NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Wakeup's Avatar
It'd be something alright...a dismal failure...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Sumlin and Johnny Football to the Texans? Now that would be something. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Give me a young and hungry coach ready to make the jump to the pros., with a vision how to win games. He would also either work with younger players or be a younger man himself, that way he could better relate to this generation of players.

Sumlin and Briles would suit me just fine.

I just don't want a burnt out old has been whose best coaching days are in the rear view mirror.
Solemate62's Avatar
Give me a young and hungry coach ready to make the jump to the pros., with a vision how to win games. He would also either work with younger players or be a younger man himself, that way he could better relate to this generation of players.

Sumlin and Briles would suit me just fine.

I just don't want a burnt out old has been whose best coaching days are in the rear view mirror. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The history of the NFL shows you can not make these sweeping generalities because there is evidence either way to show sometimes a younger dude will have success - sometimes the grizzled veteran of the art will succeed, OR they can respectively be total flops! IMO it has as much to do with a brilliant hand as the general manager of the team along with a decent coach on the field! Personnel + Talent + Chemistry = Success!
DarthMaul's Avatar
So who starts this Sunday against the Chiefs? I wanted to do a survey but maybe someone else wants to?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-16-2013, 08:13 AM
Logical choice is Case due to the swarming pass rush of KC. I hate to say it, but if he puts Dopey out there with a broken wheel he will get smashed. TJ is the next sensible choice since he has some mobility.

But I'm let my man Daddio chime in on how nutless Kubes would be to start Dopey, among other things....cue up Big Daddy...
kerwil62's Avatar
Y'all already know Kubiak wants to start Schaub, injured or not. I don't think he trusts Yates or Keenan. Hell if he don't let them get as many reps as Schaub get, how the fuck would they be ready??

If he's smart, he would start Keenan. Unfortunately that ain't gonna happen.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-16-2013, 12:33 PM
I'm gonna be in KC at the game Sunday. Reckon I ought to leave my Texans jersey at home?
TheDon's Avatar
Fact of the matter is that we are still alive in the division bitches!

I think Yates will get the start, Schaub can probably go, but we will get raped by that KC defense so it would just be smarter to feed Yates to the wolves.
Our Nutless Mfing Head Coach can't even decide between his 2 backups and is splitting the reps thus dooming either one to failure. I am so sick and tired of this defeated bitch of a coach. At least have the fucking stones to choose one and get him prepared as the starter. He will be so conservative it will be a wonder we get 8 first downs this weekend. The Bitchiak has seen these 2 QB's every fucking day for 2 mother fucking cock sucking years now and he can't choose between one or the other!!! Bitchiak you are such a Cunt!!! Give me Mike Tomlin or somebody with some Steeler toughness in their belly. I can't call him Bitchiak, that looks too much like Belichick and he ain't even as good as a pimple on Belichick's ass.

If he wasn't the Cunt of a coach and we had a real fucking coach we would beat the mfing chiefs!! Alex Smith ain't shit and Jamal Charles is injury prone. We know Jamal Charles will be fed the rock repeatedly. Unfortunately that does not bode well for our D, as they are sometime succeptable against the run. When you have a guy that got cut from another team as a starter(Mays) and another borderline LB(Sharpton) seeing a lot of snaps you know you are hurting at LB. Shore it up Fat Fuck or we will get cornholed by KC.

I bet the word "win" hasn't even come out of Cuntiaks mouth this week. Maybe "keep it close" and "have a chance". Much less,the words punish, dominate, inflict pain, brutalize or ass fuck the Chiefs. Gee Whilickers boys, lets keep it close maybe we can make a play?? I will call the shitty ass plays that everybody knows to put you in the best position to get butt fucked.. And then your ass rape will be of course "ON ME"!!!!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
I suspect Case will start as Yates was no great shakes. And I agree, he should decide on one and stick with him as started for the week and give him max reps.
Solemate62's Avatar
Lol, needed my daily fix of Daddio philosophy and football musings and the Man did not disappoint!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

IDK... At Least Something Looked Good on the Field Sunday.

Who the Fuck Thought We'd Be 2 and 4?

Not much to talk about here. Hence, my silence. Noodle-arm-turtle-boy Dopey... Country Club atmosphere even after losses... Gutless, indecisive coach.. Special teams lookin like the put the "special" in the Special Olympics.. What the hell is going on round here?

Kubes and Dopey both have an upside, but seem to lack that strive for perfecion and killer instinct. Kubes put together a hell of a team (9 Pro Bowlers not counting Cush and Reed). Though is offence is predictable, from my POV, fuckers are wide open most of the time and his zone play action schemes are being duped league wide. The mans got some nice plays in that Denny's menu but for fuck sakes, if some one fucks up a play, grab them by their jersey, spit in their face and strike the fear of God in their ass. Also, I realize that as competitors, the players look forward to practice after a loss to make corrections and what not. However, I don't think they should be. It should be a feeling more like the drive home after the wifey busts you balls-deep in your ATF on your lunch break. Your ass is about to get reamed full of consequences and repercussions. That's how practice after getting blown out by the RAMS should feel like.

Have you fellers been checking out the Kubiak show and Schaub show on Texans radio? Its a fucking joke. I listen cause I'm a fan but in all honesty I wish they'd skip the bullshit ass politics, say "fuck you" to the media, and realize the fucking shit storm they're in.. YOU JUST GOT BLOWN THE FUCK OUT, AT HOME, TO THE FUCKING RAMMS!!! Don't spend hours preparing and talking to the media. Show you actually give a shit. How is this for PR??

Kubes presser: "That right there, that was an embarrassment. We just got blown out by the Rams... THE RAMS.. We got a lot of work to do." Kubes walks off and takes no questions, gets fined for not taking questions, cancels the Kube show the following Monday. The team issues a statement of apology.

To me that would look more like a man that realizes his would be "contenders" have become the laughingstock of the NFL and is at least trying to do something about it. I'm just saying, show some emotion and grow a pair.

Even Jim Mora figured that one out.

Still possible to win the division, but if this coach isn't going to start busting heads, a long shot is an afterthought.

Johnny Football?? Maybe
Sumlin?? Eventually... I'd like him better if he got his feet wet in the NFL before I'd like him as a Head Coach.

I'd prefer Case for Sunday for the same reasons as Satin. Case can also throw accurately while running close to full speed. That's a laugh for Dopey and not quite for TJ. I also like Case's Favre-like enthusiasm, if he throws the first TD, it might spread to the rest of the down and out team. Daddio has a point though, I don't like Kubes not choosing a solid starter. It shows distrust. We've seen TJ, though he was put in fucked up situations. This may be the ONLY shot to get a real look at Case. Looks like were drafting a QB next year so, lets at least see what we got. Fuck it.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-17-2013, 03:00 AM
Cat-Man, nicely done bro. Now that should quickly lift the spirits of Daddio and put him in a better mood. Man we really miss your Snatch-N-Stats post you used to put up. But I understand why you don't anymore.

Here's a few stats for your much as this season has started out as a train wreck...we do have a few bright spots:

1. Arian Foster is the NFL's second-leading rusher with 535 yards.
2. Andre Johnson leads the NFL with 44 receptions.
3. The Texans are 1st in defense, allowing 252.8 yards per game.
4. The Texans are first in passing yards per game allowed with 131.3

What I really wanna know is has the team quit on Kubiak? It doesn't seem like it but I don't know.

Don talks shit to me about it, but I listen to 610 all day. Sometimes I think they need to cancel the Kubiak and Dopey shows. They just say the same shit over and over...

Don't give up boys...there's still 10 games left. The Colts lost again so we're still in it...
Solemate62's Avatar
Satin, my friend, you are indeed the most optimistic guy among us by listing those 4 gems! It's like finding 4 lovely roses in an overflowing septic tank!
One-Eyed, good post with lots of thoughtful content but I would avoid any reference at all to the special Olympics!
Snatch Man(aka One Eye) Thanks for the Pink SNATCH!! My spirits are indeed uplifted from it!! They did look good last Sunday.

Your post is spot on. A head coach needs to be feared by his players. Bill Parcells feared, Vince Lombardi feared, Bellichick feared, Kubiak aka Cuntiak laughed at by his players and fellow coaches. The special teams coach should have been canned several years ago. Just for not being able to find anyone better than Keyshawn Martin to be a return man he should be bitch slapped and fired. Letting Holiday go, bitch slap, although I have to admit I would have cut his ass too cause the mfer wouldn't even field a punt for us during his audition. But then again the coaches were not feared by him. If they would have told him field this mfing punt or your cut he would have as least caught the mfer.

No fear = no wins. No sack(as in Nut sack) = no wins, No brains(just a menu) = no wins, Texans HQ = Country Club, Bob McNair = Silent and McNuttless.

I will be rooting my ass off for either TJ or Case this Sunday. Apparently Dopey has some fear that whoever it is will replace his ass for good as he is trying hard to be ready for Sunday. Never understood why Cuntiak never had a competition for the #1 QB job, he relegated Case and TJ to battle it out for #2 when both of them clearly outplayed Dopey all preseason. You see where the Country Club Coach led us with his QB, straight down the shitter. Hopefully this will signal the turnaround but Cuntiak will probably go back to Dopey even if we win with another QB this Sunday. Surely McNuttless would do something then!!!

I am curious why McNuttless hasn't said anything? Maybe he is considering a new coach? Has anybody heard anything out of him?

I am Snatch satisfied thanks to Willy, however I will be on a bender this weekend up until gametime Sunday. If any of you know any Snatch that needs a good fucking let me know. I will be at Chicas late Friday afternoon.