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BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Saurumon is owned... By sauron. He would lose. Sauron would barely blink to kick Magnetos ass.
sexxytexxan's Avatar
You're missing the point of the hypothetical!
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I'm always missing the point. That's why I'm a drone enslaved to Sauron.
sexxytexxan's Avatar
I'm always missing the point. That's why I'm a drone enslaved to Sauron. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
well played
Oh my, and me a Firefly addict who lusts after Inara. I promise I'll treat you better than Mal does Inara when we are together. Perhaps you could knit me a Jane hat? And talk dirty to me in Chinese? Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
I certainly hope so.

As it so happens, I attempted to learn to knit just so I could make my friend a cunning hat. It didn't go so well. I do know how to crochet, though, and came up with an elegant solution. If I ever pick up some red yarn, I might actually finish the damn thing.

Side note: I probably look more like Kaylee than Inara, so that's likely the direction I would go in, cosplay wise. I suppose I could go the obvious Saffron Reynolds route, as I'm constantly being compared to Ms. Hendricks. Debating, debating...
Diabolo's Avatar
Side note: I probably look more like Kaylee than Inara, so that's likely the direction I would go in, cosplay wise. I suppose I could go the obvious Saffron Reynolds route, as I'm constantly being compared to Ms. Hendricks. Debating, debating... Originally Posted by theCFE
jbravo_123's Avatar
Here's a good one:

Who would win in a fight? Saruman or Magneto?

Bonus points if you know why this match came up in the first place. Originally Posted by sexxytexxan
Magneto. Middle Earth wizards tend to be slow and ponderous in their truly epic spells (take the example of Saruman changing the weather while the Fellowship is trying to cross the mountains - yes, what he did was powerful and long distance, but he had to sit there chanting forever to do it). In the meantime, Magneto could just stick a piece of metal through Saruman's head be done with it.

My guess would be because Ian McKellan plays both Magneto and Gandalf, who fought Saruman?

Saurumon is owned... By sauron. He would lose. Sauron would barely blink to kick Magnetos ass. Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Not true, Magneto actually owns Sauron!

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Who would win in a fight? Saruman or Magneto?

Bonus points if you know why this match came up in the first place. Originally Posted by sexxytexxan
Does THIS answer your question....

blowpop's Avatar
As it so happens, I see a LOT of parallels between myself and Inara - it's one of the reasons I use the term "companion" as often as I do in my advertising. Who can say who got the idea from whom....? I'm, of course, not suggesting that Joss and I had hot sweaty monkey sex - but if we did, is it any wonder so many of his shows have had pro themes? Originally Posted by theCFE
That's it.

I DEMAND an Inara cosplay from you! Dibs on Zoe. Originally Posted by Glynette
I'll be in my bunk.
blowpop's Avatar
Blowpop, my brother!!!

Man of Steel - Women of Kleenex is probably my second favorite sci-fi short story after Harlan Ellison's Repent, Harlequin, Said the Ticktockman. Hard to beat the image of the Harlequin dumping tons of jelly beans on the slidewalks of a regimented society, throwing everything off.

Loved Niven's Ringworld, despite the almost unpronounceable names. TANJ!!!

Adored Heinlein for the longest time, but struggle with the likely unconscious sexism in his books nowadays. Stranger in a Strange Land and the Lazarus Long books were my faves.

And once I discovered Robert Sawyer a couple of years ago, I quickly devoured everything he has written--very imaginative dude!!! I especially liked the it when the alien shuttlecraft lands by the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, the alien emerges and says "Take me to a paleontologist." Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
My favorite Niven works are the ones he wrote with Jerry Pournelle. I think they balance each other out very well, although Niven's ARM stuff stands on its own. Ringworld is epic. I keep hearing about a movie, but I don't see how the story could be shrunk down into 2 hours (or 20).

Sawyer is very sharp, and I had the pleasure of meeting him a few years ago. Cory Doctorow is another who I've been working through - if you've not read him, several of his books are available as free downloads.
Wakeup's Avatar

Destroy the One Ring and you destroy Sauron...

What is the One Ring made of?

And you're talking about a guy who can disassemble metal down to its component atoms...

Epic win...
Too easy. Polaris vs. Magneto?

jbravo_123's Avatar
Again Magneto.

Sure Polaris might be his kid, but daddy is still an Omega level mutant on par with those such as Xavier or Apocalypse.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Magneto would never get close to the One Ring. Sauron would have Orcs with plastic guns and ammo take him out
So what? Same abilities and daddy issues. Edge goes to Polaris.