nothing reply anything you want

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Soo..., wanna order a darts set?
paddybearcat's Avatar
Pretty bad when some of the cutest girls on some o the sites are GUYS. Like looking at the fine print on the bottom
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Soo..., wanna order a darts set? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I'm at this time it seems the bullseye in the modvillage dart set "Whew"
or is that why you want to order a new dart set ????

Pretty bad when some of the cutest girls on some o the sites are GUYS. Like looking at the fine print on the bottom Originally Posted by paddybearcat
TS Hunter ????
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A new set would have sharper points.
Kind of like putting the word causticly in front of the word sarcastic when describing something.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Just don't say someone is paranoid. Say your paranoia about a specific subject is disturbing. Saying they are paranoid will get you a warning or points from the admins for a medical discussion. Stupidity but that's our admin's interpretation.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Just don't say someone is paranoid. Say your paranoia about a specific subject is disturbing. Saying they are paranoid will get you a warning or points from the admins for a medical discussion. Stupidity but that's our admin's interpretation. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
I'm down to 12 all from a retired mod

So wondering what you up to on points Sir ????
you do not need to answer. Unlike masks, NY Gov Kathy has not ruled on yet need to answer thingy. BUT BUT BUT if posting in NY, mask is needed to keep ya and all safe from mmm C19 I think
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
CryptKicker's Avatar
I'm down to 12 all from a retired mod

So wondering what you up to on points Sir ????
you do not need to answer. Unlike masks, NY Gov Kathy has not ruled on yet need to answer thingy. BUT BUT BUT if posting in NY, mask is needed to keep ya and all safe from mmm C19 I think Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Only 2 because I called Haejinkim a stupid motherfucker. LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Only 2 because I called Haejinkim a stupid motherfucker. LOL Originally Posted by CryptKicker
worth every point ????
CryptKicker's Avatar
worth every point ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ABSOFUCKINGLUTLY!! Originally Posted by CryptKicker
when I shed a few more Quatsch! points, I'll be ready to play point out with a few Upset NY members when they get out of the Monroe county hotel..

Well unless they win a free stay at a NYS hotel . Then have to wait a bit longer till Gov Kathy sets em out ta do it again.

Its fun, read the news and check who stopped logging in.
"whew" give no links unless I want to win a icky vacation the easy way.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
btw Sir,

Account Frozen

can you help along a spring thaw ????
some threads in PF can use some software errors, just sayin
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
For those he has to contact web support through the "contact us" link button at the bottom of each forum page.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
For those he has to contact web support through the "contact us" link button at the bottom of each forum page. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
if that stops working, do nod blame me
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You have no time to explain.