Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

LexusLover's Avatar
I'll just pay the $92 fee. Went from paying nothing for nothing to -$92 for nothing. -_- Originally Posted by The Good Names Are Taken
Well, since you are from Las Vegas you should be accustomed to that result.

A whale is a whale is a whale.
I'll just pay the $92 fee. Went from paying nothing for nothing to -$92 for nothing. -_- Originally Posted by The Good Names Are Taken
See WTF?
What are you going to do in a few years when the fee is 700, Names?
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  • 10-29-2013, 09:10 AM
I'll just pay the $92 fee. Went from paying nothing for nothing to -$92 for nothing. -_- Originally Posted by The Good Names Are Taken
92 dollars is better than nothing from you and $695 is even better.

Right now the government gets nothing from people like this.
LexusLover's Avatar
Since the "Health Insurance Market Place" opened .. roughly 1.5 million who had insurance won't have any beginning Jan 1st. ... the states are reporting .. even if the WH doesn't!!!

Extending the "open enrollment" is a bandaid proposed by the House BTW and will merely prolongs the inevitable .. beyond the primaries ... this is ALL ABOUT POLITICS .. and posturing for 2014.

Follow up ...

"By Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye, NBC News (Not "Faux")

"President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years."


"....President Obama, who had promised in 2009, “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,” was still saying in 2012, “If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

______________________________ ______________________________ _

"Sticker Shock" comes in January. "Slicker Shock" comes in in April. 2014.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
God Bless America!

Reading this thread can only lead you to that conclusion.
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  • 10-29-2013, 12:42 PM

"President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years."


. Originally Posted by LexusLover

When you serve us Niger Yellow cake for 3-4 Trillion dollars...expect a lil something in return!

LexusLover's Avatar
When you serve us Niger Yellow cake for 3-4 Trillion dollars...expect a lil something in return! Originally Posted by WTF
At least you would have the decency to eat yours without talking with your mouth full.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama, the worthless lying sack of shit.
God Bless America!

Reading this thread can only lead you to that conclusion. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We all knew you were a little off, all along...
LovingKayla's Avatar
In spite of all the hassles with the site, seems like they've finally gotten their shit together.

We had applied, been accepted and enrolled after a long and frustrating episode. Picked our BCBS PPO plan, pulled the trigger and ...

This afternoon, we got the call from BCBS to go over the policy and answer the questions we might have.

New policy saves us a lot of money, but mostly drastically lowers our deductible and drug costs and covers a bunch of new stuff that we had been denied for 20+ years.

October 14.


No SWAT team lurking in the front yard. No wiretaps. No computer hacks.

Just affordable health insurance.

Anybody else have any luck? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Excuse me guys, I have not read this thread but I wanted to ask Yssup exactly how he did it. Have you used it yet? Are there docs near you that take it? I'm asking out of panic for a family member that has just gotten a cancer diagnosis. He has insurance that cost damn near 1000 a month and they are taking their sweet ass time to approve the simple surgery to fix him. All loathing aside, how exactly did you do it. I can't get through on the site when I was just poking around. The two experiences I know of, weren't anythng like yours. I'm wondering what you did different? It's weird to be of the opinion of FUCK obamacare but still desperately needing such a simple surgery that regular insurance is dragging their feet on. I do not understand how this is 2013 and it takes THIS LONG to do such easy shit. This is ridiculous. If what you found is better, I damn well want to know about it.

PS for The good names are taken, It's not just 92. the fee is 92$ or 1% of your income for 2014 (whichever is more), which DOUBLES to 2% the very next year and then the third year it's 2.5% of your income. I just read this exact page this morning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Excuse me guys, I have not read this thread but I wanted to ask Yssup exactly how he did it. Have you used it yet? Are there docs near you that take it? I'm asking out of panic for a family member that has just gotten a cancer diagnosis. He has insurance that cost damn near 1000 a month and they are taking their sweet ass time to approve the simple surgery to fix him. All loathing aside, how exactly did you do it. I can't get through on the site when I was just poking around. The two experiences I know of, weren't anythng like yours. I'm wondering what you did different? It's weird to be of the opinion of FUCK obamacare but still desperately needing such a simple surgery that regular insurance is dragging their feet on. I do not understand how this is 2013 and it takes THIS LONG to do such easy shit. This is ridiculous. If what you found is better, I damn well want to know about it.

PS for The good names are taken, It's not just 92. the fee is 92$ or 1% of your income for 2014 (whichever is more), which DOUBLES to 2% the very next year and then the third year it's 2.5% of your income. I just read this exact page this morning. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I just stuck with it. Fought with the site every day for a couple of weeks. Was able to get an account on my third try. annoying as hell but I finally got it done. Must have been lucky. You know, you can apply by phone or mail, btw.

I checked with all of our doctors before selecting a plan. They're all in network for the big plans. So we paid a little more and got our policy through one of them.

the policy goes into effect January 1. Until then I'm covered by the piece of shit policy I've had for the past couple of decades.
Excuse me guys, I have not read this thread but I wanted to ask Yssup exactly how he did it. Have you used it yet? Are there docs near you that take it? I'm asking out of panic for a family member that has just gotten a cancer diagnosis. He has insurance that cost damn near 1000 a month and they are taking their sweet ass time to approve the simple surgery to fix him. All loathing aside, how exactly did you do it. I can't get through on the site when I was just poking around. The two experiences I know of, weren't anythng like yours. I'm wondering what you did different? It's weird to be of the opinion of FUCK obamacare but still desperately needing such a simple surgery that regular insurance is dragging their feet on. I do not understand how this is 2013 and it takes THIS LONG to do such easy shit. This is ridiculous. If what you found is better, I damn well want to know about it.

PS for The good names are taken, It's not just 92. the fee is 92$ or 1% of your income for 2014 (whichever is more), which DOUBLES to 2% the very next year and then the third year it's 2.5% of your income. I just read this exact page this morning. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Good Luck!
92 dollars is better than nothing from you and $695 is even better.

Right now the government gets nothing from people like this. Originally Posted by WTF
You don't get it you moronic buffoon.

The government DOES get something from people like All The Good Names.

He pays taxes that goes into Medicaid and Medicare funds. He simply is being taxed more. My monthly insurance went up along with my deductible and my copays (read the rest of inserts). Its just a form of a tax.

The people who signed up for "free" Medicaid in the states that took the Obamacare medicaid expansion are just going to get more money from the feds in the short term. Don't worry, they'll just print more. They and the only other people who benefit are the people like Assup who were in the high risk pool (reed: pre-existing condition).

This has very little to do with people who stiff the ER bill. That's still going to happen abundantly.

Remember Obama said "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Bullshit. Remember Obama said "If you like your plan you can keep you plan." More bullshit.

I also seem to remember Obama saying:

"This is going to bring the cost of insurance down for the average family $2500" Very few of the media is calling him out on it. Other than the high risk pool (which is smaller than the regular risk), I haven't head of anyone's "raw" insurance premium going down. Have you?

Obama also said:

"Some people will get rebates (from the insurance companies)." I haven't seen any rebate. Have you? I haven't heard of anyone else getting a rebate. Where are the rebates?

Somehow, in your moronic buffoon brain, this is getting back at the people who voted for the Iraq/Pakistan war. No, its getting back at the middle class and will be remembered in 2014 and 2016.
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  • 10-29-2013, 08:55 PM

Somehow, in your moronic buffoon brain, this is getting back at the people who voted for the Iraq/Pakistan war. No, its getting back at the middle class and will be remembered in 2014 and 2016. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Poor lil want your Niger yellow cake and to eat it too.

Where were you ten years ago worrying about paying for nation building? Debt is debt, none of it will help the middle class. You are just a political hypocrite. . .
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  • 10-29-2013, 09:02 PM
Good Luck! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB