What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

Hi Nina,maybe it is my lack of a college education confusing me here, but this statement looks like a fairly elitist one to me. There is no denying that having a good education can open doors regardless of what you do, but to state that you can not successfully do business without one is a pretty strong idea.
Originally Posted by Becky
true too. good point! Thanks for the feedback.
and .... Oh i am so glad god invented spell check, believe me :-)
I don`t think i stand out. I am just one of "you". Nothing special. Originally Posted by ninasastri
In fact - did it ever occur to any of you that we see all the same guys? bwahahahahaha.... that`s the BEST of all of it!! so no one is special. They do everyone anyway :-)

so how special can any of us be? Guys want variety and by simply being one more lady in the league its already done.

I mean - do you seriously think any of these gents reads our pages ? I think men are way too easy to handle . In europe they say that men have only two kind of emotions: they want sex or they are hungry. So if you do not see him running around having a hard on , you should make them a sandwich :-)
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Becky - Word!!
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I think everyone needs to RELAX lol. We are all different, flawed, and not free from judging and being judged. At one point or another everyone here as said something that may have offended another....whether intentional or not, it's something you can't really control. You can't make another person take offense...they decide that for themselves by being overly sensitive or touchy. No one is free to sit on the soap box really.

Nina, I too have used the "quality over quanity" statement and I can admit in a way it suggests something. For me, it coincides with that fact that I am selective and not doing 4 guys a day, 5 days a week. I am lucky to even get 2 a week total in my region lol.

The bottom line is some men will NOT see a provider who is high volume, and when you are charging twice of what the market dictates in your area, they want to know what makes you so special. For most, this is why that is mentioned in the first place. Not being one who markets herself as the "Best bang for the Buck" is actually a good selling point lol.

Soooo if you're not the town Porn Star who can take 7 INCHES(ha ha) in every opening of your body, you have to highlight something else....such as being rather exclusive and not available to just anyone.

I am one who is educated but I would not say I am overly smart. I might be book smart meaning I can miss 3 weeks of school and still get Bs, but lack common sense at times. Educated is objective because all you need are degrees or years in school to prove it, whereas intelligence is subjective because it is measured differently by others.

I just think that we all tend to highlight the things about us that are positive rather than the negative...that's just common sense and proper marketing. I mean if you had a scar you were ashamed of, I doubt you would put a blown up photo of it on your homepage. You would likely focus on the parts of your body that you find appealing...some escort marketing is no different.

While some do in fact think they are all that and constantly tout about how great they look, how many men just love to lavish them with money, and that all the rest are beneath them, I don't get that attitude from most of the HDH crowd on Eccie. I still don't buy into the labels or what makes one better than another though. Why some people try so hard to feel appreciated by having a label, really boggles my mind.

I can think of many labels that actually have some admiration by others in the real world, and I choose to focus on those. My life as an escort is not permanent, but the real one is.
Soooo if you're not the town Porn Star who can take 7 INCHES(ha ha) in every opening of your body Originally Posted by London Rayne
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Nose?? Originally Posted by pjorourke
That's for me and Charles.

Not being one who markets herself as the "Best bang for the Buck" is actually a good selling point lol.

While some do in fact think they are all that and constantly tout about how great they look, how many men just love to lavish them with money, and that all the rest are beneath them, I don't get that attitude from most of the HDH crowd on Eccie. Originally Posted by London Rayne
you just coined my new marketing strategy "best bang for the buck" that is!!! (lol)

Common sense? What is that ?

thanks for your post, London, i think you are right !
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  • 01-19-2011, 11:39 AM
At least i can handle criticism :-). ? Originally Posted by ninasastri
Your sure can.

I think if we all take a step back before barking we will wind up biting fewer tires. More folks entering the play-pen is a good thing IMHO.
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Nose?? Originally Posted by pjorourke
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  • 01-19-2011, 11:47 AM
PS do not feel too bad about the poor spelling , and grammar. English is my first language, and mine is still pretty bad. Originally Posted by Becky
Pretty bad? It's horrible!

London Rayne's Avatar
In the south all you need are two things to keep a man...cooking skills and bjcim.
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  • 01-19-2011, 11:51 AM
Freak! Originally Posted by London Rayne
''Blow me'' WTF's nose said to London's lips!

London Rayne's Avatar
I would not want to ruin your for future encounters lmao.
There is no denying that having a good education can open doors regardless of what you do, but to state that you can not successfully do business without one is a pretty strong idea.

You will find nowhere on my site is my level of education mentioned.Not because I think it is a bad idea, but more because mine is not very impressive.
PS do not feel too bad about the poor spelling , and grammar. English is my first language, and mine is still pretty bad. That is why God invented spell check. Originally Posted by Becky
I went back to college and graduated about five years ago. I told my friends I was now new demographic: College graduate. I was (and am still) pretty proud of that.

F7 is your friend (spell check, Windows environment).
In the south all you need are two things to keep a man...cooking skills and bjcim. Originally Posted by London Rayne
And if you are real good at the later, there are restaurants.