I got caught in the excitement of dinner with a dime peice.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I don't want mine but I have a feeling we might enjoy you discussing the OP's. Do share your learnedness with us please. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Would love to and yes, there's some there. If I'm going to post it openly in public.....the fair thing to do, would be to have Kus agree. All he has to say is.....let me have it, M A X.

BTW....Is it just me, or did everyone notice how he flew right past that offer to the next post? hmmmm......
RedLeg505's Avatar
@jonnyyanks of course secret to being monied, is no secret.
you must have self discipline.yeah I go to Europe sure but I watch what I spend. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Why in the world would you need to budget or watch what you spend? My GOD man.. you drive a BENZ.. you light your Cuban cigars with $100 bills like they were nothing. You fly your ladies to LA for shopping sprees and vacation in Europe. Surely there's no need for anything as mundane as a budget or worries about money? Heck, why not just put her up in one of your many 5 star CONDO's you own around the country?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@MAX flew past what?
@RedLeg505 ha ha ha I'm young,I'm rich,I'm handsome
I speak Portugese.But I'm good with money hit me up
I don't light my Cubans with $100.00 I light them with $50.00
I use the $100.00 to tip kiss my dates LOL!
RedLeg505's Avatar
@MAX flew past what?
@RedLeg505 ha ha ha I'm young,I'm rich,I'm handsome
I speak Portugese.But I'm good with money hit me up
I don't light my Cubans with $100.00 I light them with $50.00
I use the $100.00 to tip kiss my dates LOL! Originally Posted by kusmaldo
And yet you can't get a paid courtesan to have dinner with you?

Yeah..LOL definitely.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@RedLeg505 who says she isn't having dinner with me?
@the flash 8 (^_^)
kusmaldo's Avatar
can someone please upload the George Harrison ,song
I got my mind set on you. to this thread?
RedLeg505's Avatar
@RedLeg505 who says she isn't having dinner with me?
@the flash 8 (^_^) Originally Posted by kusmaldo
YOU did. That was the whole point of the thread wasn't it? That you tried, blew up her email with a barrage of spamming posts and now are trying to get her to agree to a dinner date?

Unless of course, you are now going to claim that the dinner date has already taken place?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Redleg505 hey,hey,hey, i'll handle mine,dang go troll someone else
tread isn't there a thread on sugar daddy's you should troll or something/
lol...we just wanna see you achieve your goal kusmaldo
kusmaldo's Avatar
@flash8 I know in the end we're on the same side.i don't hate or dislike anyone.
my goal is just dinner, nothing more nothing less,with a very beautiful woman.
I wouldn't put in all this hard work for a booty call.my dates are magical
***** ***** sweetie i'll see you in Kansas city.

6000 plus views my voice is being heard.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
@MAX flew past what? Originally Posted by kusmaldo
never mind

In the infamous words of JY....Carry on
john_deere's Avatar
@Redleg505 hey,hey,hey, i'll handle mine,dang go troll someone else
tread isn't there a thread on sugar daddy's you should troll or something/ Originally Posted by kusmaldo
i thought you didn't know what a troll was...
RedLeg505's Avatar
i thought you didn't know what a troll was... Originally Posted by john_deere
By his MISUSE of the term, I'd say he has HEARD the term, i.e. seen it used elsewhere or to him, but doesn't really know what it means.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@RedLeg505 troll def: you are a troll
easy enough