I took some liberty with your post. I hope you don't mind. No offense intended.
1) Kitty quit feeding the trolls,
2) you don't have to prove anything
3) to people who won't be visiting and paying
4) you anyway. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
1) Are those with a dissenting opinion always considered trolls, in your world view?
2) Isn't the point of this thread, and the original post, an offer to prove something? I suppose then, the answer is YES, she does have to prove something. Or not — like she hasn't yet — and accept what follows.
3). I've been known to visit. And pay. I'm sure the same can be said for many other posters, and lurkers.
One never knows who's watching, and shopping.
4.) Yes, definitely not her. And that has ZERO to do with her age, whatever it might be. I've seen older than her (I think, no telling how old she may end up being), and had a hell of a time.