Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

adav8s28's Avatar
Actually , so far it is 5 years.

Maybe they will have one in less than 10 years now that Trump has pulled out the inspectors.

Clinton did the same thing in Iraq and Bush was able to convince a bunch of warmongers they had wmd's. Originally Posted by WTF
Iran could get one in less than 10 years, they would have to withdraw from the agreement just like Trump and turn on the 13,000 centrifuges that were turned off as part of the deal. Even though Trump pulled the USA out, Iran still has agreement with 5 other countries GB, France, Germany, China and Russia. Once the centrifuges are fired up it would take about 1 year to get one nuclear weapon strong enough to cause an explosion. The IAEA scientists and Albright have the given the same estimate for how long it would take Iran to get a bomb once they start to enrich the unranium.

From the link: The IAEA scientists and Albright (Hankerings guy) give the same estimate for the time it would take Iran to get a nuclear weapon should Iran leave the agreement.

As a result of the above, the "breakout time"—the time in which it would be possible for Iran to make enough material for a single nuclear weapon—will increase from two to three months to one year, according to U.S. officials and U.S. intelligence.[46][64][93][d] An August 2015 report published by a group of experts at Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs concurs in these estimates, writing that under the JCPOA, "over the next decade would be extended to roughly a year, from the current estimated breakout time of 2 to 3 months".[63]
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2019, 07:33 AM
In the morning the facts will have remained the same: Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way since Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lying yet again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama cleaned up the mess that Bush and Cheney left behind.[/SIZE] Originally Posted by adav8s28
Al Qaeda was born on Slick Willie's watch. Bush and Chenney left stable regimes in Egypt, Libya and Syria that Odumbo and hildebeest fucked up. That's all documented in the history books, and your delusions won't change those facts.

Iran could get one in less than 10 years, they would have to withdraw from the agreement just like Trump and turn on the 13,000 centrifuges that were turned off as part of the deal. Even though Trump pulled the USA out, Iran still has agreement with 5 other countries GB, France, Germany, China and Russia. Once the centrifuges are fired up it would take about 1 year to get one nuclear weapon strong enough to cause an explosion. The IAEA scientists and Albright have the given the same estimate for how long it would take Iran to get a bomb once they start to enrich the unranium.

From the link: The IAEA scientists and Albright (Hankerings guy) give the same estimate for the time it would take Iran to get a nuclear weapon should Iran leave the agreement.

As a result of the above, the "breakout time"—the time in which it would be possible for Iran to make enough material for a single nuclear weapon—will increase from two to three months to one year, according to U.S. officials and U.S. intelligence.[46][64][93][d] An August 2015 report published by a group of experts at Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs concurs in these estimates, writing that under the JCPOA, "over the next decade would be extended to roughly a year, from the current estimated breakout time of 2 to 3 months".[63]
Originally Posted by adav8s28
The inspections program was a sham; hence, your citatons are meaningless. And Iran cheated from day one on Odumbo's POS treaty.

Lying yet again. Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way since Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty.
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  • WTF
  • 02-16-2019, 10:58 AM

Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way since Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How did Obama insure that?

That was Iran's cash. They had legally won that in court. Your distortion does not change that.

The treaty is actually still working.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How did Obama insure that?

That was Iran's cash. They had legally won that in court. Your distortion does not change that.

The treaty is actually still working.
Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way. That you don't remember how or why is your problem. Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2019, 11:40 AM
Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way. That you don't remember how or why is your problem. Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You sound like a broken record.

Exact same shit that led us into the Iraq War.

I think you have been compromised by Benjamin Netanyahu

The funny part is that Trump has said what idiots that you and Bish were for the Iraq war and now he is doing basically the rxact same thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You sound like a broken record.

Exact same shit that led us into the Iraq War.

I think you have been compromised by Benjamin Netanyahu

The funny part is that Trump has said what idiots that you and Bish were for the Iraq war and now he is doing basically the rxact same thing.
Originally Posted by WTF
The facts never changed. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty.
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  • WTF
  • 02-16-2019, 12:21 PM
The facts never changed. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yellow Cake, Yellow Cake...IB sees Yellow Cake everywhere!

I guess I should not be shocked that anyone silly enough to fall for the Iraq war, would fall for this current ruse.

I'm reminded of Bush's , Fool Me Once quote!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yellow Cake, Yellow Cake...IB sees Yellow Cake everywhere!

I guess I should not be shocked that anyone silly enough to fall for the Iraq war, would fall for this current ruse.

I'm reminded of Bush's , Fool Me Once quote!
Originally Posted by WTF
FACT: Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty, and your nonsense about Iraq is just that: nonsense.
adav8s28's Avatar
Al Qaeda was born on Slick Willie's watch. Bush and Chenney left stable regimes in Egypt, Libya and Syria that Odumbo and hildebeest fucked up. That's all documented in the history books, and your delusions won't change those facts.

The inspections program was a sham; hence, your citatons are meaningless. And Iran cheated from day one on Odumbo's POS treaty.

Odumbo insured Iran received weapons grade uranium and $1.7 billion in cash to help Iran on its merry way since Iran never intended to and did not ever comply with Odumbo's POS treaty. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Kadafy was STABLE? The scientists at the IEA made the same estimate that your guy Albright made. You saying Albright's estimate was meaningless? Albright was your guy. You posted quotes from him at least 5 times, starting with post# 55. Albright got the documents from Ben Natanyahu, your other source. The Nantanez nuke plant is being monitored 24/7 in real time. That is the nuke plant where all the high speed centrifuges were moved to and turned off. Have you ever heard of a satellite? They didn't teach you any chemistry in the military right? You keep confusing Natural Uranium with enriched Uranium. You don't even know what weapons grade Uranium is, even though it has been defined for you multiple times.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Kadafy was STABLE? The scientists at the IEA made the same estimate that your guy Albright made. You saying Albright's estimate was meaningless? Albright was your guy. You posted quotes from him at least 5 times, starting with post# 55. Albright got the documents from Ben Natanyahu, your other source. The Nantanez nuke plant is being monitored 24/7 in real time. That is the nuke plant where all the high speed centrifuges were moved to and turned off. Have you ever heard of a satellite? They didn't teach you any chemistry in the military right? You keep confusing Natural Uranium with enriched Uranium. You don't even know what weapons grade Uranium is, even though it has been defined for you multiple times. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Again, you are wrong on every count. Ask Ambassador Stevens if Libya was more stable under Gaddafi than under hildebeest's coalition.

Your sources are lying to cover their lying, disgraced asses. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty that isn't worth the paper it's written on.
adav8s28's Avatar
Again, you are wrong on every count. Ask Ambassador Stevens if Libya was more stable under Gaddafi than under hildebeest's coalition.

Your sources are lying to cover their lying, disgraced asses. Iran cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty that isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The scientists at the IEA are not lying. You don't understand technology,like the concept of a satellite. The scientists had the exact same estimate (to the day) for how long it would take Iran to get a nuclear weapon as your guy Albright had. The fact is Iran has not enriched uranium past a concentration of 3.67% (the max that is allowed under the agreement). Buying replacement parts for a reactor is a minor violation. They are not going to put the sanctions back on for a minor violation. The six counties that signed that agreement are more interested in Iran not getting a bomb, which will not happen without turning on the high speed centrifuges and enriching Uranium to weapons grade level, which is far above 3.67% concentration of U-235. All of the constraints are in the link. You should study them before you post your bullshit.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You can know as much if not more than I.B. just by googling.

The $1.7 billion (principal and interest) was returned because Iran had paid for some ships prior to the the 1979 revolution. The US kept the ships after construction was complete. The actual hardware included the "Dead Admiral" Class(actually the Kidd Class) ships. 4 upgraded Spruance Class destroyers(DDGs).

"The Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan analytic arm of Congress, reviewed this cash transfer in a 2018 report. It gave a total of $1.7 billion.

That was the amount that U.S. and Iranian negotiators settled on to resolve an arms contract between the United States and Iran that predated the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iran had paid for military equipment, and it was never delivered.

As of 1990, there were $400 million in that account. Negotiators agreed that accrued interest would add $1.3 billion to the amount, which is a lot of money — but 25 years is a long time for interest to build up the balance.

The United States sent the money to Iran in euros, Swiss francs and other currencies. Trump embellished when he mentioned barrels and boxes. Reports at the time said the money was packed and loaded onto pallets, similar to how other bulk goods are shipped."

I B, Could you please explain how Obama enabled Iran. Honestly, I don't know nearly as much about this as you, or probably as much as the poster whose name I refuse to mention, because he professes to be a Libertarian when he's only three-quarters Libertarian.

This is my impression. The agreement that Obama and others negotiated appeared to potentially give us 10 more years before they'd have nukes. Given the political and economic situation in Iran, in 10 years we could be in a totally different world. The Revolutionary Guard could be history. We and the rest of the free world may have relatively good relations with Iran. The only real alternative, if you absolutely didn't want them to have nukes, appeared to be a land invasion of the country. Sanctions didn't prevent an economic has been like North Korea from getting nukes and they weren't going to prevent Iran either.

Also you mentioned the money Obama sent to them on a plane. My impression is that this is money that we stole from Iran and were returning.

You can probably poke holes in this, if you're so disposed. Originally Posted by Tiny
I B Hankering's Avatar
The scientists at the IEA are not lying. You don't understand technology,like the concept of a satellite. The scientists had the exact same estimate (to the day) for how long it would take Iran to get a nuclear weapon as your guy Albright had. The fact is Iran has not enriched uranium past a concentration of 3.67% (the max that is allowed under the agreement). Buying replacement parts for a reactor is a minor violation. They are not going to put the sanctions back on for a minor violation. The six counties that signed that agreement are more interested in Iran not getting a bomb, which will not happen without turning on the high speed centrifuges and enriching Uranium to weapons grade level, which is far above 3.67% concentration of U-235. All of the constraints are in the link. You should study them before you post your bullshit.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
One needn't have an Nth degree of technical expertise to understand that liars lie, and Iran lied and cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty.

You can know as much if not more than I.B. just by googling.

The $1.7 billion (principal and interest) was returned because Iran had paid for some ships prior to the the 1979 revolution. The US kept the ships after construction was complete. The actual hardware included the "Dead Admiral" Class(actually the Kidd Class) ships. 4 upgraded Spruance Class destroyers(DDGs).

"The Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan analytic arm of Congress, reviewed this cash transfer in a 2018 report. It gave a total of $1.7 billion.

That was the amount that U.S. and Iranian negotiators settled on to resolve an arms contract between the United States and Iran that predated the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iran had paid for military equipment, and it was never delivered.

As of 1990, there were $400 million in that account. Negotiators agreed that accrued interest would add $1.3 billion to the amount, which is a lot of money — but 25 years is a long time for interest to build up the balance.

The United States sent the money to Iran in euros, Swiss francs and other currencies. Trump embellished when he mentioned barrels and boxes. Reports at the time said the money was packed and loaded onto pallets, similar to how other bulk goods are shipped."
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Politifact depends on its unquestioning, nonthinking sycophants to buy into its lies and distortions. Politifact doesn't mention that that Iranian money -- that $1.7 billion -- was awarded by court settlement to the surviving family members of those Americans who were killed by Iranian in Beirut in 1983-84.
adav8s28's Avatar
One needn't have an Nth degree of technical expertise to understand that liars lie, and Iran lied and cheated on Odumbo's POS treaty.

Politifact depends on its unquestioning, nonthinking sycophants to buy into its lies and distortions. Politifact doesn't mention that that Iranian money -- that $1.7 billion -- was awarded by court settlement to the surviving family members of those Americans who were killed by Iranian in Beirut in 1983-84. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The nuke plant in Iran that is being monitored 24/7 in real time by satellite is telling the truth. The satellite does not lie.

The violations of buying replacement parts for a reactor or not pouring cement into the plutonium plant are MINOR. The six countries that signed the agreement are not going to slap the sanctions back on for a minor violation. They don't want Iran turning on the high speed centrifuges and enriching Uranium past 3.67% U-235 concentration, which can be verified by Satellite and other technology. The inspectors do not have to go to Iran every month to make sure they are in compliance with the most important constraints.