NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
I don't have a number but I have a name: Dick Vermeil. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He is the ONLY one to EVER come back and do well.
BigLouie's Avatar
some true facts to consider:

1. When the Texans needed to replace Carr the league was in a 3-4 year stretch when there were NO good QBs coming out of college. Schaub was our best option of limited options. Not this time. There are at least 5 stud QBs coming out of college that are better than anyone of the 3 we have. Next year someone new.
2. Kubiak may have that whole game card of plays but he seems to stick with just a handful in each game. He scripts the first 15 but all plays the rest of the game seem to be one of those 15 so it is not hard to figure out what is coming.
3. Kubiak can design some outstanding plays but seems to not be able to put them together into a cohesive game plan that will keep the other team off balance on what is coming.
4. Kubiak is like an A-B-C poker player. Someone who follows the accepted norm. He can do well but will never be in contention to win championships because sometimes you have to take chances and be creative.
5. The Texans play it safe with players and as a result we have ok players but few great players. We have Kareem Jackson instead of McCourtney from NE is a prime example. Jackson was a safe pick but not the best pick.
6. Rick Smith has gotten better each year in drafting. Lets see if he is GM enough to fire Kubiak at the end of the year.
Wakeup's Avatar
You guys...

You know that come the end of the season, Bum Phillips is going to walk into McNair's office and say "you know, I know this awesome head coach who is looking to get back into it" and that'll be that...for a guy who never won a Super Bowl, that guy is like Stan Musial to this town...don't get it...
The pool to choose from is very limited because there are not an unlimited supply of announcer jobs available for ex coaches. Dick Vermiel and Bill Parcells come to mind for me. Cowher, Gruden, Jimmy Johnson are the only other coaches that are announcers that I can think of. All better options than what we currently have as a limp dick coach.

We could have had Manning but it would have been at the cost of Schaub, and a few other high salaried guys, probably the Ninja, and maybe JJo to make Cap room. We were nutless from the top down of this organization beginning with the nutless owner McNuttless. A gamble for sure, but that McNuttless guy did say "we have our quarterback". Fuck that noise!! An owner with balls would have made the effort, Denver and other teams had Manning work out for them to check him out, we sat by with our thumbs up our ass and didn't even consider because we had just dropped a bag of cash in Dopey's lap. We all see how that has worked out for us and that WAS SO MFING PREDICTABLE!!! . The Don is right Dopey and Kubes love to suck dick and they prove it every Sunday.

It doesn't have to be Gruden, anybody works for me!!!! It doesn't have to be TJ anybody works for me!! Anybody would be an Upgrade!!! Name a current coach that is worse than Kubes? Name a current QB that is worse than Dopey? Crickets!!!!!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
Daddio, three current coaches worse then Kubes is the following: Leslie Frazier of the Vikes, Schavio (sp) of Tampa and Ron Rivera with, I think, the Jaguars. I know this is little solace to you BUT there is worse than the soon to be Queened by Andy Reid, Kubes!
Name a current coach that is worse than Kubes? Name a current QB that is worse than Dopey? Crickets!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
A good starting point might be Dom Capers and David Carr. Crickets!!!!!

BTW, keep the meltdowns a coming! They are epic!

But puhleeze, do not get too close to the ledge!
Solemate62's Avatar
Diversion from FB: kudos to BigTex on your 8,000th Post! That is lots and lots of posts IMHO!
Wakeup's Avatar
Solemate62's Avatar
Amateur... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I am always moved by your sense of modesty, Wakeup!
Wakeup's Avatar
Modesty? Me? Bow down bitches...
BigLouie's Avatar
You can rant all you want but you cannot provide documentation showing that thevTexans had cap space to sign Manning while I can provide plenty that it was not there.
TheDon's Avatar
The main thing was that we couldn't keep Foster if we got Manning, and if Manning came back and sucked while Foster went on to become AD, we would have looked dumb.

It is what it is though, we're not doing anything this season, it's best to just tank and go for that number one spot. Wouldn't shock me to see some "injuries" to key players in practice this week.
You can rant all you want but you cannot provide documentation showing that thevTexans had cap space to sign Manning while I can provide plenty that it was not there. Originally Posted by BigLouie
The "Amateur" agrees with BL and Don.

Daddio can spend the rest of this year and next trying to find the available (P. Manning) cap room for the 2012 season. But he ain't gonna find it!

You can't fit a square peg into a round hole! End of story!

I yield the remainder of my time to his Majesty.

Take it from there, Wakeup!
Wakeup's Avatar
Naw...I'm just waiting for Wade to take the reigns so we can continue to make the playoffs and lose in the Divisional games like he did at Dallas...
Naw...I'm just waiting for Wade to take the reigns so we can continue to make the playoffs and lose in the Divisional games like he did at Dallas... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Go Cards!