NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Shieeeeeet, I'm down brother, I'd just need a ride to get my drunk ass home!

I just looked at the standings, we've only played one divisional game so far, WTF? That shit is crazy.

Colts can beat SF and Seattle, but lose against the Chargers? Dopey and Pryor torched that team!
torpedo69's Avatar
Ok its late and time for bed and I am finally making it her to the convo. I will catch up I promise. Skimmed a couple of pages. So my opinion of recent events is that I think the biggest issue is Kubes having his hands tied. I think he has wanted to have Yates in earlier as I have wanted before game 1. I dont know if it leads to a ring but Sating said it best. I see a Case post season. It was a 3rd stringer that got us our first post season and I think it goes to a 3rd stringer that takes us to the next level. Please do not take this the wrong way but I hope the ankle injury is bad enough to keep Shaublem sidelined for a bit. (have not seen a paper or read anything sports today due to work so if something has already been said about the ankle sorry I have not heard)

Oh yeah that is IMHO
So what do you say gentlemen??? Originally Posted by Satin
If so, it will have to be after the first of November. Me and my trusty .300 Wby Mag are heading out Thursday for a 2 week Colorado wilderness trip.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Start that Dome refurbishment up and give Bud Adams a call.

Just posting this made me thirsty for some Dome Foam.
I am down as long as BT keeps his smelly tri finger away from me. That is unless all of us use the tri finger on some SNATCH, then I might take a sniff of everybodys, I know I know I am a sick mfer. Let's do it!! We need some SNATCH to help us thru this Kubes led debacle of a season.

What is really starting to grind my gears about Kubes is his already defeated attitude. We just have to find a way to keep it close and make a play or 2 win the game. Fuck that, win the mother fucking game from the get go and dominate you pussy!! You have a damn good D and damn good running game, Just think what Bill Parcells could do back in his prime with a team like this. Fucking Kubiak is a bitch, I need to protect my boys, help put em in the best position to win. Straight up pussy bitch!!!! Get Lechler to Punt his ass for you McNuggets!! At his presser yesterday he looked like a straight up COWARD!!! He has lost his balls and manhood, get him some fat SNATCH as a slumpbuster or kick him to the curb.

7.5 dog to the Chiefs. I expected a little higher line. The Vegas boys think we have a shot. Come on JJ Watt fuck em up!!
Great Video Oilfield. I had forgotten how elusive the Tyler Rose was!!! Mfer was fast too!! And probably the most powerful back to ever play. I consider Barry Sanders to be the best ever but that video made me consider Earl.

Now I do remember the song as well and also know the Mfer that wrote it or owned the rights to it also sold it to the Miami Dolphins, Miami Dolphins, Miami Dolphins number 1. What a fucker. I will be singing that fucking song in my head all day now.
Solemate62's Avatar
Damn, you Daddio, you are making me lose sleep! When my head hits the pillow at night, instead of drifting off to dreamland, I get this mental image of Andy Reid sitting his fat ass onto Kubes face on the sideline next Sunday and I can't stop fucking laughing. My wife wants to know what's so funny but I can't possibly explain it in terms she would appreciate! I am Fucking Sleep Deprived!
LOL Soulmate. Have your wife queen you. Your laughing combined with your pussy eating skills will drive her wild. Just don't slip up and say "Give it to me Andy, Grind it down on me!!" Poor little Kubes wouldn't survive, he would be gasping for air shouting "Help me McNuggets, Help me".
Solemate62's Avatar
Great advice but I will choose my Avatar, Maryann because she and I have had some practice! Wife: she thinks that Dick is just some dude's name!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-15-2013, 10:06 AM
..and there you have it....both men have accepted and we will see what happens after BT's Colorado trip and him taking out some deer...or buffalo...or whatever people hunt for....

Here's 2 facts to cheer and sneer....

VY announces he's "in shape and ready" to come save the day for the Texans..

JJ Watt's stat line: 0 tackles, 0 sacks, 0 swats.....

opco m:
kerwil62's Avatar
Awww man, every time Daddio posts cracks me the FUCK UP!! LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!

He goes REAL HARD in the paint when cracking on Kubiak! And he's right too!
Solemate62's Avatar
Wow, things have gotten so low, on the NFL network they just had a debate as to which franchise is most dysfunctional : Texans or the Bucs!
Some people hunt and fuck deer and buffalo, some people hunt and fuck SNATCH!!!! My dinero helps me hunt SNATCH!! Some people sit in the cold and sniff their own Tri Finger until a deer comes by to shoot. I use my now patented Tri Finger on the ho then occasionally give it a sniff to check for freshness. Everybody is happy, a good tri finger tickle will always put a smile on whoevers face.

Schaub is learning the TFTickle from Case I hope. Kubes just Fists himself dreaming of the Andy Reid Queening he is about to get. If I can just keep it close until the fat man smothers me, maybe I can put my boys in position to win while I am tapping out from being butt smothered. If not It's on me!!!

Maybe Fat Fuck Wade can butt smother McNuggets to talk him into letting him be the interim coach after the KC beatdown. Sad but that would even be an upgrade, hopefully McNuggets will have the stones to clean house if we go to 2-5. The bye week presents our only opportunity to punt fucking Kubiak until after the season.
Solemate62's Avatar
God but I wished I could visit Houston to meet in person some of you other FUBAR and Perv dudes like yours truly!
BigLouie's Avatar
More fun facts.

The problem with Kubiak's offense is that it takes a lot of space for it to work. This is why from the goal line to the other 20 yard line the plays look great and move the ball. When the team gets to the 20 year line, the red zone the field is now so compressed that Kubiak's schemes don't work which is why the team struggles. And Kubiak can't or will not come up with something new.

Personally I think he is finished after this year. Sumlin and Johnny Football to the Texans? Now that would be something.