Let's welcome Pistolero to the Houston mod team

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 01-29-2014, 08:52 PM
pardon the language.

how did this fucking boat of a thread manage to last more than year?

ive seen some shit in my time, but this takes the cake and football helmet filled with goat cheese.
Football helmet filled with goat cheese, well now that's different.

But I bet Pistolero is proud!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero started out herding goats, but earned a promotion to herding cats.
boardman's Avatar
Promotion? I figured he got caught fucking goats and sent to Houston as punishment.
setman's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
There is an urgent need for former goat herding/loving specialists like Pistol Pete in many forums.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Pistolero is a man of many talents, I'm sure with his immense qualifications to be a mod he could make goat cheese into lemonade.

Long live Pistolero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hip, hip....................(cmon everyone now) HOORAY!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Pistolero is a man of many talents, I'm sure with his immense qualifications to be a mod he could make goat cheese into lemmingade. Originally Posted by amishgangster
dearhunter's Avatar
Ole PistolPete could fix Upset NY right up.......even if he is a newbie
Pistolero's Avatar
New Blood, works every time.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Ole PistolPete could fix Upset NY right up.......even if he is a newbie Originally Posted by dearhunter
How could they have passed over PP?
dearhunter's Avatar
I am verklempt
This is a really long thread : )
setman's Avatar
This is a really long thread : ) Originally Posted by Kylie Summers

pardon the language.

how did this fucking boat of a thread manage to last more than year?

ive seen some shit in my time, but this takes the cake and football helmet filled with goat cheese. Originally Posted by savak
Pistol Pete.... Is the best MOD ever....

He loves us...... Just Showin the love!