I know all of your WK's will be coming out to your defense, I understand the idea of possibly supporting our troops with that pic, but with many incidents with recent gun violence you should have used some self editing. It would have been better of a pic of you blowing one of our service men then trying to blow someone away!
Originally Posted by The DarkSide
Not that I have to defend myself or my choice of photo ideas, but yes, it was CLEARLY in honor of the troops (hence all the camouflage), and not to "cheer on" some maniac that caused a tragedy I had nothing to do with. As for me "self editing", I don't think I did anything wrong, so I'm cool with my decision to post it. Sorry you misinterpreted it to mean I supported violence, but that's not the case at all. It means I love the men and women who fight for our country every day and give you the freedom to post your negative thoughts on a SHMB.