Don't do anything ... ignore them ... same difference, imho.
Originally Posted by Licketyslit
Again, you are incorrect........I can read 'War and Peace' and not do anything about it.......that is not the same as ignoring it.
Levity aside.......
The truth is the truth.......Wakeup brings hits to a threAD........the whining and bitching will not change that........calling him on his mean behavior will not change that.......all it will do is make you part of the show.
But the masses are clamoring for a list. So, I will give them one............
1. JaD
2. DED
3. SMI
4. DM
5. MJJ
6. PP
7. EA
8. DH
They all have something in common.........They all post in Houston, none of them have a
and all of them answer to a higher authority on ECCIE for what they do and
don't do.
The snarcky shots that some of the pillow pets take at the Houston Modtards are hitting a brick wall. If they thinck that they are going to wear the local modtards down and around to their way of thincking, they have a long wait ahead of them. That decision is not in your local Modtard's is in Wakeup's hands........ijs
Many a conversation is had in modtardville about the running of this board. The views are diverse and at times they should be.
Adabear wants civility. Civility is the norm around here. 90% of what is posted on this board is done in a civil manner. Excellent information is passed from 'fucktard to fucktard' & 'hooktard to fucktard'......I would expect that the same applies with 'hooktard to hooktard' in their private areas.
What Adabear is advocating is an effort to bring civility to the 10%. He does not see the value that the 10% brings to the 90%. He chooses to ignore that retards come to see the train wreck and stay to check out the review sections......or.......come to check out the review section and watch the train wreck as a momentary diversion.
Instead, he might claim that the train wrecks run retards off......the formula Adabear wants already exists on TER.......and that is about the most boring, worthless information board out there.........and the hooktards love it (need I say more?)