I guess it's all relative, man. LOL. Or maybe it's not. Sam Harris is no great mind.
I like Harris' position on Islam and his aggressive atheism in general, but he's just another pop-culture atheist. He hasn't contributed a thing beyond tirades and mere literature. He's not even on the level of an atheist like Christopher Hitchens who's done more for the culture of anti-religious dialogue in modern society than Harris ever will.
What about Harris do you actually like?
Originally Posted by wotbaby
There are numerous things I like about Harris. Also keep in mind that Hitchens and Harris are fellow members of the Four Horsemen of Modern Atheism and Harris has always been complimentary of Hitchens and was really great when Hitchens got sick and ultimately died.
Harris remains composed and centrist regarless of what kind of idealogue he happens to be debating, which is something that would be a sight to see in the midst of the kind of identity politics you see right here on this thread. Harris is one of the few personalities who can both eviscerate Donald Trump and declare the Democratic Party dead in the same oratory.
I prefer Harris' attack on theism moreso than Hitchens. I find his analogies and his use of language to be precise, and really almost perfect. Joe Rogan describes him as a "black belt" in making his point and I agree.
Harris has destroyed the bullshit facade of Islamism like no other. At the same time, he recognizes that he is unable to make a difference with Muslim assholes because they reflexively reject his rhetoric.
I listen to him all the time. I also recommend Letter to a Christian Nation to anyone who is able to recognize reality and who doesn't reject anything that he or she does not agree with.