NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Bring in Vince Young... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!: nono_h4h:
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-07-2013, 04:50 PM
These fucks have incentive clauses in their contracts I'm sure, well owners need to have it the other way also, you fuck up like this douche bag, you should take the hit in your pocket book also.
BigLouie's Avatar
Rick Smith fucked up. Giving Schaub that monster extension for just being a game manager was the move that has this team fucked, we could have saved much more money and signed a guy with just as much talent as Schaub.

In the last 18 games, Colts have beaten us, Seattle, Green Bay, and SF, they are clearly the front runners of the division now.

If we cut Schaub after the season, we will have the cap hit in 2015. JJ Watt is going to be the highest paid defensive player in history. So it's going to be hard to sign any big names in the next couple years, but that's the whole we put ourselves in with the Schaub contract.

Also, this Ed Reed signing is turning out to be a bust, I think he duped us by not telling us about his injury, he doesn't look 100% at all and will probably continue to get injured. Quinn would have cost much less and could have done a lot more.
. Originally Posted by TheDon
You are wrong on a few points. First Rick Smith DID NOT give Kubiak an extension, it was McNair who gave them BOTH extension. He offered them longer ones but Kubiak elected to take less years thinking that he was going to the Super Bowl and would get paid off big time. Now it seems his contract may run out just as we get rid of him.

Taking a cap hit on Matt is not going to be that bad. What we are scheduled to pay him next year and his cap hit are within 500,000 of each other so we will be basically hit with the same amount no matter what happens.

The Ed Reed thing was the wrong move and I have to wonder who wanted that deal. McNair, Smith or Kubiak.

The real key to next year is if the team tanks will Smith have the authority and the balls to let Kubiak go. I think it is a sure thing that we are drafting a QB next year and it will be a good year for it. Experts expect as many as 6 QBs to be taken in the first round with at least 4 of them looking to be real stars.

People seem to forget that when it came time to replace David Carr that the Texans were in the middle of an unfortunate run who no really good QBs were coming out of college. 2006, 2007 were terrible years for QBs. The trade for Schaub was the best we could do.

I know what about Yates and Case, at best they are career back ups. Neither are QBs of the future for anyone.
Romo was a late draft pick or even a free agent. Keenum was a free agent and he exhibits some Romo type ability. Good pocket presence and very nifty with the ball. TJ won a playoff game and led a crucial drive at Cincinattti to get us in the playoffs. He is faster than what we have and has a stronger arm. TJ's decision making is still questionable but so is Keenums due to experience.

We have to go 8 and 3 the rest of the way to get to 10 -6 for the year. 10 -6 may not make the playoffs. With Schaub as the QB, no way we go 8-3, NO FUCKING WAY!!! With TJ and Kennum and D that rallys and kicks ass it is more possible but still unlikely.
TheDon's Avatar
Unless Schaub fucks up and we lose to the Rams, I don't see Kubs benching him.

Can't see us going 8-3 with him either, maybe we can? Who knows. But really, we're better off losing as much games as possible and just getting a QB in the draft. I'm not going to do a breakdown of the draft, but basically, we could get Manziel, Kubs loves guys from A&M...
jstone420's Avatar
You need a coach period you can't win with that shit
Kubes named Shaub the starter for Sundays game!
Wakeup's Avatar
A Soundgarden line comes to mind...

"I know I'm headed for the bottom
But I'm riding you all the way"
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-09-2013, 10:30 PM
Sooner or later you boys are gonna get the message I've been trying to tell you about Dopey and understand the economics of the situation...

Repeat after me....Dopey is going to be our starter for quite a while.....
DarthMaul's Avatar
Sooner or later you boys are gonna get the message I've been trying to tell you about Dopey and understand the economics of the situation...

Repeat after me....Dopey is going to be our starter for quite a while..... Originally Posted by Satin
Kubes job will be in danger, if he fucks up this weekend.

He also said in his press conference "It was a hard decision..." which basically means, this is his last chance.
jstone420's Avatar
I agree
My feelings are well known for years about Dopey but I now place the blame directly on our stupid mother fucking coach. If that fucking idiot cannot see that this guy is who we all know he is(Sounds like Dennis Green's line, "they are who we thought they are!!!") then he deserves a big cowboy boot up his ass on the way out the door!! The stupid, nutless, spineless, brainless, Waffle house menu watchin, cock sucker of a coach needs to Fucking go!!!! Even bigtex(aka little wiener) has apparently come to grips with the fact that Dopey is who we thought he is!! I am sure he is lubing up his 3 finger Cougar hand signal and just waiting for Keenum to come in so he can tri finger his butthole with delight while watching Keenum move the damn ball and put some points on the board for OUR team. What say you Little Wiener(Big Tex)? It's time for you to bow down to Daddio the Nostradamus of Dopeism!!

With all this said, I still hope Schaub snaps the fuck out of it and leads us to the Super Bowl victory, what a fucking story that would be!!! I would gladly eat a Big mother fucking Crow and use the Cougar Tri Finger on my own asshole all the way to the Super Bowl. Dopey, TJ, Keenum it doesn't matter to me. Kubes get the fuck out!!!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-10-2013, 10:09 AM
God damn Daddio, I have been accused of being blunt and to the point, but you have me beat all to hell. Lmfao
Solemate62's Avatar
Lord......I am a Giants fan and I so wish they were scheduled to play Houston this weekend so they could finally get that elusive FIRST Win of the season!
TheDon's Avatar
If we played the Giants the NFL would explode.
