Assholes's Speech

Little Monster's Avatar
The election is over. Did CNN forget to report that? Originally Posted by Phantom Pooper ATX
Perhaps you should tell that to the Asshole supporters, because every time they get their asses beat on an issue (which has been all of them so far) they are the ones who keep bringing the election results up, because they have nothing else to come back with.
pussycat's Avatar
Perhaps you should tell that to the Asshole supporters, because every time they get their asses beat on an issue (which has been all of them so far) they are the ones who keep bringing the election results up, because they have nothing else to come back with. Originally Posted by Little Monster
LOL yeah it's called WINNING!

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Perhaps you should tell that to the Asshole supporters, because every time they get their asses beat on an issue (which has been all of them so far) they are the ones who keep bringing the election results up, because they have nothing else to come back with. Originally Posted by Little Monster
LOL yeah it's called WINNING!

Originally Posted by pussycat
WOW, he just made Little Monster's point. pussycat has nothing!

pussycat's ass is so beat on issue after issue, he can only repond with "it's called WINNING!" But he cannot say WHAT that winning is, because that would expose him to the actual issues he gets crushed on!
+1 --oh it really doesn't matter what the damn issues are - Trump is President of the U.S.A. - he is the winner `-Yay!-
If you don't like it - then get a candidate you like and get behind that candidate - no pun intended - and make that person a winner. Get involved with politics and make a difference.

LOL yeah it's called WINNING!

Originally Posted by pussycat
Little Monster's Avatar
+1 --oh it really doesn't matter what the damn issues are - Trump is President of the U.S.A. - he is the winner `-Yay!-

Uhhhhhhhh yeah I would say it matters tremendously what the issues are...... genius

If you don't like it - then get a candidate you like and get behind that candidate - no pun intended - and make that person a winner. Get involved with politics and make a difference. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Wow!! For once we agree, and that truly is an impressive post (and I really do mean that). As former prez of the UTM chapter college dems, as someone who has done volunteer campaign work for 4 different campaigns, I could not agree more.

Too many people bitch and never vote, and too many people spend way too much time fighting online rather than doing voter registrations, knocking on doors, doing data entry, making phone calls, etc. etc.

The Republicans have always done a much better job of getting out and voting. However the one thing good about Asshole getting elected is that he has ignited a grassroots effort from us lefties. Just take a look at what happened in Georgia last night. Georgia is a deep red state and now thanks to Asshole the Democrat damn nearly one and now they are gonna have to have a run off on June 20th.

The majority of CONTESTED special elections that have occurred since Asshole's election have gone Democrat. Gas prices have already begun to rise. Last months jobs report was no where near as good as predicted, we're on the brink of WWIII, WINNING BABY!!! WINNING!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, we are getting close to the end of President Trump's first 100 days in office, at which time it will be interesting to match his "promises" to his actual accomplishments.
Hehe, he has been a busy little beaver up there in Washington. I'm just happy that he signed the bill allowing
veteran's to seek care outside the V.A. system. This is huge - they can seek care from a private doctor. For those of you who have been in Army hospitals - you know what I'm talking about.
Just listening to all the grumbling in Washington reminds me of 2 things - 1. You can't please all of the people all of the time and - 2. If President Trump would walk on water - his critics would say that's because he can't swim.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
If President Trump would walk on water - his critics would say that's because he can't swim. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
These words ring hollow unless you are able to give concrete examples of things Trump has done that are so obviously remarkable. I'm talking about the kind of things that would warrant comparison to walking on water.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
2. If President Trump would walk on water - his critics would say that's because he can't swim. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That is exactly my opinion of the Obama critics.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hehe, he has been a busy little beaver up there in Washington. I'm just happy that he signed the bill allowing
veteran's to seek care outside the V.A. system. This is huge - they can seek care from a private doctor. For those of you who have been in Army hospitals - you know what I'm talking about. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I agree that health care in from VA hospitals is NOT good. However, when I googled "healthcare for veterans outside of the VA" I found it interesting that ALL Trump did was EXTEND "The Choice Program" that was enacted by OBAMA in 2014. And the extension is temporary.

"President Donald Trump signed a bill Wednesday to temporarily extend a program that lets some veterans seek medical care in the private sector, part of an effort by the president to deliver on a campaign promise.

The extension will give Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin time to develop a more comprehensive plan to allow veterans to more easily go outside the VA health system for care. Under the bill Trump signed into law, the VA will be allowed to continue operating its Choice Program until the funding runs out, which is expected early next year. The program was scheduled to expire on Aug. 7 with nearly $1 billion left over."
Little Monster's Avatar
Well, we are getting close to the end of President Trump's first 100 days in office, at which time it will be interesting to match his "promises" to his actual accomplishments. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The hilarious thing about it is, everything Asshole said he was gonna do in his first days as president he has failed miserable at.
And everything he said he wasn't gonna do turns out to be the ONLY things he has accomplished.

Muslim Ban - FAILED (Twice!)

Obamacare Repeal - FAILED

Make Mexico pay for a wall - FAILED

Take out ISIS - FAILED (well he did drop a 16 million dollar bomb which only took out 36 ISIS "Grunts". None of their higher ups were killed.)

Job Creation - FAILED


What has he done so far?

Well..... he's played a lot of golf - after he said he would NEVER play any golf because he would be too busy.

He said he hardly ever leave the White House because he would be too busy - So far he has gone down to his beach resort every weekend he has been in office.

His first quarter ratings are THE lowest of any president since WWII by a wide margin

I don't get why you all are so upset about him playing golf.
He changed his mind about playing - so what???
I love watching politics now - it's like a reality T.V. show - so many interesting characters and let's face it -you never what President Trump is going to do - I like that he doesn't broadcast to the whole world what the U.S. is going to do next.
I always try to remember - nobody is perfect and if they were they would be nailed to that cross too.
Little Monster's Avatar
I don't get why you all are so upset about him playing golf.
He changed his mind about playing - so what??? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Nobody is "upset" that he's playing golf. It's the fact that he tried to put Obama down for playing, said he was never gonna play while in office, and yet look how quickly he went back on his word.
OMG - You are right LM. But again -so what?? You say he went back on his word - I say that was just campaign rhetoric. Austin is so different from the rest of the country. I have friends in California - they are still - still - freaked out that Trump won. Well, they are just gonna have to suck it up. Just like I had to do with Obama.

Nobody is "upset" that he's playing golf. It's the fact that he tried to put Obama down for playing, said he was never gonna play while in office, and yet look how quickly he went back on his word. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Cap'n - You don't like President Trump - I love the guy - so we will never see things eye to eye. And that's ok - that is what makes us Americans - the right to have different opinions.

These words ring hollow unless you are able to give concrete examples of things Trump has done that are so obviously remarkable. I'm talking about the kind of things that would warrant comparison to walking on water. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch