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Join Date: Aug 6, 2014
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Never seen this guy causing any trouble... then all of a sudden.... POOF!!

Perusing his recent posts... I'm not seeing anything....

I'm hoping somebody didn't get all butt hurt over this:

Being a mod on this site is like being a weatherman. No matter how often you are wrong you get to keep your job.

It seems that lack of reading comprehension is a requirement to become a mod here. I had an issue last year where a mod tried to point me for some made up infraction. Even after providing him with a link to the rules, he still couldn't tell me which rule # I had violated, but he was positive I had violated something. Fortunately the admins put him in his place and reversed the points. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Because if this post even garnered a single point....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
my bet for the ban

he will be missed till back
rooster's Avatar
....I could tell when she would orgasm becasue her pussy would just clamp up like I’ve never felt before with anyone else..... Originally Posted by Italianstud
You need to get out more cuz ya may not be quite the stud you thinck you are.....

Lotsa gals can do that. And they do it just for that make you think you gave 'em a pop. wife admitted that she used to do it so that I would just give up and let her go to sleep....

You need to get out more cuz ya may not be quite the stud you thinck you are.....

Lotsa gals can do that. And they do it just for that make you think you gave 'em a pop. wife admitted that she used to do it so that I would just give up and let her go to sleep....

. Originally Posted by rooster
She told me the same!!

Hope all is well Roo.....
12InchClock's Avatar
You need to get out more cuz ya may not be quite the stud you thinck you are.....

Lotsa gals can do that. And they do it just for that make you think you gave 'em a pop. wife admitted that she used to do it so that I would just give up and let her go to sleep....

. Originally Posted by rooster
offshoredrilling's Avatar
BANNED Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
fuckin Bambino.....

anyone get a deja vu? if ya only knew where I got it from...
ahhh... thinck he's on the app and I'll find out the skinny



echo echo echo.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
looks as DOTY thread in The Political Forum
for insulting, errrr WTF insulting is a pass time in that forum

mmmm mass banning coming ????
Looks like we missed something good.....


Join Date: Apr 15, 2015
Location: rochester
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Dirty feet??
Not really, sure hes on here somewhere . Erie maybe
lilylivered's Avatar
Looks like we missed something good.....


Join Date: Apr 15, 2015
Location: rochester
Posts: 691
Encounters: 54 Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Must have been doing that information thing at the wrong place
Not really, sure hes on here somewhere . Erie maybe Originally Posted by BetosVendetta
Hasn’t that guy been on here in dozens of incarnations ?
12InchClock's Avatar
Looks like we missed something good.....


Join Date: Apr 15, 2015
Location: rochester
Posts: 691
Encounters: 54 Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Must have been doing that information thing at the wrong place Originally Posted by lilylivered
He posted an incredible twitter post that unfortunately contained pornography. Not sure how he didnt realize that was bannable but glad he shared that great video. And glad i caught it before the mods removed it. Depriving all the members who missed it.
Mods should allow premium access members to view posts that are edited/removed.