Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?

You are a fuckless pussy. You repeatedly call me a racist and make personally insulting comments like I just quoted, and you get all whiney about bringing up something YOU INJECTED INTO THE DIALOGUE .... If you don't want you discarded, Black, fuck buddies brought into the discussion then don't try to use them as your "proof" you are not racist. I think YOU ARE A RACIST. And you are hiding it behind the skirt of some punch you didn't have the decency to marry after you fucked her for 10 years. ..... and that's why you won't answer the question as to why you didn't marry her.

You back off the personal attacks, and I'll be glad to do the same, but this ain't no free-free fire zone where you can trash others with impunity. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don't need proof that I'm not racist. I know myself. You don't know me. I've never said anything remotely close to being considered as racist as you have. You don't know what our relationship was like and the fact that you characterize it as 'fuck buddies' speaks volumes. In your feeble mind, I guess it's impossible for a black woman to be anything but a fuck buddy to a white man. That's seriously retrograde thinking. We had a deep, meaningful, loving and wonderful relationship. Why we ended or didn't end in marriage is really none of your business. If you want to use it as evidence of me being racist in your twisted mind, go right ahead. I call it like I see it and you say many things that are questionable regarding race.
I don't need proof that I'm not racist. I know myself. You don't know me. I've never said anything remotely close to being considered as racist as you have. You don't know what our relationship was like and the fact that you characterize it as 'fuck buddies' speaks volumes. In your feeble mind, I guess it's impossible for a black woman to be anything but a fuck buddy to a white man. That's seriously retrograde thinking. We had a deep, meaningful, loving and wonderful relationship. Why we ended or didn't end in marriage is really none of your business. If you want to use it as evidence of me being racist in your twisted mind, go right ahead. I call it like I see it and you say many things that are questionable regarding race. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Could you... SHUT the FUCK up?
Could you... SHUT the FUCK up? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Put a dick in it, jizzeater. I think it's time to replenish your dusty bukakke jizz beard. Get your buddy LL to eat a whole batch of asparagus and unload. Better yet, go get one of those videos we love to ignore. You know, about how the illuminati is taking over or some shit.
you are all doing exactly as the Media wants for you to do, remember without having a mission (that being, to put us "the people" at odds with each other) they, the media, would be out of business. Oh yes and let us not forget the politicians using the exact same "cause", it certainly takes away from all their political finagling, and puts the onus on "racist America" on "the people". When in fact, if has nothing to do with race, but a mentality, a mentality of "I can do any damn thing I want to and I should not be held accountable", and should those racist pigs decide to blame me, then I'm gonna tear up the town. Its the mentality of I can litter anywhere I want, because hey someone else will clean it up. I have seen it first hand when that "welfare mentality" moves into an area, that area, within 5 miles of where they moved becomes a trash bin, and thats putting it nicely. I think Don Lemon, (IMHO, a treasure for the black community to follow) said it quite succinctly, "Respect where you live. Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities. I’ve lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life, I rarely, if ever, witnessed people littering. I live in Harlem now, it’s a historically black neighborhood, every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away. Just being honest here". […]

Oh yes, one more thing, The People's Power Assembly (sounding a tad like The Black Panthers to me) using social media to incite gang crowds and/or flash crowds of those who know nothing about nothing, except that they want to be part of something.


Here is ALL of what Mr Lemon had to say, thank you, because if a white man/woman says it, we are considered racist:

“Here’s number five. Pull up your pants. If you’re sagging, I mean — I think it’s your self-esteem that is sagging and who you are as a person it’s sagging. Young people need to be taught respect and there are rules. […]

Number four now is the n-word. I understand poetic license, but consider this: I hosted a special on the n-word, suggesting that black people stop using it and that entertainers stop deluding yourselves or themselves and others that you’re somehow taking the word back. […]

Now number three. Respect where you live. Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities. I’ve lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life, I rarely, if ever, witnessed people littering. I live in Harlem now, it’s an historically black neighborhood, every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away. Just being honest here. […]

Number two, finish school. You want to break the cycle of poverty? Stop telling kids they’re acting white because they go to school or they speak proper English. […]

And number one, and probably the most important, just because you can have a baby, it doesn’t mean you should. Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues. So, please, black folks, as I said if this doesn’t apply to you, I’m not talking to you. Pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior. Pay close attention to the hip-hop and rap culture that many of you embrace. A culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned, thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich, just not you. And it’s not going to.”
  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 01:46 PM
you are all doing exactly as the Media wants for you to do, remember without having a mission (that being, to put us "the people" at odds with each other) they, the media, would be out of business. Oh yes and let us not forget the politicians using the exact same "cause", it certainly takes away from all their political finagling, and puts the onus on "racist America". When in fact, if has nothing to do with race, but a mentality, a mentality of "I can do any damn thing I want to and I should not be held accountable", and should those racist pigs decide to blame me, then I'm gonna tear up the town. Its the mentality of I can litter anywhere I want, because hey someone else will clean it up. I have seen it first hand when that "welfare mentality" moves into an area, that area, within 5 miles of where they moved becomes a trash bin. I think Don Lemon, (IMHO, a treasure for the black community to follow) said it quite succinctly, "Respect where you live. Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities. I’ve lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life, I rarely, if ever, witnessed people littering. I live in Harlem now, it’s a historically black neighborhood, every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away. Just being honest here". […]

Oh yes, one more thing, The People's Power Assembly (sounding a tad like The Black Panthers to me) using social media to incite gang crowds and/or flash crowds of those who know nothing about nothing, except that they want to be part of something.

http://peoplespowerassemblies.org Originally Posted by Cherie
Don Lemon? That guy is an ass-kissing fuck. He'll pander every which way as long as it gets him his 30 minutes of face-time.

But, for the most part, I do agree with you. Black people do have a problem. They're crime rates are insane, and although what you said about littering would be considered anecdotal, many of the black population do have an outright disrespect for laws and authority. Not all (not even most) of their problems start from systemic prejudice against them. But, that does not mean that the prejudice does not exist.

What we should be doing is giving them a leg up so they can get OUT of the situation they are in so that maybe in a 100 years or so, we can finally have some semblance of equality in this country (affirmative action, for example).

Instead what we are actually doing is staying blind to prejudice and racism that still exists today. Doesn't matter how diminished it is from a hundred years ago, there are still problems and they need to be addressed. Its becoming quite common to blame it all on race-baiters and political-correctness instead of actually admitting that we might have even a hint of a problem. And you're right, that is due to the media and the political divisiveness; Democrats and MSNBC are hell-bent on blowing it out of proportion while the republicans and fox news are too stubborn to admit that they are wrong and the problem does still exist. They naturally can't agree on anything and so they continue to cling to the same bullshit they first started with.

Can someone here honestly claim that racism and prejudice is completely erased in the 50 years or so that we allowed black people to cast a friggin vote??
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like the cop was indicted

http://news.yahoo.com/ex-sc-officer-...151700892.html Originally Posted by WombRaider
Did you think he wouldn't be indicted?

"State investigators presented the case against former North Charleston officer Michael Slager to a Charleston County grand jury on Monday and prosecutor Scarlett Wilson announced the indictment a few hours later.
"Wilson, by contrast, made no speeches. She called reporters to her office to announce the indictment, and made very few comments.


"Asked about the importance of the cellphone video of Scott's death, she acknowledged that it's helpful to have evidence that "depicts the crime, and we aren't having to rely just on people's perceptions."

"That said, "just because you have video in a case doesn't mean it's the be-all and end-all and the case is over," she said. "The jury will be able to make up their own mind after seeing the video and hearing the testimony.""
I don't know, you were trying to say that the guy shot the cop with own taser. Do I need to go back and copy and paste those eloquent statements you made on the subject?