NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Dorian Gray's Avatar
3rd pick....

This boy is on that David Carr shit.
kerwil62's Avatar
Yet ANOTHER interception!!! This makes 3!!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-06-2013, 08:43 PM
Fuckers completed more passes to the niners, than his own team. I bet there are jersies burning all over town. Lol
Fuck this, Geronimo!!!!!!! I hope I land on Kubes! That dumb mothrrfucker started this by not deferring when we won the toss. Now he is trying to prove he is a smart guy by leaving him in to the bitter end. The Texan players have lost hope in Schaub and Kubes.

WTFUUUUUUCK MCNAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '!!!!!

Kubes can suck my fat dick!!!!! I am going to pecker slap him several times as he sucks it!!!!! FUCK YOU Kubiak!!!!!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
TJ's in !
hornfreak's Avatar
Finally a change in pace,,,,,, Jates is in... Oh motherfucker... Now a fucken fumble! Son of a bitch.
TJ, Keenum or even fucking Lechler should have been in after the first pass of the game!!!!

I am glad Keyshawn "studderstep" Martin is no longer returning kicks!!! Bench his ass too.

Come on McNair fire somebody!!!

Kubes is still looking for the side of bacon!!!
Why is Foster still in the game??? Kubiak is truly fucking stupid!!!!
hornfreak's Avatar
That's cause Kubiak is not thinking about the game.....bitch is thinking where he's going to get his next gig....,
McNair you deserve this! Another embarrassment on national tv because your coach, QB, special teams coach(Kubes Kroney) and kicker all suck!!! I guess you suck as a owner too so fuck you too!!!
TheDon's Avatar
Guys, I still believe Matt Schaub is still going to be our QB and will continue to support him as he is our leader.

(Okay, not really).
BigLouie's Avatar
Do you realize that Matt has almost as many passing yards to 49er players as their QB does.

This game marks the end of Matt Schaub in Houston. He is gone after this season. Not even sure if he will finish. They may use the last few games to take long looks at the other QBs.

This game may well mark the end of Kubiak in Houston unless he can turn it around. If we stumble to a 6-10 record he may well be gone.

Rest of the games:

Rams - May win
Chiefs - Loss for sure
Colts - Loss for sure
Cardinals - toss up
Raiders - Toss up
Jaguars - Win
Patriots - Loss for sure
Cots - Loss
Broncos - Really bad loss. Blow out by middle of first quarter
Titans - Loss
macksback's Avatar
3rd pick....

This boy is on that David Carr shit. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Hey remember Carr has two Super Bowl rings, Dopey will never have that
hornfreak's Avatar
Yeah where ever Carr is right now, he's probably laughing his as off, cleaning his two rings
Wade Phillips saved Kubes ass before but you can't fix stupid!! Stupiak!!