Fat people have been "ignoring" this issue for years, and in fact, have been actively trying to convince the rest of us that to "ignore" it as well. The purpose of this thread was to illuminate the underlying problem, to stop "ignoring" it, and to stem the tide of perpetual forgiveness for being obese. It's not alright, it's not attractive, it's not healthy, it's costing the rest of us money, and you will die prematurely because of it.
Have fun sticking your head in the sand to "ignore" it and hope it will go away while of feel good about yourself...it won't work...
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Actually people who do NOT lead healthy lifestyle end up costing us less money - they die younger
That said, everyone has their own "trigger point" and no amount of telling people to get on the treadmill is going to make them do it.
I had interesting conversation today. On my way to gym run into ex bf who now lives 2 blocks away from me and belongs to the same gym. He and I dated about 10 years ago, things did not work out but we remained friends. He is now married and has a kid. I met his wife on numerous occasions and she always seems very happy with herself and her life.
What do you know? He asked me to help him get her on work out/diet regimen. Apparently she is extremely unhappy, has serious self esteem issues and refuses to do anything about it. In public she maintains "i am happy the way I look" attitude but in private is making his and her own life a living hell.
She may be not happy but she won't do anything until she reached HER point when she starts taking some action.
So now I got new work out buddy who happens to be wife of my ex. Life can be funny at times