the *OFFICIAL* welcome back TARA thread!

FunInDFW's Avatar
Actually he was. While i was stroking his dick. It was a fun day Originally Posted by Tara Evans
What's more unbelievable isn't that you could get someone to actually lay on your dashboard to take a picture for you, it's that 'his' dick is actually attached and not tucked away in your purse to be used as a rallying horn to call 'his' ilk to arms.
What's more unbelievable isn't that you could get someone to actually lay on your dashboard to take a picture for you, it's that 'his' dick is actually attached and not tucked away in your purse to be used as a rallying horn to call 'his' ilk to arms. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
And whats funny is you like to derail every thread. Do you not have something you can be doing? Hey tell you what i am doing a half marathon on Saturday. Why dont you go Start running. It makes you feel good plus helps with cardio and will keep yoy busy.And from what ive heard it will do you good.
FunInDFW's Avatar
And whats funny is like to derail every thread. Do you not have something you can be doing? Hey tell you what i am doing a half marathon on Saturday. Why dont you go Start running. It makes you feel good plus helps with cardio. And from what ive heard it will do you good. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Just because you don't like a post doesn't mean it's derailing. If the picture isn't posted, and an idiotic comment isn't made, it never gets questioned.

As far as what I can be doing, I am doing it. No more/less than you are as you're responding to me, apparently. And what makes you think I don't already run and it does good for me? Surely you can think of a better insult than that.
damn that billiards photo is just incredible. what a lovely tushy.
Boltfan's Avatar
I took that picture 2 years ago Doug. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
Whoops, logged in as the wrong handle again?
damn that billiards photo is just incredible. what a lovely tushy. Originally Posted by cage196
Thanks Cage
Boltfan's Avatar
Just because you don't like a post doesn't mean it's derailing. If the picture isn't posted, and an idiotic comment isn't made, it never gets questioned.

As far as what I can be doing, I am doing it. No more/less than you are as you're responding to me, apparently. And what makes you think I don't already run and it does good for me? Surely you can think of a better insult than that. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Fat jokes are a sign of a weak mind.

Do we need to create a thread of "Yo mama's so fat" jokes?
why does tara evans always get banned and thehotnurse doesn't??

i mean for christs sake... they both talk shit to people.. the big difference is

tara is:

has better boobs
is funnier
is way hotter
has way better boobs
and is so much funnier!

welcome back tara! hopefully the bbw (no offense to bbws, its just hilarious that someone who claims over and over to not "give a fuck" what others say cried over being called a bbw, like its a bad thing!) pita will be gone before your next vacation! have fun and raise some hell while you can!
xo Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
That's some good reading right there. Love it
doug_dfw's Avatar
Stalker is back. And wow only took 12 hours. Funny though for the past 7 months since I have been gone you haven't missed a chance to slam me. Do you not have anything else to do I mean really?" Originally Posted by Tara Evans
So happy your WKB worked hard the last 7 months to report my 3 comments; or do you still had your secret ML membership? I doubt you had time to sift through my countless posts with all the time you have spent on this one thread not to mention others.

PS Not stalking but TARA does catch my attention. A Persian buddy told me tara in Arabic means worst? However I do know in two other languages-Druids and Polynesian- Tara means goddess. You win!!
Love it! Keep this on the top Dougy please.
doug, i think you missed a "m" after dfw... clearly it stands for

Randall Creed's Avatar
Who gives a shit.

Tara's back, and outside of a small hater-ade drinking handful, everyone's glad to see her back.

If y'all keep fucking with her, you're going to make me do this....
rcinokc's Avatar
Welcome back Tara !
doug, i think you missed a "m" after dfw... clearly it stands for

(ME) Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Who gives a shit.

Tara's back, and outside of a small hater-ade drinking handful, everyone's glad to see her back.

If y'all keep fucking with her, you're going to make me do this.... Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Welcome back Tara ! Originally Posted by rcinokc
Yall all rock! Thanks!