How many of us are left from ASPD?

LazurusLong's Avatar
What was the fucking crazy bet that CasinoPlayer21 had? It was $1,000 or $1,500 that he couldn't go a year without posting or something like that. He lost it after two or three weeks and owed a pool of us who put the money together hoping to loose just to get rid of his sorry ass. And thn he wouldn't pay up? Any body remember more of the details than I do?

The one person tht he fought with the most -- can't remember who -- had the biggest piece of the bet. DeaconBlues, maybe? Or maybe Fubar. Hell, I ca t remember.

Anybody have any idea where DianeTallRed is? Never met her, but she sure was full of piss and vinegar, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
The "deal", as I was given to understand, was that the person known as Casinoplayer21 was going through some serious life altering events and he had little more to do throughout the day than post to ASPD. But his posts tended to drive a lot of folks crazy.

I think you have the facts right, TTH. Wasn't 32Flavors the guy who put the bet together? That was the best part of it...32 continuing to taunt him forever after.

God, I miss guys like 32Flavors. Originally Posted by TinMan
I remember 32Flavors being a large part of the bet but for some reason, my memory recalls it that Casinoplayer21 was able to stop posting and won.

And 32Flavors got mad props from many many people for paying up.
Shooter6.5 may recall the actual details and if 32Flavors ended up paying or not.

32 flavors initiated the bet and yes he put up the bulk of the money.

He was one of the biggest ballbusters on aspd.A tremendous guy who's banter is sorely missed.

Great memories...

T Originally Posted by TBONE
If I recall, 32Flavors was here on ECCIE when it first started but appears to have faded into the night. Who knows, he may have finally gotten his fill of chocolate or discovered a different way to satisfy his carnal desires. Hell, he was the kind of guy that would be perfect for being a Sugar Daddy for some struggling college student at one of the top tier schools in the area.
TinMan's Avatar
LL, you are right, now that you mention it. I forgot that 32 did pay up. I think he did continue to taunt CP21, but interestingly CP21 seemed to lose interest in being a post whore after the game was done.
I was on aspd in 2003.Tall Red pissed me off,very bad session.Never met Sweet Desires but saw a lot of Lita!!
2007 on ASPD and on AfterHoursCentral, miss 'em both.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yep, it was 32Flavors. Though I recalled the result of the bet going the other way.

Is DeaconBlues still around? Last post of his shows to be 10 months ago.
TinMan's Avatar
This is the tragedy of the loss of that database. We can no longer research such an important historical moment. Perhaps one of the principals will read this thread and set the record straight. Hell, if they want to remain anonymous they can PM or email me (32 at least once had my email address) and give us the correct version.
Never met Sweet Desires but saw a lot of Lita

What ever happened to Coleston Thayer?
dogfart's Avatar
Got started in the hobby back in the early 90's by visiting the trailers/joints along 121 when it was still farmland. I used to hang out on the old ASP newsgroup and was part of Dick O'Stone's email group. Seems like I have been involved in at least one message board ever since. Can't even remember when I joined ASPD - I guess the memory fades with age. :-)
I was I was... Missing those days... But thankful for new beginnings
I was on ASPD starting around '03 or '04. The names change but not much else does!
slims099's Avatar
Dec 2001! I was 18 hahahaha! Still goin somewhat. :-)
MuffinMan's Avatar
Seems like Rascal and New Orleans Natalie brought me onto ASPD in about 2000 or 2001.
I sure miss all those Dallas and Houston ladies and the get togethers.

theboss21422's Avatar
Was member since 05'
John Smith's Avatar
Different name, maybe 10-12 years ago. Opened my world to greater understanding and possibilities. I remember spewing coffee after reading some of the posts, when they made be breakout in laughter. Helped me take life a little lighter.