Enough is Enough

Wakeup's Avatar
Anyone want to see BP publish his Top Nine with an Open Spot Ignored Handles list?

I think you are missing the point. Are you implying you can not be entertained without slamming people for no reason? Can you not have fun unless you flame on people? Maybe you have not noticed but, many people do not post at all for fear of being a target or because it just is not worth their time to get involved in the drama.

Maybe this site would be more entertaining with them participating.


Of course I have my opinion and you have yours....I guess it will be up to the members to decide what they want. You and I will just be trying to convince them that our way is best. Originally Posted by Adabear

ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 09-17-2013, 08:26 AM
This is kind of like asking an IRS auditor the best way to cheat on your taxes...ijs. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Well if you can ask them anonomously...
dearhunter's Avatar
Fair enough. So what exactly is it that you recommend people do to deal with the assholes? Originally Posted by Licketyslit
Don't do anything.........it is like asking me how to piss into the wind without getting piss all over you........don't piss into the wind.......if you have to piss, turn and piss with the wind and piss on someone else......maybe, they will thinck it is raining.......ijs
Don't do anything.........it is like asking me how to piss into the wind without getting piss all over you........don't piss into the wind.......if you have to piss, turn and piss with the wind and piss on someone else......maybe, they will thinck it is raining.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Don't do anything ... ignore them ... same difference, imho.
I think another top 10 list would be just the trial we need to see who can keep the nice... and who can't. btw, I only have 3 points left just as testament to how I bring the nice. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Yes. But notice no one is naming any names.
Adabear's Avatar
Looked pretty consistent to me

I can see why you would find it funny. You are trying to be consistent with what you posted several months ago:

Otherwise, you are going to look like a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Sarunga
wait.........is blowpup on the mean side or the nice side..........who decides who is on what side? Originally Posted by dearhunter

The ineffectual side.

Liked you post LD. What about that Top 10? I'm down.
oh snap... template time!

Fuck talking about it, let's be about it.
dearhunter's Avatar
Don't do anything ... ignore them ... same difference, imho. Originally Posted by Licketyslit
Again, you are incorrect........I can read 'War and Peace' and not do anything about it.......that is not the same as ignoring it.

Levity aside.......

The truth is the truth.......Wakeup brings hits to a threAD........the whining and bitching will not change that........calling him on his mean behavior will not change that.......all it will do is make you part of the show.

But the masses are clamoring for a list. So, I will give them one............

1. JaD
2. DED
3. SMI
4. DM
5. MJJ
6. PP
7. EA
8. DH

They all have something in common.........They all post in Houston, none of them have a and all of them answer to a higher authority on ECCIE for what they do and don't do.

The snarcky shots that some of the pillow pets take at the Houston Modtards are hitting a brick wall. If they thinck that they are going to wear the local modtards down and around to their way of thincking, they have a long wait ahead of them. That decision is not in your local Modtard's hands........it is in Wakeup's hands........ijs

Many a conversation is had in modtardville about the running of this board. The views are diverse and at times animated.........as they should be.

Adabear wants civility. Civility is the norm around here. 90% of what is posted on this board is done in a civil manner. Excellent information is passed from 'fucktard to fucktard' & 'hooktard to fucktard'......I would expect that the same applies with 'hooktard to hooktard' in their private areas.

What Adabear is advocating is an effort to bring civility to the 10%. He does not see the value that the 10% brings to the 90%. He chooses to ignore that retards come to see the train wreck and stay to check out the review sections......or.......come to check out the review section and watch the train wreck as a momentary diversion.

Instead, he might claim that the train wrecks run retards off......the formula Adabear wants already exists on TER.......and that is about the most boring, worthless information board out there.........and the hooktards love it (need I say more?)
Wakeup's Avatar
1. JaD
2. DED
3. SMI
4. DM
5. MJJ
6. PP
7. EA
8. DH
Originally Posted by dearhunter
K, I see the distinction you are making.

Who are SMI, MJJ, & PP ... not familiar with them?
carkido45's Avatar
Cant we all just look at Dorothy Malone's Tits and get along ? I mean really where's the love ?
chicagoboy's Avatar
I presume PP is the welcome-wherever-he-goes Pistol Pete, whom I'd move right to the top of the list. (Sorry, 'Dude.)
Wakeup's Avatar
K, I see the distinction you are making.

Who are SMI, MJJ, & PP ... not familiar with them? Originally Posted by Licketyslit
Then you obviously don't see the distinction he's making...