The 2020 Presidential Election

Crap - I can't read it without setting up an account with the New York times. It keeps blocking me.
And now we will be getting the wall. Precious, I'm talking to you.

Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And now we will be getting the wall. Precious, I'm talking to you.

Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
First, this decision is for only $2.5 billion of the $5.7 billion requested by Trump. Significant but not a total victory.

Second, the money will NOT be used for building NEW fencing. As stated in your cited article:

"The freeze had prevented the government from tapping approximately $2.5 billion in Defense Department money to replace existing sections of barrier in Arizona, California and New Mexico with more robust fencing."

The question remains. The $2.5 billion that Trump is using was allocated by Congress to other projects that are now unfunded and will not be completed. What projects will not be done?

The concern I have is that we have 3 branches of the government in this country -- Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. This is so power is not in only one branch and there is a "balance of power". Funding responsibilities fall under the aegis of the Legislative branch. Trump, in my opinion, is disregarding the responsibilities of the Legislative branch. That could set a very unhealthy precedent for other presidents. This concern has absolutely nothing to do with the construction of the wall
Well, I can agree with that. It may. It is a shame we had to go that route.
Were you concerned about Obama's use of executive orders?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, I can agree with that. It may. It is a shame we had to go that route.
Were you concerned about Obama's use of executive orders? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No. I also was not concerned about any of Trump's prior executive orders. This was a declaration of a national emergency, not an executive order. George W Bush declared 10 national emergencies while in office. Obama declared 10. Trump 5. I have no problems with any of the previous declarations. This one is the exception. What is different about this declaration declaring an emergency at our southern border?

"This emergency declaration is the first since the passage of the National Emergencies Act in which the president sought to take funds for which Congress previously denied appropriation, and the first time both houses of Congress passed a resolution declaring the emergency terminated, sending it to the president for his signature."

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ellen, no comment on the GDP? Am I wrong in stating that Trump PROMISED a yearly GDP of 3.0% while he was in office?
Oh I thought you meant on that article I can't get into.
Yep, he missed the mark - what was it 2.9 percent?
It was very close.
Trump has all the advantages that come with being the incumbent. He can sit back and watch the 20+ Democratic candidates battle each other for the next 6-12 months. He can use all his TV time to promote himself. That's why it is difficult to beat the incumbent, although it has happened 2 out of the last 6 times the incumbent has run for reelection. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Both Presidents Carter and H W Bush had bad economies in the leadup to their re-election campaigns. While some may say the latest GDP numbers aren't stellar, they are comparable to what President Obama had when he won re-election in 2012.

Trump took a fairly significant hit in the polls over the last week with his attacks on The Squad. His approval ratings on race relations dropped 3 points. I said a long time ago that Trump's tweets would be the reason he loses in 2020, if he in fact does lose. He doesn't know when it is in his best interests to STFU. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Would love to see the source on that. His support amongst "people of color", while still not great, was growing up until that moment at least.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh I thought you meant on that article I can't get into.
Yep, he missed the mark - what was it 2.9 percent?
It was very close. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The GDP was 2.9% last year. 3.1% first quarter 2019 followed by 2.1% in recently completed 2Q. Estimate for full year 2019 is about 2.5%. Estimated around 2.0% in 2020.

From what I've read, GDP between 2 and 3 if fine. However, Trump and Trump supporters on this forum complained when Obama, who took over a horrible economy, couldn't hit 3.0 or above for a calendar year, and PROMISED a GDP of at least 3.0. 2.9% is not 3.0%. Another broken promise. Almost doesn't count, especially since Trump increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years in order to get the GDP to 2.9%.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Both Presidents Carter and H W Bush had bad economies in the leadup to their re-election campaigns. While some may say the latest GDP numbers aren't stellar, they are comparable to what President Obama had when he won re-election in 2012.

Would love to see the source on that. His support amongst "people of color", while still not great, was growing up until that moment at least. Originally Posted by SecretE

Biden is not going to do well on that front either. Although he thinks he is. It's gonna go downhill from here.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Biden is not going to do well on that front either. Although he thinks he is. It's gonna go downhill from here. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Tim Ryan??? When he drops out of the race very soon, the question is who will the 2 individuals then support.

As noted, there is almost 12 months to go until the Democratic nominee is named. Biden is well ahead in most polls. As the 2 individuals stated, the primary goal is to beat Trump in 2020. Biden has some work to do but if he is the nominee, they will back him.
Precious_b's Avatar
Damn, you know it had to be really bad that even Michael Moore had to say something!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
When doesn't MM say something?!

Yes, they need to drop it and let's all just move along. There are so many things that need to be done and their wasting time and money. Everybody can see that now.
... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I agree. They need to drop the first aspect of the Mueller report. Documented the *FACT* that Fearless Leader is an Idiot AND he openly seeked help with such with his sychophants (sp). How many of those people are on charges/convicted?

Compared to the baggage that Hillary Clinton carried, Biden's baggage can fit in a carry-on. ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
No joke. Take the email bit that they keep brining up. Regardless that members in the current administration (and those that are privy to same) are doing the same thing as Hillary confirmed she did. I don't see that they are turning themselves in to be locked up like the mantra they shout. But I bring this up since they are foaming at the mouth about 30K emails. I'm a nobody and I have 10K+ unread emails. She is a public figure. 30K ain't nothing. Probably spillage for penis pills from Bills account

BTW Ellen.

When first quarter 2019 GDP came in at 3.1% your were quick to praise Trump for that. Second quarter GDP just came in at 2.1%. Estimates are full year 2019 to come in at 2.5% and 2020 at 2.0%.

2018 came in at 2.9%. Anything between 2 and 3% is considered to be fine by most experts. However, Trump and Trump supporters complained about Obama not being able to hit 3.0% GDP while in office yet Trump has yet to do so despite his promises and despite his massive tax giveaways to both individuals and corporations.

So how you feeling about the GDP now? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ouch. How can you hit her with a fact like that?! We know she ain't gonna admit it.

And now we will be getting the wall. Precious, I'm talking to you.

Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Quoting a recent public figure, "I take that question."
I don't even have to respond to that since....

First, this decision is for only $2.5 billion of the $5.7 billion requested by Trump. Significant but not a total victory.

Second, the money will NOT be used for building NEW fencing. As stated in your cited article:

"The freeze had prevented the government from tapping approximately $2.5 billion in Defense Department money to replace existing sections of barrier in Arizona, California and New Mexico with more robust fencing."

The question remains. The $2.5 billion that Trump is using was allocated by Congress to other projects that are now unfunded and will not be completed. What projects will not be done?

The concern I have is that we have 3 branches of the government in this country -- Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. This is so power is not in only one branch and there is a "balance of power". Funding responsibilities fall under the aegis of the Legislative branch. Trump, in my opinion, is disregarding the responsibilities of the Legislative branch. That could set a very unhealthy precedent for other presidents. This concern has absolutely nothing to do with the construction of the wall Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Thank you Speedy. She failed to admit that most of the funding for the Wall was supplied by the previous administration. But ima sure that sticks in her craw.

But Ellen, you still haven't responded to the Quid Pro Quo:

When is Mexico paying for the Wall?!?!

Your "I don't know" response doesn't hold merit.
Just admit your sweet heart LIED!
That won't kill you.
Otherwise, just show us how much you wrote out a check to fund the building like the military guy. Or was that a fraud thing?
No, Mexico ain't paying for the wall. He just said that to make liberals cry about something.
It was just another warning sign that I saw regarding Biden.

Tim Ryan??? When he drops out of the race very soon, the question is who will the 2 individuals then support.

As noted, there is almost 12 months to go until the Democratic nominee is named. Biden is well ahead in most polls. As the 2 individuals stated, the primary goal is to beat Trump in 2020. Biden has some work to do but if he is the nominee, they will back him. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX