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12InchClock's Avatar
Plastic Man

this just so wrong, Hurry back Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I wonder what for. Maybe insulting Pauline.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I wonder what for. Maybe insulting Pauline. Originally Posted by 12InchClock
But I'm betting off topic

and saved my bet in another thread

hurry back PM ya needed Sir
Plastic Man

this just so wrong, Hurry back Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

How did he get banned if he's Out of the Office?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How did he get banned if he's Out of the Office? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Plastic Man

this just so wrong, Hurry back Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Why do we need plastic man back soon? Comic relief?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
the WK will be missed by some

mmmm dang nab it, did not last long, never got ta know 2nd, WK, mandle n for who LOL
12InchClock's Avatar
Odd that either got banned. Must be some sort of mod experiment.
lilylivered's Avatar
Didnt see anything that either did.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Odd that either got banned. Must be some sort of mod experiment. Originally Posted by 12InchClock
Didnt see anything that either did..... Originally Posted by lilylivered
mmmm not sure BUT I bet its a bitch when ya forget what cell you use for shared accounts n your mandle

will the Phoenix raise again ????
Didnt see anything that either did..... Originally Posted by lilylivered
"Either" would imply that they are different people....
12InchClock's Avatar
Ahhh. They finally got caught with multiple handles.

There's a way around that.
There's all kinds of ways around it....but you only have to screw up once (well a hundred times around here) to get caught....
valkyra's Avatar
mmmm not sure BUT I bet its a bitch when ya forget what cell you use for shared accounts n your mandle

will the Phoenix raise again ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
It's probably not a woman, actually, most of us are used to juggling multiple incognito accounts on countless websites and handling two phones.

Half of you can barely handle a flip phone
lilylivered's Avatar

Half of you can barely handle a flip phone Originally Posted by valkyra

Be nice!!!!!
valkyra's Avatar
Be nice!!!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
You handle your flip phone very well ^_^