because it was a waste of time, particularly for me. I will take any one of those candidates, if they get the nomination, over Trump. Even that lady who went on about healing crystals and shit. Even she speaks way more intelligibly and makes way more sense than Trump. A monkey at a typewriter would be a better president than Trump. Originally Posted by supercold1
All the Democrat candidates have major flaws, save maybe Rep. Tulsi Gabbard...and no way the DNC lets her get the nomination. There is no apparent third-party "spoiler" candidate yet (like Johnson, Stein, etc.). I think this is President Trump's race to lose (despite the recent heads-up polling).
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
All the Democrat candidates have major flaws, save maybe Rep. Tulsi Gabbard...and no way the DNC lets her get the nomination. There is no apparent third-party "spoiler" candidate yet (like Johnson, Stein, etc.). I think this is President Trump's race to lose (despite the recent heads-up polling). Originally Posted by SecretE
Trump has all the advantages that come with being the incumbent. He can sit back and watch the 20+ Democratic candidates battle each other for the next 6-12 months. He can use all his TV time to promote himself. That's why it is difficult to beat the incumbent, although it has happened 2 out of the last 6 times the incumbent has run for reelection.

Trump took a fairly significant hit in the polls over the last week with his attacks on The Squad. His approval ratings on race relations dropped 3 points. I said a long time ago that Trump's tweets would be the reason he loses in 2020, if he in fact does lose. He doesn't know when it is in his best interests to STFU.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
BTW Ellen.

When first quarter 2019 GDP came in at 3.1% your were quick to praise Trump for that. Second quarter GDP just came in at 2.1%. Estimates are full year 2019 to come in at 2.5% and 2020 at 2.0%.

2018 came in at 2.9%. Anything between 2 and 3% is considered to be fine by most experts. However, Trump and Trump supporters complained about Obama not being able to hit 3.0% GDP while in office yet Trump has yet to do so despite his promises and despite his massive tax giveaways to both individuals and corporations.

So how you feeling about the GDP now?