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the Orange turnip Originally Posted by Zollner
Ahhh.... more talk of complexion.... imagine the outrage had the previous presidents complexion been discussed....
Zollner's Avatar
Ahhh.... more talk of complexion.... imagine the outrage had the previous presidents complexion been discussed.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Gentle political views in the sandbox. Meanwhile enslaving another ethnicity in the racial category at the bottom of the page. How kind and thoughtful whew

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Nope your a youngun.
Boomer here been retired over a dozen years and loving it. Got a great 'golden parachute' as some would call it and didn't even have to touch it so far. Times were good until 2½ months ago!!!.

Now our biggest fears are the Orange turnip may fark up SS, Medicare, Wall St with our Pensions & 401s invested there!
Looks like he is running the USA like he ran his dozen of so bankrupted businesses!!!
I like Businessmen that don't go Bankrupt all the time! Originally Posted by Zollner
Yeah, you got me by a few years.
403b was doing fantastic until CV. Trump has been good for my investments, I expect that trend to continue once the economy begins to recover from CV. I don't plan on touching it for at least another 10-years barring unforseen circumstances of course.
Yeah, you got me by a few years.
403b was doing fantastic until CV. Trump has been good for my investments, I expect that trend to continue once the economy begins to recover from CV. I don't plan on touching it for at least another 10-years barring unforseen circumstances of course. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

If it's doing that well I feel certain it started doing really good long before trump got "elected".
Things are going to get a lot worse...idiots are still listening to the morons wishful thinking for getting re-elected. The virus is going to win
Willie Wanker's Avatar
If it's doing that well I feel certain it started doing really good long before trump got "elected". Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
It's been substantially better over the past three years, until CV.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Things are going to get a lot worse...idiots are still listening to the morons wishful thinking for getting re-elected. The virus is going to win Originally Posted by keeponrisin
The virus isn't a candidate.
Zollner's Avatar
It's been substantially better over the past three years, until CV. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Did well all 8 years of Obama, due to him repairing the train-wreck Dubya left the USA in.

Year 1 of Dumbo Don was OK because he left things alone.
Year 2 Dumbo Don fiddled with the economy, results were a 11% loss.
Year 3 Someone tutored Dumbo Don on how to correctly tweak things and made a bundle.
Year 4 Dumbo Don ignored Jan & Feb CV warnings as detailed below, 'his dumb priorities' and Wall St collapsed, leaving the USA right now in a Deep Recession and or Depression! Pick your poison. Dumbo Don is doing all he can to 'juice up' Wall St but most real economists fear all we are seeing right now is the feared...'Dead Cat Bounce' on Wall St. Hope they are wrong but face it we have an Idiot completely out of his reality TV element, running things!!!

Zollner's Avatar
The virus isn't a candidate. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
But the Idiot's handling of it will be enough to keep him from winning this Nov.

Don't forget to catch his Comedy propaganda briefing today!
Should be a real Hoot!

Willie Wanker's Avatar
But the Idiot's handling of it will be enough to keep him from winning this Nov.

Don't forget to catch his Comedy propaganda briefing today!
Should be a real Hoot!
Originally Posted by Zollner
Promise me guy's will continue to be delusional, that's exactly how I like it. 🤗😉
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
Enjoy!!! What do you got to lose!!!