Ukraine invasion ?

LexusLover's Avatar
that's making the news on FOX. i'm sure the nutcases at CNN and MSDNC are "melting down" over it. Carlson commented .. "wtf is Putin trying to do .. ruin and turn into a nuclear wasteland the very nation he's trying to conquer?"

this is to cripple Ukraine's power network. this plant with some 6 reactors i think supplies 25% of all of Ukraine's power. if Russia captures it they can shut it down in winter and force Ukraine to surrender. taking out such infrastructure is battle doctrine for centuries. the problem now is, it's nuclear with the potential to contaminate a wide swath of Ukraine for decades.

not to mention the potential contamination to Russia and eastern Europe. and China. Putin's forces need to be careful here. taking the site is one thing, causing a nuclear disaster is quite another. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's reported if this one goes it will be about 10x Chernobyl. The U.S. did a lot, if not most of the sealing and cleanup as such could be done. As this mess expands and becomes unbearably complicated there is only one person to blame: Bitten. Sad.

We will become "energy independent" quickly.
VitaMan's Avatar
16,000 foreign fighters head for Ukraine
Precious_b's Avatar
Yes, it shined a light on the false allegations made. It shined a light on a corrupt FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. Multiple people fired at FBI and DOJ and landed an FBI lawyer in jail for falsifying an official document. all with the intention of making sure this bogus investigation could continue which didn't please the FISA Court.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
And did US taxpayers need to pay for the recount (specifically AZ citizens)? Pork barrel spending happens both side. And all the time/labor/effort because of vote is the latest sapping of $$$ be it direct or indirect.

"Manafort actively interacted with Russian intelligence for political gain."

With no evidence of Trump's involvement or did I miss that part in Mueller's report? If I did, would you please supply it? Let's look at what Manafort was found guilty of because surely they found him guilty of conspiring to interfere in the election, right? Because that is what this was all about, right?

I stated the part of the report dealing with Manafort. And it was to identify him dealing with people of Russian intelligence. Seeing you use Vox, i'll supply a this from their article: Two Trump campaign officials — Paul Manafort and Rick Gates — provided polling information to a Russian oligarch Gates believed was a “spy” for the Kremlin. This "believed" spy was Konstantin Kilimnik. I'll let you be the judge on him being a spy. And you can show me where I said Manafort interfered with the election.

"Had Stone use Wikileaks for same."

First, there was no evidence presented that Trump had any connection to what Stone did and once again, no conviction on "conspiracy to interfere in the election". All of Mueller's efforts was to arrest these people in the hope of getting them to flip on Trump. He didn't so they got what convictions they could.

If so, than how come when he met with Henry Oknyansky to get dirt on Hillary that Stone refused to pay for it stating donny would not pay for it? In that Justice Dept link.

As for the Steele Dossier, LOL!, find anyplace where I rely on it for a source. *I* love to throw it out there because it baits alot of these MAGA people. I think it gets their goat that it was originally funded by the repubs. And when it wasn't getting the dirt that was to their favour, they dropped it. And it must really irk them that the demos pick it up.

Again, I don't rely on the paper for anything except to way in the face of alot of people here that the repubs where the birth parents for it.

And as you agree, it did shine the light on things. Showed the flaws with some FBI people and they got whacked for it. That's a good thing. Out in the open. It ain't back room dealing for personal gain.

I am in complete agreement with you there.
VitaMan's Avatar
How many gallons per mile do those yachts get ?

I thought my 35 ft Bayliner mini yacht was a gas hog
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's reported if this one goes it will be about 10x Chernobyl. The U.S. did a lot, if not most of the sealing and cleanup as such could be done. As this mess expands and becomes unbearably complicated there is only one person to blame: Bitten. Sad.

We will become "energy independent" quickly. Originally Posted by LexusLover

given that i hear there are six reactors of larger size than Chernobyl's reactors which i think had 4 a 10X release is certainly possible. however that's worst case scenario, probably all 6 would have to go into meltdown. as i recall not all of the 4 plants at Chernobyl melted down, it might only be one. but the damage was done, the remaining plants had to be shutdown because of the contamination.

yes the US did lead the effort to build the sarcophagus as i recall.

i rarely disagree with the great Victor Davis Hanson but i did with his comments on Tucker's show tonight. while he's not a green freak he incorrectly said nuclear power isn't safe. he's wrong. anything can fail but he cited Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Three Mile Island was not a real meltdown and never posed a threat. Chernobyl was a design stolen by the Russkies of a primarily British prototype design they abandoned when its flaws became obvious. Fukushima was a very solid GE design, the only reason that happened is no one accounted for a once in 50 to 100 year coastal flooding by a 50 to 100 year tsunami. it was built along the coast for easy access to sea water for cooling. if they had expected the plant would ever be hit by a 100 year tsunami they would have put the power plants that ran the water pumps farther inland or otherwise hardened them against a massive tsunami.

the overall track record of nuclear power is excellent. minus a stolen British prototype design (Chernobyl) and a fluke location/100 year tsunami (Fukushima) there are hundreds of nuclear plants being safely operated worldwide today.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How many gallons per mile do those yachts get ?

I thought my 35 ft Bayliner mini yacht was a gas hog Originally Posted by VitaMan

the question is moot. it's like asking what's the insurance on a 250k Ferrari. if you can afford the Ferrari who cares about the insurance or the gas?

these russkies don't care about fuel costs.

a 35 ft Bayliner mini yacht with the cabin space is a nice boat. about like this ??

i had a Mariah 25 ft sx25/br with the big block 7.4 liter engine. it could hit 60 mph. fast as shit. never cared one bit how much fuel it used at wide open throttle.

no sleeping quarters of course unlike the bayliner but not what i wanted.

i'm from Louisville. in 5 years i'm likely leaving Texas and retiring there. who says you can't go home? i've considered buying a big house boat and living on it. or maybe just buying a condo and the house boat and roam the Ohio River on it.
... NO sleeping quarters??

... Joe Biden would never want a boat like that.

And come to mention... Neither would Bill Clinton. ...

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... NO sleeping quarters??

... Joe Biden would never want a boat like that.

And come to mention... Neither would Bill Clinton. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
considering neither of those assholes would be welcome on my boat, who cares, mate?

if i buy a house boat in a few years maybe i'll sail it up to PGH and meet you and Bam at a dive bar for drinks. cheers!
lustylad's Avatar
if i buy a house boat in a few years maybe i'll sail it up to PGH and meet you and Bam at a dive bar for drinks. cheers! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hey, don't forget me! I once worked as a deckhand on an Ohio River towboat. Make sure your houseboat has a paddlewheel!

that's making the news on FOX. i'm sure the nutcases at CNN and MSDNC are "melting down" over it. Carlson commented .. "wtf is Putin trying to do .. ruin and turn into a nuclear wasteland the very nation he's trying to conquer?"

this is to cripple Ukraine's power network. this plant with some 6 reactors i think supplies 25% of all of Ukraine's power. if Russia captures it they can shut it down in winter and force Ukraine to surrender. taking out such infrastructure is battle doctrine for centuries. the problem now is, it's nuclear with the potential to contaminate a wide swath of Ukraine for decades.

not to mention the potential contamination to Russia and eastern Europe. and China. Putin's forces need to be careful here. taking the site is one thing, causing a nuclear disaster is quite another. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Kind of like a disgruntled ex-Boyfriend. "If I can't have her no one will" so he kills her and himself. It's fucking crazy.
VitaMan's Avatar
What are the odds of Kanye West doing that ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey, don't forget me! I once worked as a deckhand on an Ohio River towboat. Make sure your houseboat has a paddlewheel!

Originally Posted by lustylad

the Belle of Louisville. that's a blast from my past. been on her many times. teen dances, cruises when i was an adult .. drinks!!! (not like we didn't sneak booze on the teen dances .. we did!)

the great pre-Derby race between the Belle and the Delta Queen.

i grew up on the Ohio River. i've been boating all my life. in 1977 we went out on a buddy's dad's boat, and he started "chasing wakes" of the Belle. what that means is "surfing wakes" in a boat. his boat was a 17 ft outboard. and he swamped it.

we were surfing the wakes of the Belle perfect then he got out of sync .. me and a buddy were in the front bow seats. suddenly the boat dipped and this huge wave came up. my buddy actually jumped out. i swear he was 20 feet in the air. i thought .. "yeah maybe i ought to bail out too" and got flattened by the wake. knocked me down into my seat.

it swamped the boat, killed the engine no electricity. .no bilge pump. FUCKED! lol. it sank. but not really. boats are fiberglass with lots of buoyancy. it did sink from the stern where the weight of the engine made it go down. we all could swim so not that big a deal. however we were in the middle of the Ohio River.

we got the life vests that floated out and some boater saw it all and came over, he towed it to shore, still 99% underwater and nose up.

so .. my buddy had to make that dreaded phone call to his dad ... "Dad, i sunk the boat" lol. this was back when there were these ancient artifacts known as phone booths ... lol.

so my buddies Dad shows up and to my amazement didn't kill him on the spot. my Dad would at least punched me into next week ... lol. and they got the boat out and had it repaired.

unfortunately for me, i lost my pants, didn't think of it while the boat was sinking, could have gotten them sooner, and lost the keys to my Mom's car at the bottom of the Ohio along with Ali's Gold medal ... it was gold keychain with mine and my brother's birth dates and names in the keyfob.

so she had to drive down with my Dad with the second set of keys to drive her car back to our house.

this car.

Yes. my Mom drove a 1970 blue Trans Am 400 Ram Air Firebird. until i wrecked it in 1978. but that's a story for another time.


bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
This is why Crimeans wanted to rejoin Russia, they overwhelmingly wanted no parts of the US installed puppet government in the west.
bambino's Avatar