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fuckin Annie....
lilylivered's Avatar
Clit Eastwood
Need OCD to find out why...
I'm guessing 7 day image violation
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Clit Eastwood
Need OCD to find out why... Originally Posted by lilylivered
rats oh well

mmmm why was he not one of 722 in my contact list
I'll fix that when he gets back
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
WTF Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

offshoredrilling's Avatar
yes WTF notu member WTF
yes WTF notu member WTF Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Perhaps he just wants to reestablish himself under a new handle?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Perhaps he just wants to reestablish himself under a new handle? Originally Posted by quimps
yet again ???? lets hope
but betting not yet nor soon
lilylivered's Avatar
Babbling OCD is on vacation from the board for awhile...
Zollner's Avatar
Babbling OCD is on vacation from the board for awhile... Originally Posted by lilylivered
WTF he do????
lilylivered's Avatar
Dont know yet
Pointed out somehow
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Reiterate again that banning is pitiful censorship and never advances anything other than someone's narcissistic agenda.
Plastic Man's Avatar
WTF he do???? Originally Posted by Zollner
ocd spoke truth ...ta power justs like everyones ...else the dog cunt leftists dones hates an dones ...tries ...ta cancel

...buts the worm be turnin ans soons the righteous might a the truly dones gonna comes downs upon the ...heads ...a the wicked