Tucker Carlson Tonight

Presj22's Avatar
Originally Posted by Zollner
But Trump has that lawyer…the one with the shoe polish melting down the side of his face. You remember the name, don’t you Paulie? Offshoredrilling, what’s the name of that loud mouth lawyer that Trump wouldn’t pay unless he could prove that Biden stole the election? Anybody?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Nothing But Tripe is good at it too.
Putin is pleased with your performance now....LOL
Originally Posted by Zollner
This is the educated guy response lol.

Z you sound like the broads on the View at this point.
Zollner's Avatar
Z you sound like the broads on the View at this point. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Twat Cuckson, Putin, Traitor Trump and now MAGANUTS like Nothing But Tripe show misdirection, obfuscation BS and cover-ups are their SOP as they try their hand at Ruskie style 'revisionist history' on the Treason that occurred on Jan 6th Attack.

Thanks for making my point NTB.
Putin couldn't have done it better....lol

Next Best Thing's Avatar
It was impossible to tell you had a point, other than you have a genuine commitment to your stage 4 TDS, Z.

But thanks for your contribution to the thread as a member of the inane democrat party.

Much appreciated.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Twat Cuckson, Putin, Traitor Trump and now MAGANUTS like Nothing But Tripe show misdirection, obfuscation BS and cover-ups are their SOP as they try their hand at Ruskie style 'revisionist history' on the Treason that occurred on Jan 6th Attack.

Thanks for making my point NTB.
Putin couldn't have done it better....lol

Originally Posted by Zollner


JoJo From Jersey is your proof?

this cunt?


mom. jersey. dem. news junkie. Lebanese. hothead. geek. Blocked by Chachi. https://ko-fi.com/jojofromjerz http://JoJoFromJerz.com on TikTok at jojofromjerz

oh yeah Zolly .. undeniable proof, that you'll believe anything the left tells you to believe.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
About the only one who agree with you on that point is your good buddy/pal Comrade Putin and our Fucking crazies.

Fact is she was just another delusional terrorist who paid the price for being duped by cowards like Traitor Trump and Twat Carlson, your FAV Liars.

Originally Posted by Zollner

does Lindy Li know that Sicknick was a Trump supporter who voted for him? nah. get's in the way of her leftist narrative.

like everything else does. you know ... the truth?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
CARL$ON: Who’s still sponsoring Tucker’s nightly Fox News liefest?

The best way to hold a bunch of nationally televised liars accountable (because their viewers certainly won’t) is to encourage their advertisers to take their money anywhere except Fox News.

We’ve seen the texts from Fox News anchors dragging Donald Trump, his allies, and his supporters, but the Rupert Murdoch-controlled network is still airing plenty of propaganda to make sure MAGA fanatics never find out anything so truthful that it might make them mad enough to change the channel for good.

One website, DropFox, keeps a running tab of the brands and companies who still pay to keep funding the Fox News fakery as they make sure the audience they deliberately duped never finds out about any of the facts of the Dominion defamation lawsuit against the disinfotainment network.

The time slot hosted by the lyingest of the Fox News liars, Tucker “Swanson Frozen-In-Time Dinner” Carlson, reaches a whopping 3.4 million easily grifted viewers and has sponsorships from off-brands such as MyPillow and NutriSystem, which is a pyramid scheme disguised as a weight-loss plan.

Carlson has always used his bullying pulpit to gleefully spew all kinds of manufactured propaganda. TucKKKer once ordered his viewers to harass children wearing masks in public as part of the network’s dedicated efforts to spread COVID lies, so creating a new low for humanity on the daily is second nature to him.

Disney, T-Mobile, and Poshmark dropped their ads from Carlson’s hatefest during the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, thanks to his racist comments.

While those brands didn’t want to be associated with Carlson’s show, they didn’t pull their ads from the Fox News network altogether.

Fox News viewers will never know that Carlson said that he “hates Trump passionately” (according to the real texts his viewers are already claiming are “fake” when shared on Twitter) because they’re getting distracted by the recently aired and manipulatively edited “MAGA Good Parts Director’s Cut” version of January 6th to keep his viewers rage-sharting along with him.

It’s well past the time to pull the plug on the entire Fox News conspiracy cult, starting with Carlson.

Letting the network’s advertisers know that you’ll boycott their products is a good first step.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
CARL$ON: Who’s still sponsoring Tucker’s nightly Fox News liefest?

The best way to hold a bunch of nationally televised liars accountable (because their viewers certainly won’t) is to encourage their advertisers to take their money anywhere except Fox News.

We’ve seen the texts from Fox News anchors dragging Donald Trump, his allies, and his supporters, but the Rupert Murdoch-controlled network is still airing plenty of propaganda to make sure MAGA fanatics never find out anything so truthful that it might make them mad enough to change the channel for good.

One website, DropFox, keeps a running tab of the brands and companies who still pay to keep funding the Fox News fakery as they make sure the audience they deliberately duped never finds out about any of the facts of the Dominion defamation lawsuit against the disinfotainment network.

The time slot hosted by the lyingest of the Fox News liars, Tucker “Swanson Frozen-In-Time Dinner” Carlson, reaches a whopping 3.4 million easily grifted viewers and has sponsorships from off-brands such as MyPillow and NutriSystem, which is a pyramid scheme disguised as a weight-loss plan.

Carlson has always used his bullying pulpit to gleefully spew all kinds of manufactured propaganda. TucKKKer once ordered his viewers to harass children wearing masks in public as part of the network’s dedicated efforts to spread COVID lies, so creating a new low for humanity on the daily is second nature to him.

Disney, T-Mobile, and Poshmark dropped their ads from Carlson’s hatefest during the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, thanks to his racist comments.

While those brands didn’t want to be associated with Carlson’s show, they didn’t pull their ads from the Fox News network altogether.

Fox News viewers will never know that Carlson said that he “hates Trump passionately” (according to the real texts his viewers are already claiming are “fake” when shared on Twitter) because they’re getting distracted by the recently aired and manipulatively edited “MAGA Good Parts Director’s Cut” version of January 6th to keep his viewers rage-sharting along with him.

It’s well past the time to pull the plug on the entire Fox News conspiracy cult, starting with Carlson.

Letting the network’s advertisers know that you’ll boycott their products is a good first step. Originally Posted by Zollner

consider the source



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Next Best Thing's Avatar
The GOAT is really really really taking out the garbage tonight.

If the communist scumbags on left wing cable television can manage to catch their breath after last week's annihilation of their #1 bullshit narrative, they'll truly get a kick out of tonight's classic.

My only minor critique of the GOAT is that his minions didn't cut to 5'2", 700 lb Jerry Nadler's inability to get down on his knees (because he's as overweight and physically repulsive as humanly possible without being dead) while showing the classic clip of the rest of his democrat piece of shit friends blowing fellow scumbag (and thankfully deceased) Boy George Floyd.

The GOAT being The GOAT again.
Zollner's Avatar

No need to apologize Twat, just keep up the good work.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

No need to apologize Twat, just keep up the good work. Originally Posted by Zollner

Tucker himself replies to Zolly .. bahahahaa
