Assholes's Speech

pussycat's Avatar

I am living proof that you don't know what you are talking about. I am 71. A baby-boomer. I left the work force. So now you know at least one who is out of the work force. None of my friends in their 70s are working, and most of my friends in their 60s are not working. Voluntarily retired. One friend recently retired from the APD in his 50s.

Look, you believe what you want to on whether Obama was good or bad for the economy. I don't care. I prospered while he was in office and am now retired with a very nice income. Originally Posted by pussycat
Do the research and you'll find that many people retired from their previous employment are still in the workforce if they are in Texas or California or other places where labor is needed and business is strong.

Personally I know many people who retired from their corporate or public sector jobs here in Texas but all of them are still working at something, or own a business.

I'd wager that your friend the retired policeman is now working at anther job. I think it's almost impossible that he's just fishing and watching sports all the time.

Please clarify though. Are you saying that you are permanently out of the workforce at 71 years of age? You are living entirely off a pension or investments? You have no other income? Do you then "work" your investments then? You perhaps day trade or do other "work" for hours weekly to manage your assets?

I know people like that too, but that's actually a job, though not employment. People like that pay taxes, though not as much as they should or used too. Maybe a marginal rate of 15% BEFORE deductions.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Do the research and you'll find that many people retired from their previous employment are still in the workforce if they are in Texas or California or other places where labor is needed and business is strong.

Personally I know many people who retired from their corporate or public sector jobs here in Texas but all of them are still working at something, or own a business.

I'd wager that your friend the retired policeman is now working at anther job. I think it's almost impossible that he's just fishing and watching sports all the time.

Please clarify though. Are you saying that you are permanently out of the workforce at 71 years of age? You are living entirely off a pension or investments? You have no other income? Do you then "work" your investments then? You perhaps day trade or do other "work" for hours weekly to manage your assets?

I know people like that too, but that's actually a job, though not employment. People like that pay taxes, though not as much as they should or used too. Maybe a marginal rate of 15% BEFORE deductions. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The retired policeman is fully enjoying his retirement with absolutely no plans to find another job. His wife will be retiring in a couple of years and they will be touring the U.S. in their motor home . Like I said, none of my friends above 70 are actively working or looking for work. I have friends in their 50s and 60s who are fully retired or planning on it. Two years ago I was at my HS class reunion and I don't think ANYONE was still in the work force.

I am permanently out of the work force unless my former company hires me back on a temporary basis for a short term assignment. I contracted to them in 2015, working 4 hours a day from home, any 4 hours I wanted to work. If a gig like that came up again I would return to the work force for the length of the contract. I am doubtful that it will come up so here is how I "earn" my money. I paid the maximum into social security for 44 years. I receive a pension from my employer, although my ex-wife gets about 45% of it. I receive a monthly annuity from my converted 401k for the rest of my life. I do not have any real control over the investments other than to tell the company what categories I would like the money invested into. My wife receives social security and a pension. So my income is in the 6 figures without me doing a day of work. If you want to know what I do with my time, today I went to the gym for an 80 minute weight workout, had lunch, rode my bike for 90 minutes at 16+ mph, worked in the yard, and relaxed.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Oh yeah I've been exposed as a fraud. Right. Originally Posted by pussycat
pussycat is an exposed fraud; the guy works for TAE. Now he is pissed that I've spent enough time on the board to figure it out.

pussycat won't have carte blanche to do his usual bullshit anymore. It's a game changer, sucker!
pussycat is an exposed fraud; the guy works for TAE. Now he is pissed that I've spent enough time on the board to figure it out.

pussycat won't have carte blanche to do his usual bullshit anymore. It's a game changer, sucker! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cappy!! Were you right all along about Trump? Did he dupe people like me who are tired of spending $$ on wars that take place in locations i could give a shit about?

Little Monster's Avatar
Cappy!! Were you right all along about Trump? Did he dupe people like me who are tired of spending $$ on wars that take place in locations i could give a shit about?

Wow! Originally Posted by veedub63
Nope that was the last Republican President we had that did that...

Asshole hasn't been in office long enough to accomplish that one.....yet
pussycat's Avatar
pussycat is an exposed fraud; the guy works for TAE. Now he is pissed that I've spent enough time on the board to figure it out.

pussycat won't have carte blanche to do his usual bullshit anymore. It's a game changer, sucker! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

Yeah I'm the "fraud" who posted here that Trump would be President when there were still 16 Republicans still seeking nomination.

The only one here pissed off is YOU because your a conspiracy theorist who spends hours every day in your underwear in your Mom's basement posting on a hooker board.

As for me everything I've predicted has come to pass, against the "received opinion" of orthodox media and "experts."

So I guess that must mean I "work for" an escort agency!


pussycat's Avatar
Cappy!! Were you right all along about Trump? Did he dupe people like me who are tired of spending $$ on wars that take place in locations i could give a shit about?

Wow! Originally Posted by veedub63
It's Trump who singularly called out W.Bush and his pretexts for war in Iraq as a fraud when everyone else, both Republican and Democrat, said it was "an honest mistake."

It's been Trump who has repeatedly stated that America has "gotten nothing" for spending three trillion dollars on these wars.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
pussycat is a fraud on many fronts. Like his pathetic claim that he is a Democrat.

He so desperately wants you to believe the shit that flies from his mouth.

He bullshits and hopes people won't catch on. BTW, where are the respected University studies that prove 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? We are still waiting...

pussycat the liar... the sack of shit... the fraud. He's all of that. Traits also found in his hero Trump.
pussycat's Avatar
pussycat is a fraud on many fronts. Like his pathetic claim that he is a Democrat.

He so desperately wants you to believe the shit that flies from his mouth.

He bullshits and hopes people won't catch on. BTW, where are the respected University studies that prove 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? We are still waiting...

pussycat the liar... the sack of shit... the fraud. He's all of that. Traits also found in his hero Trump. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
So let me get this straight? I've never been a Democrat? LOL that's a good one.

And Trump is a "sack of shit?" Compared to yourself I gather?

Here you are, someone in your underwear posting hours every day on a hooker board, with no accomplishments, career, or anything. And you call someone like Donald Trump a "sack of shit?"


Keep it up.

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
pussycat is a fraud on many fronts. Like his pathetic claim that he is a Democrat.

He so desperately wants you to believe the shit that flies from his mouth.

He bullshits and hopes people won't catch on. BTW, where are the respected University studies that prove 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? We are still waiting...

pussycat the liar... the sack of shit... the fraud. He's all of that. Traits also found in his hero Trump. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Bullshit EXPOSED yet again and STILL avoiding a valid question:

Where is all this proof that 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? pussycat? pussy?
Phantom Pooper ATX's Avatar
The election is over. Did CNN forget to report that?
pussycat's Avatar
Bullshit EXPOSED yet again and STILL avoiding a valid question:

Where is all this proof that 3 million people VOTED illegally for Hillary? pussycat? pussy? Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Where is the proof that you can spend at least one day a year without logging onto this site and posting? Huh? Where's the proof of that? Well Cap'n?
pussycat's Avatar
The election is over. Did CNN forget to report that? Originally Posted by Phantom Pooper ATX
Yeah and Trump won just as I said he would, even though almost all pollsters and pundits and journalists and analysts said he wouldn't.

That's because I never say anything unless I know what I'm talking about, and I sometimes know more than professionals and "experts."

That's what comes with having an IQ of 159.

Phantom Pooper ATX's Avatar
Well since trump was elected I guess the average IQ of americans is better than we thought..... though its falling due to importing third world parasites.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
That's because I never say anything unless I know what I'm talking about, Originally Posted by pussycat
For example. Every time they mention his assertion that three million votes were fraudulent they tag it with, "Trump's unfounded claim that has no evidence.."

What bullshit.

It's not up to them to claim his assertion has no evidence. If it's a commentary then okay. But in news reporting the idea that his assertion is or is not founded on evidence they accept is biased.

His assertion is actually founded on evidence. There's been several University studies documenting that millions of votes have been cast by illegal aliens that are ineligible to vote.
Originally Posted by pussycat
Let's read above.

So, where is that proof?
pussycat, the IQ-challenged delusional dipshit; I love this arbitrary IQ claim of his. It's as if that "pulled-out-of-his-ass" number forgives him for talking about things he knows nothing about. No free passes for chumps like pussycat..

Are we going to see these University studies? Or will pussycat continue his portrayal of a dodging dimwitted fuckwad?