NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-14-2013, 01:52 PM
Man, you guys are so damn pessimistic. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. The Texans are just fine. Here is what is going to happen...

The Texans will win their next 10 games in a row and win the division. They will beat the Bengals (as usual) and finally beat Peyton in the championship game.
They will face the Seahawks in the Superbowl and beat them in OT 27-24 on a last second drive by Case. We will party in the steets of Houston again and pussy will be free and flowing.....feel better now?!!!

(And unfortunately I woke up from this dream and realized the chick I picked up and thought was cute, was ugly as fuck without her makeup).....

Carry on boys....
Bro, I like the way you dream!
TheDon's Avatar
Hmmm.... I'll see if I can simulate that on Franchise mode in Madden.

I'll have to set the game play on "Rookie" made for sue though.
The Cap room was not available that is correct, that is why you try to figure a way to make it available for a stud like Manning. Cut Schaub makes cap room, cut Winston made cap room, cut the Ninja makes cap room, cut JJo makes cap room. Where they fucked up was re signing Dopey. Kubes also showed his dumbass when he said I only extended for 3 years because I will be worth so much more money after I do great!! Fucking idiot!!! Wade saved his ass for a while but Kubes shitty coaching is shining through. Schaub has gotten worse not better since he arrived under Kubes wings.

Solemate, I agree that Leslie Frazier is a chump but I witnessed a Leslie Frazier coached team totally whip the Texans ass last year when we were trying to clinch home field advantage, even a chump can trump Kubes great offense. Jury is still out on Ron Rivera with the Panthers, they are in a real tough division with New Orleans and Altanta but seem to coming around. The TB coach does look like a chump. But at least he had the stones to cut a QB that was stinking it up.

Big Tex, take your tri finger out of your ass and take a big sniff of it, hopefully it works like smelling salts and snaps you out of your stuper. Dom Capers is not a head coach he is very much like our current D coordinator Wade Fat Fuck Phillips, great D coordinator but pretty shitty as a head coach. Shittier than Kubes, probably not, offensively challenged like Kubes, certainly cause he is a defensive guy. David Carr is a back up, and you know that he is using his tri finger on his own asshole and just happy he doesn't have to play now so he doesn't shit the bed like he did every Sunday in Houston. If Dom and Carr is all you got, this argument is over and you are like Dopey Sunday "down for the count". It is very tough to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent!! You do make me laugh with your idiotic arguments. And don't get your tri finger stench near me!!! Pew!!
BL, is right as Kubes is very predictable. The opposing Defenses know what is coming and are sitting on all the routes Kubes calls. Hopefully with a stronger armed QB this week we will be able to at least throw the ball downfield. But I suspect Kubes will handcuff whoever plays QB this week with his menu. I expect a queening this weekend. It will be ugly. Both KC and the Texans will be very run oriented and very conservative. The team that runs the ball better will win, KC in a pretty low scoring game.
Satin, just put one of those pink bags(like we saw at the game yesterday) over that gals head and lay the pipe doggy style and then kick her to the curb with bag still on as a parting gift.

I will streak downtown Houston if your dream comes true. Cheers to streaking!!! My 7" inch cock will be bouncing in the breeze to honor number 7 Case Keenum the Kubes savior!!! I will also be holding up the Tri finger salute to honor the Coug conquering hero!! BT come streak along with me, I will let you sniff my Tri Finger as incentive!!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-14-2013, 03:30 PM
(And unfortunately I woke up from this dream and realized the chick I picked up and thought was cute, was ugly as fuck without her makeup).....

Carry on boys.... Originally Posted by Satin
So tell us bro, was she burlap bag ugly, case of beer ugly, or coyote ugly? Lmfao
Wakeup's Avatar
MikkiFine ugly...:shudder:
Another epic meltdown from the King of Epic Meltdowns, 'DOPEY' Dude Daddio.

Keep up the good work, D. Dude!

Name a current coach that is worse than Kubes? Originally Posted by Daddio
Dom Capers is not a head coach he is very much like our current D coordinator Wade Fat Fuck Phillips, great D coordinator but pretty shitty as a head coach. Originally Posted by Daddio
On another note: If my memory serves me correctly, you didn't say "current" head coach, you specifically said "current coach." Dom Capers is the "current" Defensive Coordinator of the Green Bay Packers. Does that not qualify as Dom being a "current coach" in your meltdown playbook?

PS: Don't jump from the ledge!

Should you jump, you will probably survive the fall itself. It's the sudden stop that might be problematic!
Dom is better than the brain dead coach you are defending, Tri finger fucker. At least Dom can coach a defense Kubes likes his teams to spring leaks in all facets of the game. Stick a fork in Kubes he is done. If only we had an owner with McNuggets!!!

After this weeks Andy Reid queening of Kubes, we will see if McNuggets can find a pair of balls to put Kubes out of his misery.
Dom is better than the brain dead coach you are defending, Originally Posted by Daddio
I did not say or imply that I was defending Kubes but if liking Kubes more as a head coach than Dom Capers, then in a roundabout way I suppose I am defending Kubes.

With that said, yesterday's debacle affirmed to me that Kubes has lost control of this team. There were too many mental errors made yesterday, as well as the previous weeks, that point to a lack of preparation. I view that as being the responsibility of the Head Coach and no one else.

So no, I am not defending Kubes. Emphasis on the not!

Does that disappoint you?

Man, you guys are so damn pessimistic. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. The Texans are just fine. Here is what is going to happen...

The Texans will win their next 10 games in a row and win the division. They will beat the Bengals (as usual) and finally beat Peyton in the championship game.
They will face the Seahawks in the Superbowl and beat them in OT 27-24 on a last second drive by Case. We will party in the steets of Houston again and pussy will be free and flowing.....feel better now?!!!

(And unfortunately I woke up from this dream and realized the chick I picked up and thought was cute, was ugly as fuck without her makeup).....

Carry on boys.... Originally Posted by Satin
Once again....
Satin is DA MAN!
I am shocked, the Tri finger sniffing salts actually worked!!!!! We agree on something??? Lord have mercy the world is gonna end soon!!!! Geronimooooooo!!!!! Off the ledge I go!!!
Off the ledge I go!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Beware of the sudden stop!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-14-2013, 08:33 PM
I gotta be honest, I lmao when 2 of my favorite posters go at each other like this. Fucking hilarious!! The ironic part is both of you have valid points and also really support the team. The support is just expressed in 2 different ways. I've hung out with both of you and you men are 2 of the coolest dudes I know. I would love for us to all meet up, hash out football stuff, then go snatching. So what do you say gentlemen???

Thanks Gator 42, the dream was so damn real bro....

Don, point well taken man...I'm gonna make your ass go to a game with me even if it kills me...