TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

The data I reviewed by the CDC showed mortality rate for Influenza to be 0.2 % whereas the corona mortality rate was 2 %. that is ~ 10x higher mortality rate than regular influenza.
Perhaps you could become Chump's new Surgeon General. He too thinks he knows more than the Generals,the Intelligent specialists,all journalists,and now scientists and doctors.
You would fit right in his administration. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
I'm totally down to be the Surgeon General if it makes everyone to shut the hell up about it.
Precious_b's Avatar
Speed, there are illegals coming from South America too. The meme does not just reference Mexico.
Either way, common sense will tell you that the healthiest people are NOT the ones ILLEGALLY crossing our borders. Jeesh. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
God! I would LOVE to see her quote reliable sources on that. The average life expectancy for all countries in the Americas is not that far off.
As it is for this virus, USA seems to be the highest risk in Americas. Brazil is the only other place that rivals it. Of course she ain't gonna document the health care in that country.

I'm totally down to be the Surgeon General if it makes everyone to shut the hell up about it. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
GG, I wish they'd just open our borders and let anyone come visit. We need another Black Death. Too damn many people on this planet and seeing how idiotic some are with their post on this thread, all the better. We just need to make sure that we have the collective knowledge of the human race secured so as to have a faster up time when it is done.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speed, there are illegals coming from South America too. The meme does not just reference Mexico.
Either way, common sense will tell you that the healthiest people are NOT the ones ILLEGALLY crossing our borders. Jeesh. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
As Precious_b stated, do you have anything at all to back your statement up that a significant number of illegal immigrants in this country have come from S.A.?

And, again, you offer no proof that Mexicans crossing the border illegally are not vaccinated. Rich or poor, people in Mexico are required to be vaccinated and it is free. The people crossing the border illegally are poor, which does not mean they are unhealthy.

Again, you are making statements that meet your agenda with no proof to back them up.
From the CDC guidelines - under other immigrants - many people will arrive in the US without any predeparture medical screening or vaccinations. No, they don't give a number because - common sense.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No,actually I listened to his and his son's comments in which they tried to minimize the virus outbreak and intimate that the democrats were exaggerating the situation. They said it was the dems "new hoax". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
We both know he didn't mean it in your self serving context. Yet only one of us wonders why Piglosi delayed funding for the outbreak, because she was too busy raising funds for the Demonicrats off it. Didn't you question their lies about GEPOTUS having defunded the CDC and NIH? Yet why don't you wonder why he was being vilified for putting a hold on flights from China over a month ago? The Demonicrats are doing their typical fear porning, demagoguery and hoax weaving at the expense of American lives. Presumably because all their other hoaxes didn't pan out.

But yeah, who knew people would get the flu during flu season? I'm sure the Demonicrat news mentioned that. No? Have you read the label on your Clorox wipes lately? You should. It calls out that they are effective at removing Coronavirus from surfaces. Who knew that doing preventative hygiene practices helps to control the spread of a virus? I'm sure the Demonicrat news mentioned that. No? Who knew that thousands of people die each year from the flu? I'm sure the Demonicrat news mentioned that. No?

Apparently not you. Plus we both know if it wasn't for the invention of Velcro, you wouldn't be able to tie your own shoes and thanks to the invention of high density foam helmets, you can now walk around and not trip over your own shoe laces and worry about cracking your empty skull on the concrete.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
From the CDC guidelines - under other immigrants - many people will arrive in the US without any predeparture medical screening or vaccinations. No, they don't give a number because - common sense. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You continue to cite articles which contradict what you are saying. From the cited article:

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to identify inadmissible health conditions. An authorized panel physician in the applicant’s country of origin is responsible for performing the screening examination before departure. Applicants who adjust their immigration status after arriving in the United States undergo a medical screening by a civil surgeon.

Applicants from outside the United States who apply for a US immigrant visa are required to receive all age-appropriate immunizations before immigration. Panel physicians administer vaccines according to CDC’s Vaccine Technical Instructions.

The part of the article that you cited, "Other Immigrants", states the following:

"Many people will arrive in the United States without having undergone any predeparture medical screening or vaccinations. Ask each patient for his or her health records. Unless documentation is available, do not assume that migrants presenting for care underwent a physical or mental health assessment, laboratory screening for diseases, or are up to date with immunizations."

Now reread this:

Applicants who adjust their immigration status after arriving in the United States undergo a medical screening by a civil surgeon.

Everyone is covered and must meet our health standards.
Speed, really? I mean reallllly. Yes, that applies to immigrants who come here legally. We were talking about the meme that states ILLEGAL immigrants. I'll bet you they don't have their shot records...oh wait....we don't know because they are here ILLEGALLY. You have a problem with that word.

You continue to cite articles which contradict what you are saying. From the cited article:

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to identify inadmissible health conditions. An authorized panel physician in the applicant’s country of origin is responsible for performing the screening examination before departure. Applicants who adjust their immigration status after arriving in the United States undergo a medical screening by a civil surgeon.

Applicants from outside the United States who apply for a US immigrant visa are required to receive all age-appropriate immunizations before immigration. Panel physicians administer vaccines according to CDC’s Vaccine Technical Instructions.

The part of the article that you cited, "Other Immigrants", states the following:

"Many people will arrive in the United States without having undergone any predeparture medical screening or vaccinations. Ask each patient for his or her health records. Unless documentation is available, do not assume that migrants presenting for care underwent a physical or mental health assessment, laboratory screening for diseases, or are up to date with immunizations."

Now reread this:

Applicants who adjust their immigration status after arriving in the United States undergo a medical screening by a civil surgeon.

Everyone is covered and must meet our health standards. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speed, really? I mean reallllly. Yes, that applies to immigrants who come here legally. We were talking about the meme that states ILLEGAL immigrants. I'll bet you they don't have their shot records...oh wait....we don't know because they are here ILLEGALLY. You have a problem with that word. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
lol. YOU are the one who brought in the CDC requirements for immigrants. I responded to it. Why did you bring it up in the first place?

I don't support illegals in this country but there is every indication that Mexican illegals in this country have had their vaccinations. It is highly unlikely that millions of unvaccinated illegals are in this country as is stated in the meme. And they certainly are not from South America. The primary point is the meme makes a statement that is not proven and probably totally untrue.
Precious_b's Avatar
Hell, I think anyone that comes to the USA from any part of the Americas is taking their health risk into their own hands.
With the infections i've seen since 2/22/20, only Brazil comes close to us germ ridden USA populace. Shit, they should sue us if they get sick. We've been perculating (sp) this virus for quite awhile.

Like us Americans are the "healthiest" people. There are a few other countries from the Americas that come before the USA. Unfortunately I could only find a list on the Bloomberg News, but since it doesn't deal with the big cheeto, I think we can lend it creedence. We rank 35th.

So, I think others coming to this country should not adopt our unhealthy ways. Moreso, they should show us and be an example for better living. Surely they came to this country for same.
Dev Null's Avatar
Yet only one of us wonders why Piglosi delayed funding for the outbreak, because she was too busy raising funds for the Demonicrats off it. Didn't you question their lies about GEPOTUS having defunded the CDC and NIH? (Blah blah blah).

But yeah, who knew people would get the flu during flu season? (Blah blah blah). Have you read the label on your Clorox wipes lately? You should. It calls out that they are effective at removing Coronavirus from surfaces. (Blah blah blah) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The story about Pelosi delaying coronavirus funding because of Dem fundraising is highly suspect. I haven't seen it on any reputable news source. I have seen this, saying that there are disputes between Dems and Repubs about pricing of vaccines and treatments so that not only rich people could afford them:

Rumors of POTUS defunding of CDC and NIH were greatly exaggerated according to He tried to, but Congress wisely decided not to listen to him.

Multiple Democrats, including Bloomberg and Biden, have criticized Trump for getting rid of a pandemic response position on the National Security Council. The position was eliminated, although John Bolton, then-national security adviser, was the person directly responsible.

You seem to share a lot of the same ignorance as our POTUS, who never knew that so many people died of the flu every year until he actually had to listen to smart people who know about such things.

And Covid-19 is a corona virus, so a lot of things will kill it. But it's not just any corona virus, since it has a vastly higher death rate.

And I don't think Clorox wipes is the answer to containing it. As Steven Wright said, "It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it."

And people do stupid things even when they know better, like Mike Pence shaking hands with classmates of a student who is now on Covid-19 quarantine.

Maybe fist bump next time?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Incredible victories for Biden last night. He won 5 states in which he did not make an appearance. Upset victories in Maine(if he holds on to his lead), Minnesota, Texas, and Massachusetts. Currently in 2nd place in California which was somewhat unexpected, and doing better than anticipated.

He certainly has some work to do. Younger voters voted overwhelmingly for Sanders. Biden has to do more to appeal to those voters. Also Latino voters.

We won't know the actual delegate count for a while but it will be a 2 person race between Biden and Sanders the rest of the way. If, or when, Bloomberg drops out of the race and in all likelihood puts his support behind Biden, that will be a tremendous boost for "Sleepy" Joe. Bloomberg can throw money at Biden's campaign and supposedly had a strong support system at the state level that will now move to support Biden.

Biden is now considered to be the favorite. Next 2 Tuesdays will do quite a bit to see if Biden can continue his momentum. Battle ground states of Michigan, Arizona, and Florida will cast their votes. Biden won the battleground state of NC yesterday.

BTW, DJIA futures up over 700 points due to Biden pulling ahead of Sanders.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...And Covid-19 is a corona virus, so a lot of things will kill it. But it's not just any corona virus, since it has a vastly higher death rate... Originally Posted by Dev Null
I'm not seeing it to be vastly higher and the data so far is super highly suspect and relies on the core believe that the Chinese government wouldn't lie to us. Duh...

...And I don't think Clorox wipes is the answer to containing it. As Steven Wright said, "It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it." Originally Posted by Dev Null
There is no single silver bullet at this time. But there are the standard protocols, which involve common sense, meaning every little bit helps. No different than any other flue season - evah. This is my main gripe with the Demonicrats on this topic. Instead of trying to lay yet another hoax at the feet of GEPOTUS, they should be putting on latex gloves and holding hands with the other side and put forth a combined statement of reassurance of known facts and advise on standard and basic precautions we should all take. And work together to improve our response abilities and to fast track promising solutions and remove hurdles to increase our success chances. Not to mention, keeping a watchful on the data and keeping the public informed

I mean WTF, we all know dead people always vote Demonicrat, but FF sake, isn't it better to live in a slightly chaotic politically charged world than to be dead Americans?!?

BTW: You know I read boring stuff. So here is a link to some boring stuff about the virus. Interesting about the complexity of it. At least it is science based instead of political. At any rate, whether it came from a bio lab or mutated in the wild naturally is unknown so far, but may be import info to understand going forward. FWIW: I don't see the article as fear porn.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I...He certainly has some work to do.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Like figuring out whom to go to bed with last night. His wife or his sister?
Couldn't resist. Yes, I'm plagued with a wicked streak at times...

Any way, a lot of establishment Demonicrats feeling like they dodged a Socialist bullet so far. Seems to be some revealing numbers in all of the action from last night. EX: Mini-Mike spent almost $700M and won the strategic prize of American Samoa. And Liz came in third in her home state. At least the race is gaining some focus and boiling down to three candidates: Joe, Berni and Bloomburg's $$.
And Bloomberg is out. It's turning into a very exciting race. I can't believe Bloomberg actually thought he had a shot at the Presidency. All those millions he wasted that could of helped homeless folks. He would of had a better legacy had he done that. Oh well, now to see who will win it - Benie or Biden. Now if only Biden can remember who is wife is that would be great. I couldn't resist either!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And Bloomberg is out. It's turning into a very exciting race. I can't believe Bloomberg actually thought he had a shot at the Presidency. All those millions he wasted that could of helped homeless folks. He would of had a better legacy had he done that. Oh well, now to see who will win it - Benie or Biden. Now if only Biden can remember who is wife is that would be great. I couldn't resist either! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Bllomberg thought he could capitalize on a lack of a moderate candidate. Surprise! Biden's campaign caught fire and Bloomberg got lost. But he can bring a lot to the Biden campaign with his money and infrastructure he has built.

It was obvious to me that Biden is the one Democrat that Trump feared the most in his bid for reelction. Biden is strong in Michigan and Pennsylvania, much stronger than Clinton who almost won those states in 2016. Bloomberg's support will also help Biden in Florida, where Bloomberg was very popular.

The race just got more interesting.